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Datasimba launched wechat applet, and datanuza accepted the test of the whole scene| StartDT Hackathon

2022-07-07 18:21:00 InfoQ

In recent days, ,2022 The first quarter of the year StartDT Hackathon The curtain is officially opened , With
“ Quality and testing ”
The theme of , To the cloud native data of singularity cloud DataSimba、 Consumer operation platform DataNuza surgery , Strive to further optimize the performance of these two trump products , Improve operation and maintenance 、 Test automation and user experience .

As usual , The topics of singularity cloud hacker marathon come from daily practice 、 Customer service and “ Dog food ”( The technical team experiences first as a real user ), By the siege lion 、 Product managers conclude 、 Put forward , Elected by a high vote :

  • DataSimba Operation and maintenance indicator applet  _  Happy fighting group

  • Microservice system service domain & Storage domain UT Code coverage 、 Passing rate  _  Ray of light

  • Micro service system account domain & Metadata domain UT Code coverage 、 Passing rate  _  What is UT Group

  • DataNuza Of MA Full scene coverage test  _  Wind fire wheel set

  • Algorithm predicts circle people  _  Light chaser Group

  • DataNuza Of MA Performance test monitoring  _  Iron team

  • DataNuza Of CDP Label computing performance optimization  _  Performance monster Group

The contestants are from DataSimba、DataNuza The team , It is divided into 7 Group , Half of the groups chose “ Mashup ”, After all, the old saying is good ,“ Since ancient times, red and blue have emerged CP”.

Operation and maintenance indicator applet
Whenever and wherever possible , Be clear at a glance

This is a topic that operation and maintenance engineers love and hate .

Based on micro service system ,“ Happy fighting group ” Developed DataSimba Operation and maintenance indicator applet , Put the task running status into the mobile phone . No matter where it is , Operation and maintenance engineers can check the operation of tasks at any time , Monitoring indicators .
( Never say “ There is no computer at hand ” 了 )

 Operation and maintenance indicator applet demo Screenshot
The group leader Lao Jun introduced :“ The indicator data in the applet supports real-time update . Statistics of project examples 、 Instance state distribution 、 Mission performance 、 Task runtime ranking TOP10、 The task alarm information is clear at a glance . We can also according to the actual situation of the project , Indicators that specifically present the operation and maintenance needs .”
“ This provides a supplement to the mobile terminal mode for task operation and maintenance .” Judges 、 Mu ran, a senior technical expert, commented ,“ The project team overcame compatibility 、 Page hierarchy disorder and other challenges , The final result is relatively complete , It can be widely used in real scenes .”
at present , This function has been officially launched ,DataSimba Our customer partners can consult your project manager or business consultant for trial .
Unit Test
Clear the fault , Improve the quality

What is Unit Test?

Unit Test, Unit testing , It is also commonly referred to as “ Single measurement ”, It is a way to check and verify the smallest testable unit in software , By comparing the actual value with the expected value , To judge the correctness of the executed code .
In this season's hacker marathon , share 2 Groups surround DataSimba A single test of the microservice system of , Perfect the feasibility verification :“ Ray of light ” Focus on service domain and storage domain ,“ What is UT Group ” Then focus on the account domain and metadata domain , Metadata field V4 Rest Class coverage 、V4 Rest The coverage rate of methods is up to 100%.

 Two groups of members are in high fire output

“ What is UT Group ” Group leader Yuan Shan introduced :“ We suggest continuous single test , For example, write a function , Conduct multi scenario unit tests . If other developers change the code , Unit tests should also be changed , Make it meet expectations . All single tests can be performed once every deployment , Single test passed , Explain that at least these scenarios are in line with expectations .”
Generally speaking , Single test is regarded as program “ Part of the ”, After the developer finishes programming , You should continue to complete the single test —— They are the people who know this program best , They are often the most efficient to complete a single test .

The other is , When developers are ready to build on existing programs , Develop the upper layer , They will also conduct a single test first , To avoid the impact of potential faults in the program on subsequent actions .
“ This hacker Marathon , In the latter case .”“ Ray of light ” Broken means ,“ This single test has improved the feasibility verification of most scenarios in the service domain and storage domain . We completed a centralized UT test , To improve the stability of the micro service system . In the long run , It also helps to improve DataSimba Overall development efficiency , At the same time, it helps to improve the quality of code 、 Reduce program defects .”
CDP Label computing performance optimization
promote 10-20 times !

Are you working for CDP Label computing efficiency is low and troubled ?
Are you working for CDP Can't bear hundreds of enumeration values and worry ?
Are you still worried about the memory overflow risk of tag calculation under tens of millions of data ?

That's exactly what it is. “ Performance monster Group ” Problem solved .
after SQL Logic optimization ,“ Performance monster Group ” Adjust the places where there may be associated queries , It greatly improves the efficiency of hundreds of tag Association queries , At the same time, eliminate the risk of memory overflow .

“ No matter in the label circle , Or tag analysis 、 Crowd insight , Query efficiency in many aspects has been greatly improved , Even up to 10 Times or even dozens of times ”,“ Performance monster Group ” Group leader Hengsheng introduced ,“ And it depends on the number of labels ,
The more tags you choose , The more obvious the ascension

After testing ,
The performance of date type labels has been improved 3 times , The performance of numeric type is improved 5 times , The enumeration type is promoted as high as 8 times . If you set the enumeration value to hundreds , Performance can be improved hundreds of times
, Fully meet the actual operation scenarios of customers .

An advertisement is inserted here

CDP(Customer Data Platform, Consumer data platform ) It is the singularity cloud consumer operation platform DataNuza An important part of , Support Omni channel data fusion , Build the overall situation of the enterprise 360° Consumer labels ; Support second level circle people , Find the target consumer group at any time ; Support elastic labels , Meet the business needs of dynamic expansion , So that consumer operations are no longer limited .

MA Full scene coverage test
To meet the whole scene , We should also save resources

MA, namely Marketing Automation, Marketing automation , It is a tool for automatically executing marketing tasks . It makes marketing strategy in the form of visual process editor , Help enterprises organize overall marketing campaigns .

Singularity cloud consumer operation platform DataNuza Of MAP( Marketing automation platform ) For example : It provides a visual marketing editing canvas , The operation can be assembled freely 、 Connection policy , Flexible creation of regular marketing links , Formulate the exclusive customer journey of the enterprise ; timing 、 regular 、 Behavioral event marketing , It can be based on people 、 event 、AB Test and other forms of diversion , Realize multi process and multi-level automated marketing ; It also provides enterprise level extension templates , Support operational scenarios 、 Flexible custom extension of operating contacts .

DataNuza Architecture diagram

So here comes the question ,
Facing such a flexible 、 Complex platforms , Facing the massive scenes arranged and combined , How to test to ensure comprehensive coverage , At the same time, save resources as much as possible ?
Once there is a problem , And how to change the current situation of developers checking one by one ,
Fast location problem ?
“ Wind fire wheel set ” To do so :
1、 Automated use case testing : Through random scene Algorithm , Automatically generate use case scenarios and execute , Complete the full test of different strategies , Improve test efficiency ;
2、 Precise strategy link test : Support the function and performance test of the specified link , And playback the flow of user data in a visual way , Test out possible problems in advance ;
3、 Data flow tracking : Visualize user data flow , Accurately understand the triggering and touch of activities , To locate the problem ;
4、 Test case optimization : Introduce test case design methodology , Using the orthogonal method 、 Cause and effect diagram and other test case design methods to design test cases , Cover more scenarios with fewer use cases .

MA Full scene test demo Screenshot

“ We will MA The whole scene is divided into three finer grained modules —— Test case module 、 Automated test module 、 Problem detection and tracking module .”“ Wind fire wheel set ” Zhang San, the team leader, concluded ,“ For these modules , We have developed an automated test case tool 、 Policy link test tool , And data flow tracking and monitoring tools , And the orthogonal method is introduced 、 Cause and effect diagram and other test case design algorithms ,
While covering the whole scenario test , The labor input cost is effectively reduced , Improve the overall testing efficiency
Here is another advertisement

MAP(Marketing Automation Platform, Marketing automation platform ) It is the singularity cloud consumer operation platform DataNuza An important part of .MAP Support customer journey visualization , Personalized assembly can be completed with zero threshold ; Including various marketing strategies , Flexibly formulate the marketing process based on user behavior ; Built in intelligent marketing engine , Support the completion of real-time large-scale automated marketing ; Freely extensible scenarios , Meet changing operational needs .

MA Performance test monitoring
Make marketing activities intelligent and controllable

“ Iron team ” Also choose to focus on DataNuza Of MAP.

MAP As the main way for enterprises to implement the marketing plan 、 The core hub of communication between enterprises and consumers , How to ensure that there are no mistakes in the actual operation process —— for instance , How to make sure that
Millions of active people
Under the circumstances , Everyone can follow the route ; How to ensure 100% No multiple occurrences 、 Mishair 、 Stuck process, etc ? When something goes wrong , How to help operators
Directly locate the problem link , Quick stop loss

“ Iron team ” Think MAP The whole process monitoring should include the following contents :
firstly , Server monitoring .MAP The background is displayed in real time through visual kanban CPU Usage rate 、 Memory free rate 、MQ Status and other basic information , And set alarm reminders for adverse conditions .
second ,MAP Process monitoring . Monitor the status of each marketing activity , Real time synchronization of activity progress , To help the operation find problems in time . Node monitoring can be set , For sensing the data progress of each policy node .
third ,MAP Baseline alarm . Set baselines and rules for activities , For example, time ( Activity punctuality 、 Single layer punctuality )、 The number of ( Number accuracy 、 Complete information touch rate, etc )、 resources ( Resource consumption rate of a single strategist ), Triggering the alarm will automatically send a reminder to the operator's mobile phone 、 mailbox . If the actual situation of the activity changes greatly , The influence coefficient and index system can also be adjusted in real time according to the data .

 Baseline management configuration demo Screenshot

“ Let's take this MA The whole process monitoring module is named Aurora.”“ Iron team ” Group leader Chaoge introduced ,“ Baseline management , We use the deviation warning algorithm , Make the alarm more intelligent . In the process of practice , The exposure of operational problems no longer depends solely on luck , We can fully understand the progress and results of the stage , Risks can also be predicted and exposed in advance .”
Algorithm predicts circle people
DataNuza Ability to upgrade

DataNuza Provide circle canvas , Support label circle 、 Behavior circle people 、 Behavior sequence circle people 、 Crowd pack, group, circle, and other ways to circle , Meet a variety of business scenarios , Help operators find people in need at any time .

On this basis ,“ Light chaser Group ” Proposed a new possibility : Algorithm predicts circle people .
“ Light chaser Group ” To build the DataNuza Algorithm data set underlying model , It can flexibly adapt to various heterogeneous algorithm prediction results , Thus, it has the underlying ability to directly connect the algorithm results , Lay the technical foundation of algorithm application .
In the circle function module ,“ Light chaser Group ” It adds “ Algorithm predicts circle people ” node , It also supports communication with other nodes ( For example, label circle people 、 Behavior circle people, etc ) Deliver 、 and 、 Bad 、 Weight removal 、 Split operation , After calculation, the crowd package can be saved , And the crowd package can be automatically updated .

 The algorithm predicts the circle node demo Screenshot
We are based on the original ability of multi circle people , The prediction ability of the algorithm is superimposed , meanwhile , For the future DataNuza Other module business applications provide the underlying foundation .
” Team leader watano talked about ,“ Based on Intelligent Algorithm , Enterprise customers can use DataNuza Predict the possible future behavior of users , Such as loss probability 、 Shopping preferences 、 Repurchase cycle and other results , Flexibly design crowd operation strategies , Conduct accurate crowd selection , Realize more digital and intelligent consumer operation .”
“ Light chaser Group ” The practice of this hacker marathon , Not just for DataNuza Bring about the improvement of ability , And it proves once again that , Cloud native data center DataSimba And consumer operation platform DataNuza Form a closed loop , Can actually bring value to the business .

“ Light chaser Group ” Collaborative practice link
Product development never floats in imagination . Watanabe introduction :“ Our topic selection is inspired by the practice of customer service .DataSimba Algorithm factory 、 Index factory access DataNuza, Support DataNuza Form a full link closed loop such as algorithm circle , Improve the operation efficiency of enterprises and consumers .
This is also ‘ Data driven consumer operation platform ’DataNuza What's unique about .
We are light seekers , In the pursuit of ‘ Digital intelligence application ’ The light , We believe that , This is just the beginning .”

From the bottom platform to the upper application
How to refine high-quality digital transformation tools ?

In a matter of 3 God , Contestants in product iteration 、 Project services, etc “ attack ” in , I handed in the answer sheet as scheduled , Draw a complete end to this hacker marathon .

In the game ,DataSimba、DataNuza The two teams work closely , Share quality assurance methods , Make performance better , Make testing easier , Make problem positioning smarter 、 More efficient .

The close linkage between the two sides is not only reflected in “ The team ”, It is more reflected in the product itself :
DataSimba And DataNuza All links are connected , Strong alliance , Realize the upgrading of product capability , Fully activate data value .
Participants started from business scenarios and practices , Flexible use of Technology , Bold innovation , The power of data intelligence has been brought into full play .

Judges 、 Mu ran, a senior technical expert, said :“DataSimba and DataNuza For the first time, I participated in the hacker marathon , It reflects deep collaboration . for example ,DataNuza Begin to introduce playback test and link tracking verification , And use the algorithm model to evaluate the effectiveness and coverage ;
DataSimba Algorithm factory 、 The algorithm capability and label production capacity provided by the label factory , Perfectly connected DataNuza Of MA link , Enhanced MA The ability of

 This hacker marathon jury
“ In a matter of 3 Days time , The final result is beyond my imagination .” Damon, a senior technical expert, served as the judge of hacker marathon for the first time , Full of praise for the entries ,“‘ Wind fire wheel set ’ Proposed MA Full scene coverage scheme , It's an angle I didn't think of before , Plus the blessing of Algorithm Engineer mingjue , It can meet the scene , It can also save resources .‘ Light chaser Group ’ Get through the algorithm factory and label to DataNuza The entire link , Given DataNuza New capabilities , Give Way DataNuza With ‘ Dimension reduction blow ’ The ability of .‘ Happy fighting group ’ Then the operation and maintenance is made mobile , The pain points of users have been truly solved .
this 3 All the projects are based on the original technology 、 Business innovation , In a matter of 3 God , From proposition to scheme design , Development optimization , Summary and Planning
. Choose your own topic , Do it according to your own interests , I really worked hard for my interest . I think this is very interesting , Human potential is here 3 Days are activated , Let us see more possibilities .DataNuza In the future, I will take part in the hacker marathon every time .”
Judges 、 Senior product expert ink wash said :“
We can always believe in the creativity of our partners 、‘ transboundary ’ It brings sparks of thought and efficient action .
” As DataNuza Chief product manager of , Ink means , Contestants
The algorithm data intelligence is applied to the actual work production , Use more science 、 More intelligent 、 A more labor-saving way , More efficient 、 Complete more comprehensively DataNuza Testing, operation and maintenance of full link marketing .
There are also many data 、 Intelligent application combining algorithm and Application ,
The scheme is creative and practical .
“ This makes us all very excited . I'm looking forward to the wonderful performance of the next hacker marathon !”
What is the data center standing at the intersection of technology and business ?
What is true “ Data driven ” Consumer operation platform ?
From the bottom platform to the upper application , How to refine high-quality digital transformation tools ?
This hacker marathon , It is our answer .

Colored eggs : They like to mention bonuses

A total of 3 A winning team , They are called “ The most volume in history TEAM”, Happy to mention the bonus :“ Wind fire wheel set ” Win the championship ,“ Light chaser Group ” second ,“ Happy fighting group ” Get third .

  Wind fire wheel set
thank DataSimba Team and DataNuza The team jointly organized this hacker marathon , Let's have a chance to show ourselves .
Thank you for your time , Finally getting the first place is also the recognition of our final results , Very happy . In the future, we will continue to improve “ Wind fire wheel ” Tool set , Let it be DataNuza An integral part of .
Last , hope DataNuza Step on us “ Wind fire wheel ”, Run fast and well .

Light chaser Group
Thank the company for giving us this opportunity to incubate products , And gave great affirmation to our achievements . future , We will continue to pursue “ Data intelligence ” Wide application of , Continue to help customers mine more data value !

  Happy fighting group
A little excited , A little moved , From the first to the fifth , Won the prize for the first time , Everyone is going to cry   No regrets , Next zhouchuan ** The restaurant is arranged ️.

