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Ten thousand words nanny level long article -- offline installation guide for datahub of LinkedIn metadata management platform

2022-07-07 18:05:00 Dugu Feng

​ Metadata management platform Datahub The heat is getting higher and higher recently . It has been updated to 0.8.40 Version of , More and more friends come to consult me , In particular, there are many problems in the installation process .

​ Considering that some data services of some enterprises are deployed on the intranet , Then install offline Datahub It's very important .

And there are many problems in online installation , Or the network is bad , It is also easy to install offline .

​ that , How to do Datahub Offline installation of ?

​ Next, this article will take you step by step Datahub Offline installation , And record the problems encountered in the whole process , This article takes a whole week , Also consulted. slack A lot on datahub Maintainer , It cost the author a lot of effort .

​ But mainly considering the problem of plagiarism ( Anti reptile ), This article decided to open my first paid article . The article I wrote last year : One stop metadata management platform ——Datahub The book of introduction , By a large number of plagiarism , Partly right pdf Paid downloads , And a large number of crawlers lead to incomplete crawling articles , Many students spend a lot of time trying and making mistakes , These are all unacceptable to me .

​ But paid articles are too unfriendly for technology sharing , So I will sort out a more complete PDF edition , And will be installed offline Datahub All required installation packages ( Probably 7GB about ), Share it with you . If you are right Datahub Students with pure learning purpose , Welcome aboard Datahub Learning exchange group , Discuss with us Datahub Related knowledge , Share information .

​ I hope you can support and understand ~

​ The crowd is full 200 people , Unable to scan code to enter , You can scan the QR code below to enter .

​ ( Be careful : This group only does Datahub Learn to discuss , Advertising in any form is prohibited . I hope to share my experience more , Instead of just asking questions , This group is no longer allowed to join after exiting ~)

Text begins :

The offline operating system used in this article is CentOS7. This is also the choice of most production machines .

Selected in this article Python The version is 3.8.3,Docker Version is 20.10.0, Can be very good support Datahub Installation .Datahub Download the latest 0.8.40 edition , This is the most complete and stable version at present .

Considering that some students have no similar CentOS Environmental Science , This article will build from virtual machine ,CentOS 7 install , Offline installation Python3,Datahub Offline package installation ,Docker Offline installation , start-up Datahub Six parts , And sort out the problems encountered in the installation process .

​ The structure of the article directory is as follows :

One 、 Virtual machine installation

​ To have a local stable debugging environment , You must install virtual machines , This article USES Win10 Systematic Hyper-V Manager , It is also a virtual machine tool that comes with the system , Very convenient .

​ Download one before installing CentOS Mirror image , What I use here is CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso. You can download it on the official website :https://www.centos.org/download/.

​ Students with poor Internet speed can join Datahub Learning exchange group , obtain Datahub Download all installation materials .

​ How to join , Focus on Big data flow , The background to reply “ Add group ”.

​ First , open Hyper-V Manager . You can search for , If there is any, open it directly . If not, the system does not start this service by default .

If you can't find it , You need to open it first . open Hyper-V The method of service is as follows :

Open step :

Select programs and functions , Enable or close Windows function .

Choose here Hyper-V Our management tools and platforms are open .

On the hook Hyper-V Just restart the computer . Search again Hyper-V 了 .

And then we open up Hyper-V Management tools , Create a new virtual machine .

Name and location need to be specified , It is necessary to ensure that the installation position has enough space .

Choose virtual machine Algebra , Choose the first generation .

This is the first generation , The difference between the second generation , Generally, the default first generation .

Allocate memory , This can also be modified later . in consideration of Datahub The basic needs of , And the configuration of the computer , I choose 4096MB.

( Add up ,datahub The recommended memory is 4GB, So here I later made changes , Suggest 5GB above )

Distribution network , Because this time we will simulate the offline environment , So there is no network .

Create a virtual hard disk , Hard disk size modification is difficult , So choose well .

Import mirror .

Then click Finish .

The virtual machine was successfully created !

Two 、CentOS 7 install

start-up Hyper-V Manager .


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