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Face recognition attendance system based on Baidu flying plasma platform (easydl)

2022-07-07 17:40:00 DS brother Bruce Lee

1.1 Preface

With the rapid development of social economy, science and Technology , People's lives have become more intelligent 、 make scientific . Information security has gradually attracted people's attention , The application of information continues to enter people's vision . Ordinary identification methods can not effectively ensure information security . Biometric technology with its stability 、 Uniqueness and efficiency have gradually become the object of widespread concern and research . There are many common biometric technologies , Such as iris 、 The fingerprint 、 Face, etc . among , Face recognition technology is gradually maturing . This development makes the use of face recognition technology for identity recognition and authentication become a new recognition development trend . before , The application of face recognition technology is mainly used in security 、 Finance and so on , Now face recognition technology is everywhere . Careful observation shows that , Face brushing equipment is applied to all aspects of life , For example, high-speed railway station brush face ticket machine 、 Commercial shop face brushing payment machine 、 Dormitory face brushing access control system, etc .

1.2 Computer vision

Face recognition technology is a specific application of computer vision , Computer vision specifically , It is to let the machine recognize the pictures or objects in the video taken by the camera , Detect the location of the object , And track the target object , So as to understand and describe the scene and story in the picture or video , To simulate the human visual system . therefore , Computer vision is also called machine vision , Its purpose is to establish the ability to “ perception ” The artificial system of information .

The development of computer vision technology in recent decades , It's already in traffic ( License plate recognition 、 Snapshot of road violations )、 Security ( Face brake 、 Community monitoring )、 Finance ( Brush your face to pay 、 Automatic bill identification at the counter )、 Medical care ( Medical imaging diagnosis )、 industrial production ( Automatic detection of product defects ) And so on , It affects or is changing people's daily life and industrial production mode . future , As technology evolves , More products and applications will emerge , To create greater convenience and broader opportunities for our lives .

The deep learning platform selected in this design is PaddlePaddle Of (EasyDL) frame , Flying oars provide a wealth of API, And through the underlying optimization and acceleration to ensure these API Performance of . meanwhile , The oars also provide a rich model base , Overlay image classification 、 testing 、 Division 、 Text recognition, video understanding and many other fields . Users can use these directly API Build models , It can also carry out secondary research and development based on the model library provided by the propeller .

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1.3 PaddlePaddle frame

Flying oar open source framework (PaddlePaddle) It's an easy to use 、 Efficient 、 flexible 、 Extensible deep learning framework ,PaddlePaddle Of EasyDL Image frame bottom combined with Baidu AutoDL/AutoML technology , It can automatically obtain the optimal model and optimal hyperparametric combination for user data , Based on a small amount of data, excellent performance and model effect can be obtained , The deep learning framework of the propeller is combined with automatic model search , To ensure leading model effect . When training image classification and target detection models , Support multiple algorithms , To meet the different requirements of different scenarios for performance and effects . The transmission model is developed by Baidu AutoDL One of the technologies . Combined with the model network structure search 、 Transfer learning technology and automatic optimization of user data . Compared with general algorithms , Longer training time , But it is more suitable for subcategory scenarios . for example , The general algorithm can be used to distinguish cat from dog , But if we want to distinguish different kinds of cats , be AutoDL It works better , After training , The model can be deployed on the public cloud server 、 Private server , It can be encapsulated as an off-line device SDK, Or directly purchase the integrated software and hardware solution , Flexibly adapt to various use scenarios and operation environments . Flying oars provide a wealth of API, And through the underlying optimization and acceleration to ensure these API Performance of . meanwhile , The oars also provide a rich model base , Overlay image classification 、 testing 、 Division 、 Text recognition, video understanding and many other fields . Users can use these directly API Build models , It can also carry out secondary research and development based on the model library provided by the propeller .

1.4 Class attendance design

(1) Introduction to the functions of attendance system

The current face attendance recognition system is mainly divided into two parts : 1. Face recognition comparison 2. Attendance software interface design and logic processing .

The software is mainly used in Colleges and universities to check students' attendance 、 Check in processing , All functions need to be sound , Support face check-in , It supports entering student ID to sign in , Support adding students , Support deleting students ; Leave management is also supported on the interface , Students who need to ask for leave enter the reason for asking for leave in the interface , It is convenient for the teacher to know the details of the student ; While inputting student information , Input the student's student number 、 Telephone 、 full name 、 Professional information , When students are late for class , Teachers can contact by phone , Ask for information . In the past, the attendance of colleges and universities was recorded by the teacher's roll call , This is a waste of class time , With this system supporting face recognition , When students pass by, they will check in directly , Very convenient , There is no need for students to take pens for paper check-in , Improve the overall classroom efficiency .

In order to flexibly cope with different attendance periods , The software supports setting the attendance time range , Teachers can flexibly set the time range in class , In this way, you can calculate the usual score at the end of the period according to the proportion of usual attendance , It improves the efficiency of teachers .

(2) The function of attendance system is realized

At present, introduce the design interface , Writing interface , Complete the design of the whole software , Next, the operation process and interface design of the whole software are introduced . The interface of the software is cross platform QT framework design , Language adoption C++ Language , High execution efficiency , The code is simple and easy to understand , The main interface of the designed software is shown in Figure 1 :

​ chart 1 System main interface diagram

The software has 7 A functional interface , Plus the login page, there are 8 Interfaces , The login interface is designed with database , Verified the password account , To complete the login , The design of login interface is as follows :

​ chart 2 Login screen

The main functions of this system software involve two convenience , The first is face recognition comparison , The second is the logical design of attendance check-in , Attendance is the time range of attendance that can be set , Only within a reasonable time can you check in , If you exceed it, you will be late , The interface will prompt , If you come early, you will also be prompted , Don't punch in too early ; Besides face check-in , It also supports manual input of student ID for check-in .

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​ chart 3 Set the attendance time range

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​ chart 4 Attendance page

On the attendance status page, you can see the currently signed in student information , You can add new students on the page of adding students , When adding students, you need to face the camera and input information to add , The software needs to be connected to the network during operation , If the addition is successful, there will be a pop-up prompt , The added student information is stored in the database , Face data is saved in the cloud database of the flying oar ; After the student information is successfully added , You can see the added student information on the student management page , Then you can recognize the normal attendance .

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​ chart 5 Add success prompt

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​ chart 6 Student management page

The software attendance page also supports leave management , If a student asks for leave , You can add management on the page , It is convenient for the teacher to know the situation of this student .

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​ chart 7 Leave management page

(3) Software code and interface design
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If the current entire project is required , You can download it here :https://download.csdn.net/download/xiaolong1126626497/85892136

Camera operation code :

// Capture the image of the current camera 
void Widget::processCapturedImage(int id,const QImage &image)

    // Register new students 、 Save face to directory 
    // Sign in 
    else if(word_mode==1)

// Update the camera 
void Widget::on_pushButton_UpdateCameraNumber_clicked()

// Find available cameras for the system 
void Widget::Find_CameraNumber()
    // clear list 

    /* Find the currently available cameras on your computer */
    cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();
        for(int i=0;i<cameras.count();i++)
        QMessageBox::warning(this,tr(" Tips ")," There is no camera available on this computer !\n");

// Activate camera 
void Widget::on_pushButton_start_camera_clicked()
    // Camera activation flag 
    if(camera_flag) // If the camera has been activated once , To start again, you need to free up the previous space 
        delete camera;
        delete videoWidget;

    camera_flag=1;  // The sign camera has been activated once 

    // After the camera starts , You can't start again 

   /* Create a camera object , Turn on... According to the selected camera */
   camera = new QCamera(cameras.at(ui->comboBox_camera_number->currentIndex()));

   /* Construct captured objects */
   camera_image_capture = new QCameraImageCapture(camera);

   /* Set the capture destination */

   // Set screenshot output 、 Buffer format 、 distinguish 

   // Set the image size of the screenshot 

   // Correlate captured signals , When the capture screenshot signal is sent , Signal 

   /* Configure the camera capture mode to frame capture mode */

   videoWidget = new QVideoWidget();

   // Add the camera display window to the layout 

   /* Set the viewfinder display */

   /* Activate camera */

Login interface code :

#include "LoginWindow.h"
#include "ui_LoginWindow.h"

LoginWindow::LoginWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::LoginWindow)

    this->setWindowTitle(" Welcome to face recognition class attendance system ");
    // Set the theme style 
    // Set password box to password display mode 
    // Set background prompt text 
    ui->lineEdit_password->setPlaceholderText(" Please input a password ");
    // Set background prompt text 
    ui->lineEdit_user_name->setPlaceholderText(" Please enter a user name ");

    // Read configuration 

    // Read database 

    // Set up and open the database 
    if (QSqlDatabase::contains(LOG_IN_DATABASE_CONNECT_NAME))
        database = QSqlDatabase::database(LOG_IN_DATABASE_CONNECT_NAME);
        // Database type 
        database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE",LOG_IN_DATABASE_CONNECT_NAME);
        database.setDatabaseName(LOG_IN_DATABASE_NAME); // Database name 
        database.setUserName("xl");  // user name 
        database.setPassword("123456"); // password 

    // Open database , Open the database if it exists , Create automatically if it doesn't exist 
        qDebug(" Database open failed . Please check the program running path and permissions .\n");
        qDebug(" Successfully connected to database .\n");

    // Build table -- Deposit account and password 

    delete ui;

/* *  Set up QT The style of the interface  */
void LoginWindow::SetStyle(const QString &qssFile)
    QFile file(qssFile);
    if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
        QString qss = QLatin1String(file.readAll());
        QString PaletteColor = qss.mid(20,7);

// Sign in 
void LoginWindow::on_pushButton_Login_clicked()
        // Save configuration 
        QString text;

        // Delete the file if it exists 

    QString user=ui->lineEdit_user_name->text();
    QString pass=ui->lineEdit_password->text();
    // Compare passwords 
        // Close the database file 

        // unload data base -- Free memory 

        // Open the main window 
        Widget *main_widget=new Widget;

        // Close the current window 
        QMessageBox::information(this," Tips "," Wrong account or password \n Please re-enter .",

// Create an account and password table 
void LoginWindow::CreateUserPassTAB()
    // database : Build table , If it exists, it is not created , Create... If it doesn't exist 
    QSqlQuery sql_query(database);

    // The following statement queries whether the specified table exists .
    sql_query.exec(QString("select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='%1'").arg("password"));
            qDebug(" Database tables do not exist . Ready to create .\n");
            // Create a table   Create a table statement :create table <table_name> (f1 type1, f2 type2,…);
            /* CREATE TABLE  Is a keyword that tells the database system to create a new table . * CREATE TABLE  Statement followed by the unique name of the table  *  Or identification */
            /* The following statement :  Create a name password Table of , The fields are respectively stored   account number 、 password )*/
            QString create_sql = "create table password(id int primary key, user varchar(100),password varchar(100))";

                Log_Text_Display(" Database table creation failed .\n");
                Log_Text_Display(" Database table created successfully .\n");
                // Initialized administrator password 
            Log_Text_Display(" Database tables exist . No need to create .\n");

// Show log 
void LoginWindow::Log_Text_Display(QString text)

// Insert data into database file 
bool LoginWindow::addPasswords(QString user,QString pass)
    // Specify the database for the operation 
    QSqlQuery sql_query(database);
    // The most inquired ID
    QString select_max_sql = "select max(id) from password";
    int max_id = 0;
        Log_Text_Display(" Database maximum ID To find the failure .\n");
            max_id = sql_query.value(0).toInt();

        Log_Text_Display(QString("data base max id:%1\n").arg(max_id));

        // Add data 
        // insert data   Insert statement :insert into <table_name> values (value1, value2,…);
        QString insert_sql = tr("insert into password values(?,?,?)");
        //if(max_id!=0)max_id+=1; // Determine whether it is the first data 
        sql_query.addBindValue(max_id+1); //id
        sql_query.addBindValue(user);    // account number 
        sql_query.addBindValue(pass);    // password 
            Log_Text_Display(" Data insertion failed .\n");
            return true;
    return false;

// Compare passwords  true success  false Failure 
bool LoginWindow::ComparePasswords(QString user,QString pass)
    // Specify the database for the operation 
    QSqlQuery sql_query(database);
    // Query all data 
    sql_query.prepare("select * from password");
        Log_Text_Display(" Database query error .\n");
            int id = sql_query.value(0).toInt(); //ID-- Primary key 
            QString sql_user = sql_query.value(1).toString(); // account number 
            QString sql_pass = sql_query.value(2).toString(); // password 
            // Compare passwords 
            if(user==sql_user && sql_pass==pass)
                return true;
    return false;

// Read configuration 
void LoginWindow::read_config()
    // Read configuration file 
    QString text;

    QString pass;
    QString user;
    // Judge whether the file exists 
        QFile filenew(text);
        QDataStream in(&filenew); //  Read serialized data from file 
        in >> user >> pass; // Extract written data 

        // Set the interface value 

// Write configuration 
void LoginWindow::write_config()
    QString pass;
    QString user;
    // from UI Interface to obtain user's personalized configuration parameters 

    /* Save data to file , Easy to load next time */
    QString text;
    QFile filesrc(text);
    QDataStream out(&filesrc);
    out << user;  // Serialize user name 
    out << pass;  // Serialize password 

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