当前位置:网站首页>I feel cheated. Wechat tests the function of "size number" internally, and two wechat can be registered with the same mobile number

I feel cheated. Wechat tests the function of "size number" internally, and two wechat can be registered with the same mobile number

2022-07-07 18:55:00 Non famous programmer

Hello everyone , I'm the principal .

I saw wechat internal test yesterday “ Size ” function , at that time , I just feel , This is good , For people like me who do we media , At present, there are three micro signals , Used three mobile phone numbers , If you want to register wechat again , You can only apply for a mobile phone card again , I really don't want to apply for a mobile phone card anymore , It's too troublesome , I have to pay the phone bill every month , It costs money .

Wechat said yesterday that it would allow users to quickly register another wechat without additional mobile phone numbers . Although this function has not been officially launched , But recently, the range of internal test places is gradually expanding .

The specific operation is as follows : spot “ WeChat - I - Set up ”, Slide to the bottom , find “ Switch account ” A reminder will automatically appear , You can choose “ Sign up for a new account ”.

If , You can see “ Sign up for a new account ”, Then it means that you have obtained the internal test qualification , If you can't see it , It means that you haven't been detected internally . You can go and see if you are qualified for the internal test .

After seeing this message , I can't wait to see , I was actually tested internally with this function , Just try it quickly .


Click to register a new account , I'll go to the next page , as follows :


If you select the current micro signal auxiliary registration function , Indeed, you can register a new wechat without a new mobile phone number .

At present, this function is still in the internal test stage , And users need to upgrade to v8.0.14 And above .

It is said that , Prior to 2021 year 10 month , Wechat began to test without a mobile number 、 Use the currently used wechat to assist in registering new wechat functions , It allows users to , You can also register new wechat .

however , Not for long , I found a problem , Although registering a new wechat really doesn't need a new mobile phone number , however , After you log in to the wechat assisted by the current wechat , You'll find that : It's really the same as the literal meaning , Just help you register quickly , It's not true that you don't need a cell phone number .

because , If you want to use wechat payment , If you need to publish a video number , All need real name authentication , Will prompt you to bind a new mobile number .

Yes, of course , If you don't use these functions , add friends , Chat is enough , These functions can be used without binding mobile phone numbers .

therefore , This so-called 「 Wechat internal test “ Size ” function , You can register two wechat accounts with the same mobile number 」 It may be a gimmick , In essence, it just provides you with a way to quickly register wechat , When you really use core functions , You have to bind your new mobile number .

According to this logic , This is not 「 Size 」 ah , There is no attachment or subordination between the two , Nor does it belong to the category of registering two wechat with the same mobile number .

According to my understanding , Since it's size , If you register two wechat accounts with the same mobile number , Is it right? , The micro signal that assists in registration , There is no need to bind the mobile number ?

therefore , For now , This function only provides you with a function of quickly registering wechat with one click , It's not really about size .

Click on the official account card below. , Pay attention to me

Official account dialog box , Reply key  “1024”

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