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Calculation of torque target value (ftorque) in servo torque control mode

2022-07-07 18:42:00 RXXW_ Dor

In some non-standard assembly projects , Servo needs to work in torque mode in order to complete the specified torque assembly of mechanical parts . This blog mainly introduces servo torque ( Moment ) Calculation of target value and programming related to torque control . Users usually set the torque value , We need according to the mechanical structure . The transmission ratio calculates the target torque value of the servo , To complete our torque control . Here we take the bus servo as an example .


 2、 Calculation of torque target value  3、 Speed limit in torque mode

 4、 Target torque value calculation

 5、 Torque calculation

(* Torque calculation *)
rTorque:= rForce*rRadius/rRatio;

6、 Local label definition


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