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Sports Federation: resume offline sports events in a safe and orderly manner, and strive to do everything possible for domestic events

2022-07-07 18:29:00 Ocean Net - Sports

Issued by the general office of the General Administration of sport 《 About sports helping stabilize the economy and promote consumption The working plan of activating force 》 The notice of

Each hall 、 department 、 game , Relevant directly affiliated units , National sports social organizations :

After the study and approval of the Party group , Will now 《 Work plan on Sports helping stabilize the economy and promote consumption activation 》 Printed and distributed to you , Please organize the implementation carefully .

General Office of General Administration of sport

2022 year 7 month 5 Japan

Work plan on Sports helping stabilize the economy and promote consumption activation

In order to thoroughly implement the CPC Central Committee “ The epidemic should be prevented 、 The economy should be stable 、 Development should be safe ” And the spirit of the national teleconference on stabilizing the overall economic market , In the field of sports, the State Council's package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy have been effectively implemented in a timely manner , Give play to sports to help stabilize the economy 、 Promote consumption 、 The action of activating force , The following work plan is hereby formulated .

One 、 General requirements

Guided by xi jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era , Thoroughly implement the spirit of the central economic work conference and 《 Government work report 》 Deploy , according to “ The epidemic should be prevented 、 The economy should be stable 、 Development should be safe ” requirement , Effectively and comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development , Give full play to sports and unite the people 、 Cohesive forces 、 The unique role of motivation , Implement various policies and measures to stabilize the economy and promote development , Deepen the structural reform of sports supply side , Constantly enrich sports products and services , Stimulate the vitality of sports consumption , Promote the high-quality development of the sports industry , Help service “ Six stability ”“ Six guarantees ”、 Building a new development pattern , To stabilize the economy 、 Ensure that the economy operates within a reasonable range and contribute to sports .

Two 、 Main measures

( One ) We will step up efforts to help enterprises and relieve them

1. Implement the rescue policy . insist “ Help help ” Combination principle , Sort out the tax reduction and fee reduction at the national level 、 Deferred payment of social security fee 、 Reduce financing costs and other policies , Launch a policy toolkit to help enterprises rescue , Organize experts to interpret policies , Let sports enterprises know everything 、 You should enjoy ; Through the official website of the General Administration of sports 、 China sports industry information platform and other media publicize and implement policies 、 Exchange the experience and practice of helping enterprises in various places ; Promote provinces ( District 、 City ) The sports administrative department actively connects with sports enterprises , Push the preferential enterprise policy directly ; Encourage China sports venues Association 、 China Sports Goods Industry Federation 、 The national sports school Federation and other associations accurately meet the needs of sports market players in this field , Further refine and materialize 、 Classify and push the enterprise assistance and rescue policies applicable to this field .

2. Deduction of relevant fees .2022 year , The units directly under the State Administration of sports rent houses for small and micro enterprises in the service industry and individual industrial and commercial households , reduction 3-6 A month's rent ; Encourage qualified national individual sports associations to reduce or postpone the fees of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises 、 Enterprise dues and individual membership dues .

3. Speed up the implementation of funds . Promote the progress of budget implementation , According to the law 、 Place purchase orders in advance , Accelerate the allocation and implementation of various enterprise related funds , Use it early 、 Early results ; Further clean up current accounts , Pay the contract balance in full and on time 、 Warranty deposit, etc .

4. Optimize government procurement . Relax the centralized procurement standards of the General Administration of sports departments , Sports equipment and medical equipment ( Are all 4 Level item ) Up to 100 Ten thousand yuan ; In the bidding process of subordinate units and departments , Comprehensively implement the replacement of guarantee bond , Enterprises shall not be restricted from submitting bids in the form of a guarantee 、 Performance bond , The price deduction proportion of small and micro enterprises participating in the bidding will be increased to 20%; Accelerate the signing of contracts for government procurement projects 、 Organize acceptance 、 Execution of fund payment , Effectively reduce supplier transaction costs .

5. Reduce financing costs . Strive for the support of the development and Reform Commission , Bring sports enterprise loans into the refinancing support scope of the people's Bank of China , Effectively reduce the loan cost of sports enterprises ; Encourage banking financial institutions to develop accounts receivable of sports enterprises 、 Innovation of pledge loans such as intellectual property rights , Establish a long-term mechanism to serve sports enterprises who dare to lend, are willing to lend, can lend, and can lend , Strongly support the development of sports industry ; Promote Sichuan “ Sports loan ”、 guangxi “ Sports theme bank ”、 jiangsu “ Sports enterprise financial green channel ” And so on , Encourage provinces ( District 、 City ) Sports administrative departments and financial institutions innovate financial products , Guarantee the financing needs of sports enterprises .

6. Increase demonstration support . Strive for the support of the Ministry of industry and information technology , Bring qualified sports enterprises into specialization and innovation “ Little giant ” Scope of enterprise support ; Identify a number of national sports industry demonstration bases 、 Demonstration units and demonstration projects , Play a leading role , Gather sports elements , invigorate the market .

( Two ) Increase the supply of sports products

7. Increase the supply of events . according to “ First instance ” requirement , Safely and orderly resume offline sports events , Increase mountaineering 、 Rowing 、 Sailboat 、 The marathon 、 Bicycles and other outdoor sports events are provided , To organize and carry out “ Body cup ” National League of three major cities , Launch China Youth Football League , Optimize the competition structure 、 Improve the ornamental 、 Increase broadcasting efforts , Strive to do everything possible for domestic competitions 、 It should be broadcast , Present more events to the people ; Announce the National Games 、 Catalogue of National Winter Games and national individual sports events , Publish the guidelines and bidding methods , All kinds of qualified market entities are encouraged to undertake .

8. Enrich fitness activities . Continue to carry out online mass sports activities such as national fitness online games ; Organize and carry out the national community games 、“ Walk along the Grand Canal ” National fitness walking and other theme fitness activities ; With “8.8” Take the National Fitness Day as an opportunity , Carry out a series of national fitness activities ; Youth oriented organizations “ Run! · juvenile ” Children's and teenagers' theme fitness activities .

9. Attract the masses to participate in . Based on the sports technology rating policy , Break the line between major and amateur , According to scientific and reasonable 、 The principle of convenience and benefit to the people establishes the title system of sports level 、 Grade standard system ; Practice “ The training ground is the live studio ” idea , Support qualified national teams to disseminate athlete training scenes to the public , Organize and carry out open classes of the national team ; To implement 《 Set up a national team 、 Provincial team athletes enter primary and secondary schools and communities to carry out a long-term mechanism for fitness guidance services 》, Organize champions to enter the campus 、 Community activities , Enrich and popularize sports 、 Promote sports skills 、 The way to spread sports culture , Constantly stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in sports .

10. Promote the opening of venues . Orderly promote the opening of public stadiums and gymnasiums belonging to the sports system to the society , Organize or undertake various national fitness and sports competitions ; On the premise of ensuring the daily training of professional sports teams and ensuring the safety of epidemic prevention , Orderly promote the sports system training center 、 Some venues in the base and sports school are open to the public .

11. Optimize the variety structure of sports lottery . Enrich the types of sports lottery games , Integrate sports elements 、 Promote sports culture 、 Spread the spirit of sports , Design more sports themed 、 Local characteristics 、 Collection value instant sports lottery , Better meet the needs of the masses .

12. Accelerate investment and construction . Accelerate the arranged capital construction projects of units directly under the General Administration of sports ; Strengthen the promotion of comprehensive renovation of old residential areas directly under the unit ; It will be launched in advance together with the development and Reform Commission 2023 Application for the national fitness facility weakness board project in 、 Confirmation and fund release , Support all regions to speed up sports parks 、 National Fitness Center 、 Public stadium 、 Social football field 、 Fitness trail 、 The construction progress of outdoor sports public service facilities and other sports facilities .

13. Deepen integration and development . Promote the integration of sports and health , Start the pilot work of community sports and health center and community sports and health home ; Speed up the integration of sports and education , Regulate the youth sports training market , Strengthen the professional qualification 、 The guidance of curriculum and related activities , Promote sports schools 、 Sports clubs enter the campus to carry out after-school Services , Constantly satisfy “ Double subtraction ” Under the background, teenagers' sports training needs ; Deepen the integration of sports and tourism , Identify a number of national sports tourism demonstration bases 、 A national ski resort , Introduce a batch of safety to the public 、 health 、 convenient 、 High quality national day 、 Spring Festival holiday sports tourism boutique routes ; Speed up sports and 5G、 big data 、 The integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence , Vigorously develop digital sports .

14. Promote sports consumption . Deepen the pilot work of sports consumption , Push 40 National sports consumption pilot cities have created new scenes of sports consumption 、 Cultivate new forms and models of sports consumption 、 Issue sports coupons 、 Organize sports consumption Festival and other measures , Better meet the sports consumption demand under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control ; Promote a green and healthy lifestyle , Encourage people to go outdoors 、 Participate in outdoor sports , Support sports social organizations to sink communities 、 Sports enterprises organize outdoor fitness activities for the masses , Further explore outdoor sports 、 Consumption potential in green travel and other fields ; Encourage trade unions at all levels to organize outdoor events 、 Purchase relevant services as required ; In combination with the epidemic prevention and control situation, the national outdoor sports industry conference will be held in a timely manner 、 China sports consumption Expo , Build a supply and demand docking platform , Unleash the potential of sports consumption .

15. Promote sports employment . Guide and encourage all kinds of sports organizations at all levels to develop sports jobs through multiple channels , Innovate and explore flexible employment methods , Attract more social talents to engage in sports work ; Develop a three-year action plan for improving the ability of employees in the sports industry , Multichannel 、 Strengthen the training of talents in the sports industry at multiple levels , Encourage social forces to hold all kinds of online and offline training ; Continue to play the supporting and leading role of the employment and entrepreneurship support fund for retired athletes , Actively carry out professional transformation training for athletes , Support all regions to carry out athlete internship training activities , Provide financial support for athletes to establish enterprises and business incubation .

3、 ... and 、 Organize the implementation of

( One ) Strengthen responsibility

All units should further improve their ideological understanding and political standing , Enhance the sense of responsibility 、 Sense of urgency 、 Sense of mission , Fully realize that stabilizing the overall economic situation is a major national event at present 、 Something important 、 Urgent matters , Deeply understand the extreme importance of ensuring that China's economy operates within a reasonable range . The General Administration of sports will establish a working mechanism 、 Strengthen supervision and inspection 、 Promote the implementation of various work tasks , All units should seize the time window 、 Compaction responsibilities 、 Speed up the implementation of tasks , Stabilize the economy 、 Promote consumption 、 Various measures to activate the force are carried out throughout the year , And report the implementation of the task before the end of the year .

( Two ) Do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

Be steadfast 、 Carefully grasp the epidemic prevention and control in the sports field , Resolutely carry out “ Dynamic reset ” The general policy of epidemic prevention work , Strictly implement the industry guidance for epidemic prevention and control 、 Supervisory responsibility , Constantly improve the responsibility system 、 Working mechanism and emergency plan , Pay close attention to various prevention and control measures . Strengthen the sports activities 、 Sports teams and other key areas 、 Epidemic prevention and control in key links . To guide the 、 Urge sports industry practitioners 、 Consumers should improve their awareness and ability of self-protection , Implement the local epidemic prevention and control requirements , Accept the unified leadership of the territory 、 Unified command 、 Unified scheduling , Do a good job of implementation .

( 3、 ... and ) Make sure it's safe and stable

Firmly hold the lifeline of safety production , Build up the concept of safe development , Carry out a major inspection of safety production in the field of sports , Focus on key areas 、 Focus areas 、 Key links , Around sports events and mass sports activities 、 Large sports venues and public sports facilities 、 High risk sports 、 Emerging sports activities 、 Shooting competitive sports and sports bullets 、 Aviation sports 、 Strengthen the safety supervision of sports lottery . Stick to the bottom line thinking 、 Extreme thinking , Take measures combining attack and defense , Properly cope with the risks and challenges brought by the international situation and international sports sanctions to the development of China's sports undertakings .


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