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< code random recording two brushes> linked list

2022-07-07 17:51:00 51CTO

List of articles

203. Remove linked list elements

 ​ Title Description ​

Give you a list of the head node head And an integer val , Please delete all the contents in the linked list Node.val == val The node of , And back to New head node .

Example 1:

Input :head = [ 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6], val = 6
Output :[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 2:

Input :head = [], val = 1
Output :[]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 3:

Input :head = [ 7, 7, 7, 7], val = 7
Output :[]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Thought analysis

Double pointer

First for the original linked list Create a virtual header node ( Easy to operate ), Then define two pointers ,pre Point to previous node ,cur Point to the current node .

The current node meets the conditions , Then remove it .

Finally, delete the created virtual head node .

Graphic process :

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++

Reference code

using namespace std;

struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode * next;
ListNode(): val( 0), next( nullptr) {}
ListNode( int x): val( x), next( nullptr) {}
ListNode( int x, ListNode * next): val( x), next( nullptr) {}

// Use double pointer
ListNode * removeElements( ListNode * node, int val) {
ListNode * head = new ListNode( - 1, node) ; // Define header node
ListNode * pre = head; // initialization
ListNode * cur = head -> next; // You can also use one directly here cur Variable to delete the node , We define two , Logic is clearer
ListNode * temp;
while( cur != NULL) {
if( cur -> val == val) {
temp = cur;
pre -> next = cur -> next;
cur = cur -> next;
delete temp;
} else {
pre = cur;
cur = cur -> next;
// Delete virtual head node
temp = head -> next;
delete head;
return temp;
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206. Reverse a linked list

 ​ Title Description ​

Here's the head node of the list head , Please reverse the list , And return the inverted linked list .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_02

Input :head = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Output :[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 2:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_03

Input :head = [ 1, 2]
Output :[ 2, 1]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 3:

Input :head = []
Output :[]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Thought analysis

Method 1 : Double pointer

The basic idea : Change the direction of the pointer from front to back , Returns the last node
Use pre Point to previous node ,cur Represents the current node , Start traversing from the first node , Every time you let cur Point to pre, after cur Continue to traverse the next node , Until the linked list is traversed .

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_04

Method 2 : recursive ( Change the direction of the pointer from front to back )

Ideas and methods are basically the same , Recursion is actually calling itself , Each operation is consistent .

  • Every time we need to change the pointer to , Two nodes need to be operated , Current node cur And the previous node pre, So this is the parameter of the recursive function .
  • The end condition of recursion is The current node is NULL, There is no need to change direction . Recursion ends .

Method 3 : recursive ( Change the direction of the pointer from back to front )

Reference code

Method 1 : Double pointer

// Method 1 : Double finger needling
ListNode * reverseList( ListNode * head) {
if( head == NULL || head -> next == NULL) { // Judge 0 And 1 A node situation , No inversion
return head;
ListNode * pre = NULL, * cur = head, * temp = head -> next;
// Start Change the pointer from front to back
while( cur) {
temp = cur -> next; // Save the next node
cur -> next = pre; // Change direction
pre = cur; //pre Move back
cur = temp; //cur Move back
return pre;
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Method 2 : recursive ( Change the direction of the pointer from front to back )

// Method 2 : Recursive method 1 First change the direction of the pointer , Continue recursion
ListNode * reverse( ListNode * pre, ListNode * cur) { // The return value is mainly used to return the header node after recursion , No other use
if( cur == NULL) {
return pre;
ListNode * temp = cur -> next;
cur -> next = pre; // Modify pointer direction
return reverse( cur, temp) ;

ListNode * reverseList( ListNode * head) {
if( head == NULL || head -> next == NULL) { // Judge 0 And 1 A node situation , No inversion
return head;
return reverse( NULL, head);
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Method 3 : recursive ( Change the direction of the pointer from back to front ) At present, the test fails …

// Method 3 : Recursive method 2 Recursion first , Then change the direction of the pointer ??? I don't know why I'm wrong ..
ListNode * resNode = new ListNode( - 1);
ListNode * solve( ListNode * cur) {
if( cur == NULL) { // The end condition
return resNode;
ListNode * pre = solve( cur -> next);
pre -> next = cur;
return cur;
ListNode * reverseList( ListNode * head) {
if( head == NULL || head -> next == NULL) { // Judge 0 And 1 A node situation , No inversion
return head;
solve( head);
ListNode * head = resNode -> next;
delete resNode;
return head;
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24. Two or two exchange nodes in a linked list

 ​ Title Description ​

Given a linked list , Two or two exchange the adjacent nodes , And return the list after exchange .

You can't just change the values inside the node , It needs to actually exchange nodes .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_05

Input :head = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]
Output :[ 2, 1, 4, 3]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 2:

Input :head = []
Output :[]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 3:

Input :head = [ 1]
Output :[ 1]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Thought analysis

The requirement of the topic is to exchange adjacent nodes , The title also says that the order of these two nodes has changed , Instead of just exchanging values . and If the current node has only one , Then there must be no need to exchange .

Next, we use diagrams to show :

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Linked list _06

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Algorithm _07

According to the picture , We can use three auxiliary variables to complete the operation .

Reference code

using namespace std;

// Node definition
struct ListNode{
int val;
ListNode * next;
ListNode( int x): val( x), next( nullptr){
ListNode( int x, ListNode * next): val( x), next( next){


ListNode * swapPairs( ListNode * head) {
if( head == NULL || head -> next == NULL){ // When there is no node or only one node
return head;
ListNode * dummyHead = new ListNode( - 1, head); // Create a virtual head node
ListNode * cur = dummyHead, * node1, * node2, * node3; // Create the current node cur And auxiliary nodes node1、node2、node3
while( cur -> next && cur -> next -> next){
node1 = cur -> next;
node2 = cur -> next -> next;
node3 = cur -> next -> next -> next;
cur -> next = node2; // Take the first step : At present 0 The node points to 2 Node is no.
node2 -> next = node1; // Go to step two : At present 2 The node points to 1 Node is no.
node1 -> next = node3; // Go to step three : At present 1 The node points to 3 Node is no. .
cur = node1; // to update cur
head = dummyHead -> next;
delete dummyHead;

return head;
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19. Delete the last of the linked list N Nodes

 ​ Title Description ​

I'll give you a list , Delete the last of the linked list n Nodes , And return the head node of the list .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_08

Input :head = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], n = 2
Output :[ 1, 2, 3, 5]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 2:

Input :head = [ 1], n = 1
Output :[]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 3:

Input :head = [ 1, 2], n = 1
Output :[ 1]
  • 1.
  • 2.

Thought analysis

Method 1 : Reverse thinking

Delete the last n Nodes ==> Delete positive number N-n+1 Nodes .

The illustration :( Take example 1 as an example )

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Linked list _09

Method 1 : Speed pointer
Start with a virtual head node , Convenient for our next operation .

  • First step slow and fast All point to virtual head nodes .
  • The second step fast Move forward n+1 Nodes
  • slow and fast Moving forward at the same time , until fast It's empty , be slow The corresponding node is the previous node of the target node .

The illustration

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_10

Reference code

Method 1 : Reverse thinking

// Method 1 : Reverse thinking Delete the last n Nodes ==> Delete positive number N-n+1 Nodes .
ListNode * removeNthFromEnd( ListNode * head, int n) {
ListNode * dummyHead = new ListNode( - 1, head);
ListNode * cur, * temp;
cur = dummyHead -> next;
int N = 0, m; // Summary point
while( cur) {
N ++;
cur = cur -> next;
// Delete the first n Nodes
m = N - n;
cur = dummyHead;
while( m --){ // The pointer points to m A place
cur = cur -> next;
temp = cur -> next; // Save delete node
cur -> next = cur -> next -> next; // To delete
delete temp;
// delete dummyHead;
head = dummyHead -> next; // final head Be sure to re assign the value , Because of the previous head May have hung up .
delete dummyHead;
return head;
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Method 2 : Double finger needling

// Method 2 : Double finger needling ( Fast and slow pointer method )
ListNode * removeNthFromEnd( ListNode * head, int n) {
ListNode * dummyHead = new ListNode( - 1, head);
ListNode * slow = dummyHead, * fast = dummyHead, * temp;
//fast Go ahead n+1 Step
while( n >= 0) {
fast = fast -> next;
n --;
//slow and fast Start walking at the same time , until fast by NULL
while( fast != NULL) {
slow = slow -> next;
fast = fast -> next;
// To delete
temp = slow -> next;
slow -> next = slow -> next -> next;
delete temp;
head = dummyHead -> next;
delete dummyHead;
return head;
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Interview questions 02.07. The list intersects

 ​ Title Description ​

Here are two head nodes of the single linked list headA and headB , Please find out and return the starting node where two single linked lists intersect . If there is no intersection between two linked lists , return null .

Figure two linked lists at the node c1 Start meeting :

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_11

Subject data Guarantee There is no ring in the whole chain structure .

Be careful , Function returns the result , Linked list must Keep its original structure .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_12

Input :intersectVal = 8, listA = [ 4, 1, 8, 4, 5], listB = [ 5, 0, 1, 8, 4, 5], skipA = 2, skipB = 3
Output :Intersected at '8'
  • 1.
  • 2.

explain : The value of the intersection node is 8 ( Be careful , If two linked lists intersect, they cannot be 0).
Starting from the respective heads , Linked list A by [4,1,8,4,5], Linked list B by [5,0,1,8,4,5].
stay A in , There is... Before the intersection node 2 Nodes ; stay B in , There is... Before the intersection node 3 Nodes .

Example 2:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Algorithm _13

Input :intersectVal = 2, listA = [ 0, 9, 1, 2, 4], listB = [ 3, 2, 4], skipA = 3, skipB = 1
Output :Intersected at '2'
  • 1.
  • 2.

explain : The value of the intersection node is 2 ( Be careful , If two linked lists intersect, they cannot be 0).
Starting from the respective heads , Linked list A by [0,9,1,2,4], Linked list B by [3,2,4].
stay A in , There is... Before the intersection node 3 Nodes ; stay B in , There is... Before the intersection node 1 Nodes .

Example 3:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _leetcode_14

Input :intersectVal = 0, listA = [ 2, 6, 4], listB = [ 1, 5], skipA = 3, skipB = 2
  • 1.

explain : Starting from the respective heads , Linked list A by [2,6,4], Linked list B by [1,5].
Because these two linked lists don't intersect , therefore intersectVal It has to be for 0, and skipA and skipB It could be any value .
The two lists don't intersect , Therefore return null .

Thought analysis

The requirement of the topic is to find the intersection of two linked lists , But the intersection here is The pointers are equal , Not the same value in the node .

Look at the following two linked lists , at present curA Point to the list A Head node of ,curB Point to the list B Head node of , How to find the intersection .

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_15

We can find the length of two linked lists , And find the difference between the lengths of the two linked lists , And then let curA Move to , and curB End aligned position , Pictured :

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_16

Now we can let CurA and CurB, Traverse the nodes of each linked list from front to back , Until they are equal , This corresponds to the intersection . If both linked lists are traversed and not found , Then there is no intersection .

Reference code

using namespace std;

struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode * next;
ListNode() {}
ListNode( int x): val( x), next( nullptr) {
ListNode( int x, ListNode * next): val( x), next( next) {

// Method : Double pointer
// First find the length of the two linked lists , Then the longest two pointers point to the shortest starting position , Move back at the same time . Know that when you encounter a public node
ListNode * getIntersectionNode( ListNode * headA, ListNode * headB) {
ListNode * pointerA = headA, * pointerB = headB;
int lenA = 0, lenB = 0, gap; //a:b Represents the length of two linked lists
while( pointerA) { // seek LenA length
lenA ++;
pointerA = pointerA -> next;
while( pointerB) { // seek LenB length
lenB ++;
pointerB = pointerB -> next;
Always let A Length ratio of B Big
if( lenA > lenB) {
pointerA = headB;
pointerB = headA;
gap = lenA - lenB;
} else{
pointerA = headA;
pointerB = headB;
gap = lenB - lenA;
while( gap --) { //B The pointer moves to and A The same position as the pointer
pointerB = pointerB -> next;
while( pointerA && pointerB) { //A and B Move forward together
if( pointerA == pointerB){ // If it is the same, return directly
return pointerA;
pointerA = pointerA -> next;
pointerB = pointerB -> next;
return NULL; // If there is no public node , Then return to NULL;
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141. Circular list

 ​ Title Description ​

Give you a list of the head node ​​head​​ , Judge whether there are links in the list .

If there is a node in the linked list , It can be done by continuously tracking ​​next​​​ The pointer reaches again , Then there is a ring in the linked list . To represent a ring in a given list , The evaluation system uses an integer ​​pos​​ To indicate where the end of the list is connected to the list ( Index from 0 Start ). Be careful :pos Not passed as an argument . Just to identify the actual situation of the linked list .

If there are rings in the list , Then return to ​​true​​​ . otherwise , return ​​false​​ .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _edn_17

Input :head = [ 3, 2, 0, - 4], pos = 1
Output :true
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 2:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Linked list _18

Input :head = [ 1, 2], pos = 0
Output :true
  • 1.
  • 2.

Example 3:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Linked list _19

Input :head = [ 1], pos = - 1
Output :false
  • 1.
  • 2.

Thought analysis

How to judge whether there is a ring ?: Speed pointer

Defining the fast and slow The pointer , Point to the head node respectively ,fast Move two nodes at a time ,slow Move one node at a time , If fast and slow The hands meet on the way , It shows that the linked list has links .

It's like running on the playground , A fast runner will catch up with a slow runner after a period of time .

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_20

Reference code

using namespace std;

struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode * next;
ListNode() {}
ListNode( int x): val( x), next( nullptr) {
ListNode( int x, ListNode * next): val( x), next( next) {

bool hasCycle( ListNode * head) {
ListNode * slow = head, * fast = head;
while( fast != NULL){
fast = fast -> next;
if( fast != NULL) {
fast = fast -> next;
} else{ // No ring
slow = slow -> next;
if( slow == fast){ // Ring
return true;
return false; // No ring
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142. Circular list II

 ​ Title Description ​

Given a linked list , Return to the first node of the link where the list begins to enter . If the list has no links , Then return to null.

If there is a node in the linked list , It can be done by continuously tracking next The pointer reaches again , Then there is a ring in the linked list . To represent a ring in a given list , The evaluation system uses an integer pos To indicate where the end of the list is connected to the list ( Index from 0 Start ). If pos yes -1, There are no links in the list . Be careful :pos Not passed as an argument , Just to identify the actual situation of the linked list .

No modification allowed Linked list .

Example 1:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Linked list _21

Input :head = [ 3, 2, 0, - 4], pos = 1
Output : The return index is 1
  • 1.
  • 2.

explain : There is a link in the list , Its tail is connected to the second node .

Example 2:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_22

Input :head = [ 1, 2], pos = 0
Output : The return index is 0
  • 1.
  • 2.

explain : There is a link in the list , Its tail is connected to the first node .

Example 3:

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Algorithm _23

Input :head = [ 1], pos = - 1
  • 1.

explain : There are no links in the list .

Thought analysis

This paper mainly studies :

  • Determine whether the linked list is a ring
  • If there are rings , How to find the entrance of this ring

How to judge whether there is a ring ?: Speed pointer

Defining the fast and slow The pointer , Point to the head node respectively ,fast Move two nodes at a time ,slow Move one node at a time , If fast and slow The hands meet on the way , It shows that the linked list has links .

It's like running on the playground , A fast runner will catch up with a slow runner after a period of time .

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_24

If there are rings , How to find the entrance of this ring < Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _c++_25

Start a pointer from the beginning node index1, From the meeting node Also start a pointer index2, These two pointers walk only one node at a time , So when these two pointers meet, it is The node of the ring entrance .

 ​ The proof process can refer to boss Carl's article , It's easy to understand , Hey, hey, hey ​

< Code Capriccio second brush > Linked list _ Algorithm _26

Reference code

using namespace std;

struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode * next;
ListNode() {}
ListNode( int x): val( x), next( nullptr) {
ListNode( int x, ListNode * next): val( x), next( next) {

ListNode * detectCycle( ListNode * head) {
ListNode * slow = head, * fast = head, * index1, * index2;
// First, judge whether there is a ring or not
while( fast != NULL && fast -> next != NULL) {
fast = fast -> next -> next; //fast Take two steps
slow = slow -> next; //slow Take a step
if( slow == fast) { // At this time, if you meet, it must be the entry node
index1 = head;
index2 = slow;
// Look for the entrance of the ring
while( index1 != index2) {
index1 = index1 -> next;
index2 = index2 -> next;
return index1;

return NULL; // If acyclic , You'll quit while loop , return NULL
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707. Design the list

 ​ Title Description ​

Design the realization of linked list . You can choose to use single or double linked list . Nodes in a single chain table should have two properties :val and next.val Is the value of the current node ,next Is a pointer to the next node / quote . If you want to use a two-way linked list , Then you need an attribute prev To indicate the last node in the list . Suppose that all nodes in the list are 0-index Of .

Implement these functions in the linked list class :

  • get(index): Get the index Values of nodes . If the index is invalid , Then return to -1.
  • addAtHead(val): Add a value of... Before the first element of the list val The node of . After inserting , The new node will be the first node in the list .
  • addAtTail(val): Will be worth val To the last element of the list .
  • addAtIndex(index,val): In the list, the index The value added before nodes is val The node of . If index It's equal to the length of the list , Then the node will be attached to the end of the list . If index Greater than the length of the list , The node will not be inserted . If index Less than 0, Then insert the node in the head .
  • deleteAtIndex(index): If the index index It works , Delete the index Nodes .

Thought analysis

It's very possible to guess this blindly , Very basic .

Example :

MyLinkedList linkedList = new MyLinkedList();
linkedList. addAtHead( 1);
linkedList. addAtTail( 3);
linkedList. addAtIndex( 1, 2); // Linked list becomes 1-> 2-> 3
linkedList. get( 1); // return 2
linkedList. deleteAtIndex( 1); // Now the list is 1-> 3
linkedList. get( 1); // return 3
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  • 7.

Reference code

using namespace std;

// It's strange , It's supposed to be ok ...
class MyLinkedList {

// Define linked list
struct LinkedNode {
int val;
LinkedNode * next;
LinkedNode(): val( 0), next( NULL) {
LinkedNode( int x): val( x), next( NULL) {
LinkedNode( int x, LinkedNode * next): val( x), next( next) {

MyLinkedList() {
head = new LinkedNode();
size = 0;
// Get linked list index Values of nodes . If the index is invalid , Then return to -1.
int get( int index) {
if( index < 0 || index > size - 1 ) {
return - 1;
LinkedNode * cur = head -> next;
while( index --) { // It's actually getting index+1 Nodes , because index It's from 0 At the beginning
cur = cur -> next;
return cur -> val;

// Add nodes to the head of the list .
void addAtHead( int val) {
// ListNode *newNode = new ListNode(val,head->next);
// head->next = newNode;
head -> next = new LinkedNode( val, head -> next);
size ++;

// Add nodes at the end of the list
void addAtTail( int val) {
LinkedNode * cur = head;
while( cur -> next) {
cur = cur -> next;
cur -> next = new LinkedNode( val);
size ++;

// In the list, the index The value added before nodes is val The node of .
// If index It's equal to the length of the list , Then the node will be attached to the end of the list
// If index Greater than the length of the list , The node will not be inserted .
// If index Less than 0, Then insert the node in the head .

void addAtIndex( int index, int val) {
if( index > size) { // If index Greater than the length of the list , The node will not be inserted .
if( index < 0) { // If index Less than 0, Then insert the node in the head .
addAtHead( val);
if( index == size) { // If index It's equal to the length of the list , Then the node will be attached to the end of the list
addAtTail( val);
LinkedNode * cur = head;
while( index --) {
cur = cur -> next;
cur -> next = new LinkedNode( val, cur -> next);
// ListNode *newNode = new ListNode(val);
// newNode->next = cur->next;
// cur->next = newNode;

size ++;

// If the index index It works , Delete the index Nodes .
void deleteAtIndex( int index) {
if( index >= size || index < 0) {
LinkedNode * cur = head;
while( index --) {
cur = cur -> next;
LinkedNode * temp = cur -> next;
cur -> next = cur -> next -> next;
delete temp;
size --;
void printLinkedList(){
LinkedNode * cur = head;
while( cur -> next){
cout << cur -> next -> val << " ";
cur = cur -> next;
cout << endl;
// Global variables
LinkedNode * head;
int size ;


int main() {
MyLinkedList * obj = new MyLinkedList();
int param_1 = obj -> get( 0);
cout << param_1 << endl;
obj -> addAtHead( 1);
obj -> printLinkedList();
obj -> addAtTail( 2);
obj -> printLinkedList();
obj -> addAtIndex( 1, 3);
obj -> printLinkedList();
obj -> deleteAtIndex( 0);
obj -> printLinkedList();
return 0;
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remarks : There's nothing wrong with the code itself ,LeetCode The question may be a little lax …

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