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Chapter 1 Introduction to CRM core business

2022-07-07 17:53:00 Make a light

       1,CRM(Customer Relationship Management) Customer relationship management is management The relationship between enterprises and customers New management mechanism . The ultimate goal is to attract new customers 、 Retain old customers and turn existing customers into loyal customers , To increase market share .

        It is a complete customer relationship management system , Including the market 、 sales 、 service 3 Big link , Product maturity , It's easy to operate , Powerful . Help you get value from all stages of the customer's life cycle .

      2, This is a kind of software , Many companies specialize in this CRM System . Our system , It's from a very famous company dedicated to CRM From the company that developed the project .

     Different industries CRM, The function is not the same at all , It is determined by the sales model , For example, you have distribution and direct selling .

     3,CRM It provides a new way to improve the relationship between enterprises and customers Management mechanism , Enterprises can plan marketing activities 、 Increase sales leads 、 Standardize customer contact information 、 Effectively distinguish and count transactions in different stages 、 Properly arrange the after-sales return visit 、 Provide support for decision-making , Optimize all business links , Reduce the loss of customers in all links , And company costs . Of course , We don't do it all , We just take out some modules to do .

4, The business process :

       Marketing activities : Marketing personnel .

       clue : Sales department personnel .( When the willingness to buy clues is very strong , Can convert )

       Customer : Company information in the clue

       Contacts : Contact information in the clue

       transaction : Transactions that have been made . The transaction made may not necessarily be a deal , Only those customers who have intention to trade will create transaction records . There are some stages in the transaction , There are nine stages in total , The more you go down, the more likely you are to make a deal , Of course, the deal may fail in the end .

      After sales follow-up : Customer service . After the transaction .

       Statistical report : Sales funnel . It mainly reflects the data changes in various stages of transaction data .

1, The life cycle of software development :
  1) Tendering :
    bid :---------- biding document
    Party a :
    Party B :
  2) Feasibility analysis :--------- Feasibility analysis report
    technology , economic
  3) Demand analysis :----------- The requirements document
    The product manager , Demand survey
    Project prototype : Easy to determine requirements , Act as jsp Webpage .
  4) Analysis and design :
    Architecture design :---------- Schema document
             Physical architecture design :
             application server :tomcat(apache),weblogic(bea-->oracle),websphere(ibm),jboss(redhat),resin(MS)
                    web  javaee:13 Kind of agreement
                    mq ....
         database server :mysql,oracle,DB2,sqlserver, Reach a dream
         Logical architecture design : Code layering .
             View layer --> Control layer --> The business layer --> Persistence layer --> database
         Technology selection :java,.net
    Project design :--------- Project design documents
             Physical model design : Which watch , Which fields , The type and length of the field , And the relationship between tables .
         Logical model design : What classes , Which properties and methods , Method and return values , And the relationship between classes .
                       rational rose-----.pdl
         Interface design : Enterprise application simple ----- Project prototype
                   Internet applications cool
             Algorithm design :------ Algorithm design document
  5) Build development environment :----------- Technical architecture documentation
    Create project , add to jar package , Add configuration file , Add static pages , Add public classes and other resources ; It can start and operate normally .
  6) coded :------- notes
  7) test :----------- The test case
  8) A test run :--------- User manual
  9) go online :----------- Implementation documentation
  10) Operation and maintenance :---------- Operation and maintenance manual

  11) Document compilation :

2,CRM The core business of the project :
  1)CRM Brief introduction of the project :Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship management system
    Enterprise application , Traditional applications ; For sales or trading companies , in the market , sales , Maintain customer relationship in various links such as service ,
    CRM The purpose of the project : Add new customers , Keep old customers , Turn existing customers into loyal customers .
  2)CRM It's a kind of project , our CRM It is for a large import and export trading company to use , Do the import and export trade of bulk commodities ; The goods are controlled by the housekeeper .
  3)CRM The core business of the project :
    System management function : Not directly processing business data , The function designed to ensure the normal and safe operation of business management function .
                  The user login , Safety exit , Login verification, etc
          To the super administrator , Development and operation and maintenance personnel use .
    Business management functions : Process business data
                  Marketing activities : The Marketing Department , Design marketing campaigns
          clue : The sales department ( Primary sales ), Add clues
          Customers and contacts : The sales department ( Senior sales ), Effectively distinguish and track customers and contacts .
                  transaction : The sales department ( Senior sales ), Better distinguish and count all stages of transactions .
          After sales follow-up : Customer service department , Properly arrange the after-sales return visit . Take the initiative to remind .
                  Statistical charts : management layer , Count the data volume of each stage in the transaction table .



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