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Interview vipshop internship testing post, Tiktok internship testing post [true submission]

2022-07-07 18:46:00 Uncle Ali said the test

Article contribution : A little partner who doesn't want to disclose information

Vipshop summer internship test experience

6.11 one side (25min)

Self introduction.
I have done tests in my previous internship , What processes are involved ?
Impressive bug?
Shopping cart use case
Database comparison query optimization ? It's mainly about what to do ?( Said the explain)
explain Inside level
Index principle
Commonly used mysql sentence
What is used for connection query , The connection difference between left and right
use python What projects have you done ?
java Will it? ? Modifier access range
Commonly used linux command
What are the sorting algorithms , Choose three kinds to compare
Why do you want to do software testing ?

6.17 Two sides (7min)

No mistake , Namely 7 Minutes are so outrageous .
Chatted for a while , Ask what you did before your internship . How long do you want to practice
Say three handshakes
Then why this process ?
I learned before linux Is it? ?
ask ( Internship time , Technology stack )

6.18 HR Noodles (25min about )

Originally, the video side of the applet , But there is no sound here , Change to telephone
Self introduction.
Ask about previous internships , Very fine , How many people? , What kind of business , Our products are still connected to the outside , I'm afraid you made it up
Why do you test instead of develop
Why take the postgraduate entrance examination
Previous internship difficulties
Why do you think you are suitable for testing
Which industry do you want to work in
Why do you want to work in the Internet industry
Occupation planning
Say next Wednesday, four results
How do you feel hr Face is more difficult than technology ...

6.24 No information , It is estimated that

Tiktok practice side record

Time :2021/06/11 15:00
Duration :20min
form : Telephone
The problem record :

  1. Self introduction. 1min

  2. java How can garbage collection find objects that are not referenced ?(GC Root I said something about it , Seems dissatisfied )
    What are the algorithms for garbage collection ?( I talked about three : Mark clear 、 Copy 、**) How to do it ?( Can't )

  3. What do the common status codes mean
    Talked about it. 403,404,500,503

  4. Which database ?(MySQL)
    Which commands are deleted ?(delete from,drop,truncate)
    What's the difference? ?(drop Delete table structure and data ,truncate Will return to the original size ,delete You can roll back )
    Why? delete You can roll back ?( It is DML)
    dml Can I rollback ? What is the underlying implementation of rollback ?( I do not know! )

  5. Cache, you know ?( Browser cache )
    Do you know anything about caching other than browsers ?( I don't know. , I don't know what she wants to ask , A friend who knows leave a message and tell me )

  6. cookie and session Do you know? ?
    ( Said )
    Then you logged in to Taobao on your browser , Why is it possible to log in once , Where is the information stored ? Why? ?
    ( Uh ,cookie Inside . because session The life cycle of ,cookie It has a long life cycle , If in session in , You can't log in when the page is closed . I don't know if it's right , Nonsense )

  7. You know what ?
    ( You know , How to improve the efficiency of query ,MySQL It's using B+tree)
    B+tree What is the underlying principle of ?
    ( Multiforked tree , Data is stored in leaf nodes , Non leaf node storage index ……)
    anything else ?( I don't know. )

  8. Test scenarios : Let you test the comment function of Tiktok video, how do you test ?
    ( If you only test from the function , Consider the following cases :blablabla2 minute , Said the content of the comment is relevant : Whether the text is empty 、 Length limit 、 With or without expressions or pictures and corresponding size restrictions ; Show related ; Can be forwarded 、 give the thumbs-up 、 Reply and so on , Seems dissatisfied . Friends, how should I answer this ?)

  9. Rhetorical questions
    Is it to do function test ?【 intend : Yes 】
    The working intensity of this piece ?【 laugh , Haven't you heard of the working intensity of bytes ? Interns and regular employees are the same 】
    When will the result come out ?【 She will report it later , as for HR I don't know when to notify 】
    That should be all , It's very efficient ,20 Less than minutes , Ask a little in depth , From Beijing . I compare dishes , Many can't answer , Friends passing by welcome correction ( thank ), front 13 Minutes of call quality is not very good , Say to each other that the other party's signal is bad . Probably not .

6.12 Received a letter of thanks , cool .

ending : A high-level software test template is attached : The specific preparation is as follows

Click the blue font below to receive or add V:mashang-zz( remarks :999)

full set 【 software test / automated testing 】 Massive data can be obtained for free ( The resume template , The test case , file )

Resume template of Senior Software Test Engineer

essential information :
surname     name : Wen classmate                         sex     other : male

civil     family : han                     date of birth :1991.09

contact number :168888888                 learn     calendar : Undergraduate

Post     box :[email protected]       Current address : Xixiang street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province

educational background :    
2012.09-2016.6             University one is graduated from : Business College of Hubei University of technology           Education : Undergraduate

I have participated in many associations in the school , And helped organize the football match , Summer camp , A series of activities such as autumn outings .
Organize students to visit the elderly in the nursing home , Blood donation and other public welfare activities .
2013 Won the title of excellent college student in
Work experience :
2015.9-2018.7                       Shenzhen Kailu Network Technology Co., Ltd                   Software test engineer

Expertise : 
Proficient in test theory , Methods and common documentation , Such as : test plan , The test case , Test report, etc ;
Proficient in the application of black box testing ; Such as boundary value 、 Equivalence class 、 Scene method 、 Cause and effect diagram judgment method 、 Use case testing by error inference ;
Project experience : 
One . Project name : ICT lending platform                                     2017 year 6 month ——2018 year 7 month                            

Project brief introduction : ICT lending platform , It is an internet financial service platform combining ICT lending platform and online lending , It has built a fair for individuals who have capital needs and financial needs 、 transparent 、 Stable 、 Efficient platform , It is a relatively new financial management model based on Internet applications . The project belongs to B/S framework . It is mainly divided into front-end and back-end , The main front-end modules are , home page , I want to invest , I want a loan , Novice Guides , Points Mall , My account and other modules ; The main modules included in the background are , System home page , Loan management , Financial management , Member management , fund management , To do list , Statistics module , Department of management , Points Mall , Front end settings , System settings and other modules . It provides great convenience for the management of loan customer information .

Project responsibilities :

1、 Understand the needs of customers' financial projects 、 The process of the project 、 Participate in project review 、 Demand analysis .

2、 Write test cases according to requirements specifications, design documents and project processes .

3、 Participate in the review of use cases , Carefully review the project use case report , Perfect test cases according to the requirements of leaders .

4、 Strictly implement the test cases after the use case review , Submit with Zen defect tool bug, Track defects .

5、 After the development repair is completed, the regression test is performed until the regression is closed .

6、 utilize jmeter test web The interface of the end , And export the interface test report , Check the interface document .

7、 Write automated test scripts for major business function modules , Perform automated tests .

8、 Write test report .

Two . Project name : Yi'an payment                                    2016 year 10 month ——2017 year 6 month     

Description of project : Yi'an payment project is a business platform system for operating payment and Internet transactions , Support various online and offline payment applications . Committed to personal 、 Enterprises create a “ Security 、 Efficient 、 convenient 、 To save money 、 To make money ” E-commerce platform . The payment of water, electricity and coal can not only be made on the Yi'an payment platform 、 Triple play mobile phone recharge 、 Return credit card 、 Buy train tickets, movie tickets, etc 、 Pay traffic fines , And you can buy all kinds of goods on it , You can also manage money on the platform 、 Buy all kinds of insurance . The main function modules of the system are login and registration 、 home page 、 conduct financial transactions 、 payment 、 To loan 、 insurance 、 shopping 、 Real name authentication 、 Recharge 、 Withdrawal 、 Discovery, etc . My main function module is login and registration 、 conduct financial transactions 、 shopping 、 payment 、 Loan, etc .

Responsibility description :

1、 Be familiar with requirements documents and design specifications , Participate in the needs analysis of the project , Do requirements review , Look for objections and potential needs , Determining demand .

2、 According to the demand analysis , Write test points and test cases , And participate in the review , Modify and improve test cases .

3、 Smoke test the testable version provided by the development , Verify that the basic functions are working properly .

4、 Execute test case , Find defects and submit through Zen bug, Perform defect tracking and regression testing .

5、 Understand performance requirements , Prepare performance hardware and software resources , Use LoadRunner Record maintenance scripts , Perform performance tests .

6、 Summarize the test work , Write test report .

7、 Review the project , Understand the problems encountered in the project , And have a meeting to discuss .

Personal evaluation :
Work actively , Have a strong sense of responsibility and rigorous work style , Think positively , Good communication skills and teamwork spirit
Strong learning ability , Strong analysis 、 Ability to locate and solve problems , Have strong logical thinking ability and expression ability
Be able to actively complete the tasks assigned by the leaders , And very organized to complete as planned .
Lively and cheerful , Easy to get along with colleagues , Can quickly get on well with developers .
Have a strong sense of team , Be able to actively cooperate with colleagues to complete projects .

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Finally, I compiled some notes of learning materials and the above set of resume templates of senior software testing engineers

Want to edit learning materials, notes, and the above set of resume templates for senior software testing engineers

【 Private letter my key words “999” Free access 】 High salary resume template ( Interview collection is free )

High salary resume template ( Interview collection is free )

High salary resume template ( Interview collection is free )


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