当前位置:网站首页>Dynamic addition of El upload upload component; El upload dynamically uploads files; El upload distinguishes which component uploads the file.
Dynamic addition of El upload upload component; El upload dynamically uploads files; El upload distinguishes which component uploads the file.
2022-07-07 19:39:00 【i_ am_ a_ div_ Accumulate over time_】
demand : Normally, we upload a fixed file to a fixed back-end field .
But you may encounter , such Customize and add multiple upload components , That is, traverse multiple same upload components like an array
At this point, I encounter a problem : Because it is the upload component that comes out of traversal , It leads to successful upload :on-success、 change :on-change、 Delete :on-remove All in the same way , So how do you know which component the file just uploaded belongs to
resolvent : In template html When , combination function Function of , First, traverse the j Subscript return To the corresponding successful methods , And then in methods When , stay return Out of the corresponding method , By subscript j Identify the content that will be uploaded successfully ( Image name 、url、id etc. ) Save in the corresponding field .
.:on-remove="(file, file_list)=>{handlePayRemove(file, file_list, j)}"
:on-change="(file, file_list)=>{return filePayChange(file, file_list, j)}"
:on-success="(response, file, file_list)=>{return msgPaySuccess(response, file, file_list, j)}"
The following code can be copied directly , But we need to pay attention to uploadImgURL Change to your own image upload interface
<div class="order">
<el-form :model="ruleFormContract" ref="ruleFormContract" label-width="130px" class="demo-ruleFormContract">
<el-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label=" Upload attachments :">
<span style="color: #1890ff; cursor: pointer;" @click="addFileArr">
<i class="el-icon-plus"></i>
Add self named attachments
<!-- This is a fixed upload -->
<el-form-item label-width="150px" label=" Payment application code / Payment code :" prop="hetongwenjian" class="img_all_box_item">
<el-upload class="upload-demo" style="backgroundColor:#fff;width: 360px;" :action="uploadImgURL" :file-list="filePayListFukuanma" ref="msgPayUpload" :on-preview="handlePictureCardPay" :before-upload="beforePayUp" :on-change="(file, file_list)=>{return filePayChange(file, file_list, 'filePayListFukuanma')}" :on-success="(response, file, file_list)=>{return msgPaySuccess(response, file, file_list, 'filePayListFukuanma')}" :on-remove="(file, file_list)=>{return handlePayRemove(file, file_list, 'filePayListFukuanma')}" :show-file-list="false" drag :multiple="true" :limit="2000">
<!-- :show-file-list="false" Cancel the original document display Show below template Show the documents written by yourself in -->
<i class="el-icon-plus"></i>
<div class="el-upload__text">
Drag files here , or <em> Click upload ( Less than 2M)</em>
<div style="float:left;" v-for="(item,index) in showImageArrFukuanma" :key="index">
<span class="span_box" style="border:1px solid #ccc;display:inline-block;border-radius: 5px;" @click="showBigImg(item)">
<img v-if="(item.fileName.indexOf('.png')>=0)||(item.fileName.indexOf('.jpg')>=0)||(item.fileName.indexOf('.jpeg')>=0)" style="width:50px;height:50px;cursor: pointer;" :src="item.imgUrl" alt="">
<img v-else style="width:50px;height:50px;cursor: pointer;" src="../../../static/file.png" alt="">
<i class="el-icon-close" style="cursor: pointer;margin-left:5px;" @click.stop.prevent="deleteImgOne(item,'filePayListFukuanma')"></i>
<!-- Traverse multiple -->
<template v-for="(ele,j) in newImgElemenArr">
<el-form-item label-width="150px" :key="j" prop="hetongwenjian" class="img_all_box_item img_all_box_arr">
<el-input style="float:left;width: 150px;" v-model="ele.newname"></el-input>
<i class="el-icon-delete" style="float:left;margin: 10px 10px;" @click="delzdyArr(j)"></i>
<el-upload class="upload-demo" style="backgroundColor:#fff;width: 360px;" :action="uploadImgURL" :file-list="ele.newfilePayListName" ref="msgPayUpload" :on-preview="handlePictureCardPay" :before-upload="beforePayUp" :on-change="(file, file_list)=>{return filePayChange(file, file_list, j)}" :on-success="(response, file, file_list)=>{return msgPaySuccess(response, file, file_list, j)}" :on-remove="(file, file_list)=>{handlePayRemove(file, file_list, j)}" :show-file-list="false" drag :multiple="true" :limit="2000">
<!-- :show-file-list="false" Cancel the original document display Show below template Show the documents written by yourself in -->
<i class="el-icon-plus"></i>
<div class="el-upload__text">
Drag files here , or <em> Click upload ( Less than 2M)</em>
<div style="float:left;" v-for="(item,index) in ele.newshowImageArr" :key="index">
<span class="span_box" style="border:1px solid #ccc;display:inline-block;border-radius: 5px;" @click="showBigImg(item)">
<img v-if="(item.fileName.indexOf('.png')>=0)||(item.fileName.indexOf('.jpg')>=0)||(item.fileName.indexOf('.jpeg')>=0)" style="width:50px;height:50px;cursor: pointer;" :src="item.imgUrl" alt="">
<img v-else style="width:50px;height:50px;cursor: pointer;" src="../../../static/file.png" alt="">
<i class="el-icon-close" style="cursor: pointer;margin-left:5px;" @click.stop.prevent="deleteImgOne(item,j)"></i>
<!-- Preview -->
<el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<img width="100%" :src="dialogImageUrl" alt="" />
<script> import {
G_CGI_PHP } from "api/api" // Introduce backend api Address of the interface export default {
data () {
return {
ruleFormContract: {
}, uploadImgURL: G_CGI_PHP.group.documentUpload,// Interface for uploading files to the backend ------------------- You need to replace it with your own // uploadImgURL: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/', dialogImageUrl: "", dialogVisible: false, filePayListFukuanma: [], showImageArrFukuanma: [ // {fileName:'aaa.png',fileId:'21909489392392',imgUrl:G_CGI_PHP.group.documentDownload + `?id=` + res.data} ], // Upload the image and store it in the array The value traversed and displayed by the front end newImgElemenArr: [ // { newname: '', newfilePayListName: [], newshowImageArr: [] }// The names are ( Send it to the backend to know which attachment name ), Upload binding ( Probably not ), Image array ( Picture information sent to the backend ) ],// Dynamically add new attachment upload components } }, methods: {
addFileArr () {
let name1 = ' The attachment ' + (this.newImgElemenArr.length + 1) this.newImgElemenArr.push({
newname: name1, newfilePayListName: [], newshowImageArr: [] }) }, delzdyArr (j) {
this.newImgElemenArr = this.newImgElemenArr.filter((ele, index) => {
return index != j }) }, handlePictureCardPay (file) {
console.log(file, " preview ") this.dialogImageUrl = file.url this.dialogVisible = true }, beforePayUp (file) {
console.log(' Before uploading ', file) if ((file.size / 1024 / 1024) >= 2) {
this.$message.warning(' The file must be less than 2M') return false } }, filePayChange (file, fileDataList, j) {
const loading = this.$loading({
lock: true, text: 'Loading', spinner: 'el-icon-loading', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' }) console.log(file, fileDataList, j, " Document change ") if (j == 'filePayListFukuanma') {
this.filePayListFukuanma = fileDataList } else {
for (let h = 0; h < this.newImgElemenArr.length; h++) {
const element = this.newImgElemenArr[h] if (h == j) {
this.newImgElemenArr[h].newfilePayListName = fileDataList } } } setTimeout(() => {
loading.close() }, 2000) }, msgPaySuccess (res, file, file_list, j) {
console.log(' Upload successful ', res, file) // console.log(" Business license uploaded successfully :file Format ---", file.raw,) // console.log(' Picture address ', URL.createObjectURL(file.raw)) const _vm = this if (res.success) {
if (j == 'filePayListFukuanma') {
fileName: file.name, fileId: res.data, imgUrl: G_CGI_PHP.group.documentDownload + `?id=` + res.data }) } else {
for (let h = 0; h < this.newImgElemenArr.length; h++) {
const element = this.newImgElemenArr[h] if (h == j) {
fileName: file.name, fileId: res.data, imgUrl: G_CGI_PHP.group.documentDownload + `?id=` + res.data }) } } } } else {
message: " Upload failed , Please upload again !", type: "error", }) } }, handlePayRemove (file, fileDataList, j) {
console.log(file, fileDataList, j, " Delete picture ") if (j == 'filePayListFukuanma') {
this.filePayListFukuanma = fileDataList } else {
for (let h = 0; h < this.newImgElemenArr.length; h++) {
const element = this.newImgElemenArr[h] if (h == j) {
this.newImgElemenArr[h].newfilePayListName = fileDataList } } } }, showBigImg (item) {
if ((item.fileName.indexOf('.png') >= 0) || (item.fileName.indexOf('.jpg') >= 0) || (item.fileName.indexOf('.jpeg') >= 0)) {
// The picture is a preview this.dialogImageUrl = item.imgUrl this.dialogVisible = true } else {
// Other files are downloaded const x = new window.XMLHttpRequest() x.open('GET', item.imgUrl, true) x.responseType = 'blob' x.onload = () => {
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(x.response) const a = document.createElement('a') a.href = url a.download = item.fileName a.click() } x.send() } }, deleteImgOne (item, j) {
console.log(item, j) if (j == 'filePayListFukuanma') {
this.showImageArrFukuanma = this.showImageArrFukuanma.filter(ele => {
return ele != item }) this.filePayListFukuanma = this.filePayListFukuanma.filter(ele => {
return ele.name != item.fileName }) } else {
for (let h = 0; h < this.newImgElemenArr.length; h++) {
const element = this.newImgElemenArr[h] if (h == j) {
console.log(h, j, item) this.newImgElemenArr[h].newshowImageArr = this.newImgElemenArr[h].newshowImageArr.filter(ele => {
return ele != item }) this.newImgElemenArr[h].newfilePayListName = this.newImgElemenArr[h].newfilePayListName.filter(ele => {
return ele.name != item.fileName }) } } } }, }, } </script>
<style lang="less" scoped> .order {
padding: 20px; /deep/.el-dialog__body {
padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 20px; } // The following is how to deal with the pop-up .el-form-item__content {
width: 100% !important; .el-select {
width: 100%; } .el-date-editor {
width: 100%; } } /deep/.bottom_box {
text-align: center; .el-form-item__content {
margin-left: 0 !important; } } .el-col {
// background-color: #1fff; // border: 1px solid #ddd; // min-height: 62.62px; min-height: 65.62px; } .span_box {
padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; height: 80px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 10px; img {
float: left; margin-top: 5px; } span {
float: left; margin-top: 10px; } i {
float: left; margin-top: 24px; } } .bor_box {
margin-left: 50px; margin-bottom: 10px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; /deep/.el-col-2 {
margin-top: 32px; } /deep/.el-col-6 {
top: 25px; position: relative; } .box4_div {
border: 1px solid #ddd; overflow: hidden; height: 93px; padding-right: 50px; } .name_span {
position: absolute; right: -18px; top: 0px; } .el-icon-delete {
margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 3px; cursor: pointer; } } .num_input {
width: fit-content; /deep/.el-input-number__decrease, /deep/.el-input-number__increase {
display: none !important; } /deep/.el-input__inner {
padding: 0 !important; text-align: left; padding-left: 10px !important; } } /deep/.pos_box {
position: relative; span {
position: absolute; top: 0px; } } .img_all_box_item {
width: 100%; overflow: hidden; padding-top: 15px; /deep/.el-form-item__label {
margin-top: 20px; } /deep/.upload-demo {
float: left !important; // background-color: #1fff !important; padding: 0 !important; height: 80px !important; line-height: 80px !important; .el-icon-plus {
float: left !important; margin: 32px 0 0 12px !important; } .el-upload-dragger {
height: 80px !important; } } } .img_all_box_arr {
margin-left: 10px; /deep/.el-form-item__content {
margin-left: 0 !important; } } } </style>
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