2 Don't be afraid of high temperature , Zhong Xuegao wants to remain innocent in the world

source : Zinc of finance and economics (ID:xincaijing) author : Chen Yiting edit : Anna

Don't be afraid of high temperature , Want to stay innocent in the world .

This is the most true portrayal of Zhong Xuegao these days .31℃ High temperature lowering 1 Hours do not melt 、 Take a lighter and burn it straight and smoke , The image of Zhong Xuegao in people's hearts , From the sky high price ice cream assassin , Become a major food safety problem .

Even Zhong Xuegao refuted the rumor many times 、 Many clarifications , They said they strictly abide by National Standards , It is unscientific to explain such an experiment , No one can listen .

Only a short while ago , Ice cream is not easy to melt, which is still a big selling point of Zhong Xuegao , The official website clearly promises “ Melt and return ”, The original intention is to publicize the strength of its own cold chain , But unexpectedly, it was questioned that the amount of edible gum was too much .

But on the other side ,5 Snow lotus of Maoqian was exposed that the production workshop was messy ,“ After the collapse ” But because of the low price , By 1 100 million netizens praised it “ Snow lotus guard ”.

In contrast , It's not hard to find out ,“ Incombustible ” Just the appearance of being despised , Expensive is Zhong Xuegao's original sin .

This summer , Ice cream assassin has become the hottest entry . Pick up a humble ice cream in the convenience store , Unexpectedly, I also want 20 Yuan , And the wrong kind of migrant workers , Only tearful payment .

8 Block dream dragon ,18 Zhong Xue Gao of the block ,28 The Yili of the block must be happy , Whether imported foreign brand ice cream , Or the new consumption network red ice cream , Or traditional affordable ice cream , All the price increases . Extravagance has spread all over the ice cream circle , Dozens of ice cream assassins occupy the freezer , Oneortwo ice cream Bodhisattvas shrink in the corner .

Some people say , It was Zhong Xuegao who broke the atmosphere , Let a dozen pieces of ice cream become normal .

Because they spent 20 Buy a piece of Zhong Xue Gao , But I found that it was sweet and greasy and not delicious , It's not as refreshing as a piece of pudding for a dollar . The raw material of ice cream is nothing more than milk and sugar , How to adjust the taste , It is also difficult to break through the ceiling .

Affected by the environment , Milk futures doubled , Global sugar prices soared , After the price of raw materials rises , The price of ice cream has indeed increased , But gains are limited , Pudding from 1 The price is up 2 block , Chilez from 3 The price is up 4 block .

No matter how delicious ice cream is , exceed 10 Dollars is unacceptable , No matter how the price of raw materials rises , You can't turn it over 4 times . In that case , These ice cream are so expensive , With what ?

Because they sell more than ice cream .

In order to make more people accept their premium , Start making articles in all aspects , Fancy marketing is emerging in endlessly .

The first is cross-border co branding , Zhong Xuegao, the first brother of wanghong ice cream, has ruined the co branding . wahaha 、 Luzhou Lao Jiao , even to the extent that 《 Five years college entrance examination three years simulation 》, Have had joint names with Zhong Xuegao . Co branded models always sell more expensive , Can harvest more leeks .

Play co branding , The brand starts to pay high prices for spokesmen again : Zhong Xuegao invites Wang Ziwen , Middle St 1946 Please welcome Chen Weiting , Emperor LAN Shengxue is represented by Xiao Zhan .

Besides , The ice cream itself also began to roll in different directions . Some ice cream make an issue of modeling ,15 Pieces of scenic ice cream , Cost value of raw materials 5 block , Mold value 10 block . Some ice cream brands use micron technology , Only for grinding raw milk .

Some ice cream like to give names to their raw materials , Show your precious materials , Like Belgian chocolate 、 Yunnan coffee beans 、 New Zealand raw milk …… A sensation 66 Yuan Ecuador pink diamond ice cream , It claims to use the rare North American pink cocoa beans and Japanese Kochi lemon pomelo ,“ The cost is as high as 40 element , There is no profit ”.

For brand premium , Businesses have added many dispensable things , Lead to excess product value , Just like the general excess of mobile phone performance now .

Joint cross border 、 Celebrity endorsement , Fight with a set of combined fists with additional attributes , Harvest people's curiosity and wallet . Put it into specific operation , Such a marketing strategy costs real money . High marketing expenses , Finally, it can only be passed on to consumers .

And Zhong Xuegao, no matter in terms of pricing , Or on other additional properties , Have limited the main consumer groups to high net worth people with a certain income level , That is, urban white-collar .

The most typical is the ice cream that focuses on health , Not only low fat and low sugar , Also add high-quality protein , And the ingredients should be clean . There are reports ,75% The crowd , Eating ice cream is for taste . But Zhong Xuegao's target customers are the rest 25% People who care about calories . That's why founder Zhong Xuegao uttered wild words :“ Buy or not ”.

Picture source :2022 China ice cream and ice cream industry trend report

The reason why the new consumption ice cream has to do high customer unit price , Because if we take the parity route , It simply cannot compete with the traditional brands that have already occupied the offline market . Yili, as the ice giant with the largest market share in China , Most of its ice cream is 5 Affordable products within RMB , Firmly occupy the whole ice cream market 19%.

Highly publicized , It is the frequent overturning of ice cream brands .《 Consumer reports 》 The evaluation results show that , claim “ The formula does not add sucrose and sugar substitutes ” Sugar was detected in Zhongxue high light milk ice cream , Li Da Ju milk squid flavor with milk as selling point “ Milk ingredients ” least 、 Lactose content is at the bottom .

Thirty or forty yuan Haagen Dazs , Stay safely in a separate freezer , Tell you , Very expensive , Don't buy . Thirty or forty yuan ice cream assassins lurk in the bustling freezer , Wave to you from afar , Come on , leek .