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Empowering smart power construction | Kirin Xin'an high availability cluster management system to ensure the continuity of users' key businesses

2022-07-07 19:21:00 Kylin Xin'an

Kirin Xin'an has been deeply involved in the power industry for more than ten years , Kirin Xin'an operating system relies on high security 、 High availability 、 Strong real-time and flexible customization ability , It realizes the deep coupling innovation between product functions and the actual scene needs of the power industry , And widely used in smart grid dispatching control system 、 Distribution network control system 、 Intelligent substation control system 、 Centralized control system of new energy power plant 、 Smart power big data center 、 Power safety protection system 、 Internet of things electric vehicle charging pile 、 Subdivisions such as exclusive power equipment .

More Than This , Kirin Xin'an also expands and adds value to the power industry based on operating system technology , Launched a series of operating system derivatives solutions , In this issue, we will introduce kylin Xin'an high availability cluster management system in detail .

Kirin Xin'an operating system derivative solution
Kirin Xin'an high availability cluster management system

Kirin Xin'an high availability cluster management system ( abbreviation : KYLINSEC HA or HA) Solve key servers 、 Single point of failure for critical applications .

Once the critical node server fails , No other same server takes over the application in time , The whole business system will be down . Kirin Xin'an high availability cluster management system transforms the cluster architecture of key servers , Deploy the same application on multiple servers , Reuse HA Cluster these servers ,HA The cluster heartbeat mechanism can sense the running state of each server in the cluster in real time , Realize the operation of highly available cluster architecture .HA Once a server failure is detected , Will be timely 、 Actively switch the application on the failed server to the remaining servers of the cluster to resume operation , Continue to provide external application services , Greatly reduce the fault interruption time , Realize second level failover response , Finally, the ability to realize overall high availability and continuous operation .

No storage type :
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Shared storage :
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Mirrored storage :
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Kirin Xin'an is well aware of the key impact of system high availability on power business , While providing high-quality and stable operating system products and services , Actively assist power users to solve the problem of reliable business 、 Available challenges , Escort the stable operation of smart power control system .


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