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Experiment 1 of Compilation Principle: automatic implementation of lexical analyzer (Lex lexical analysis)

2022-07-07 19:18:00 Zombotany Zhiyong

One 、 Experimental content

1. With the help of lexical analysis tools Flex or Lex complete ( Reference network resources )
2. Input : High level language source code ( Such as helloworld.c)
3. Output : A sequence of word symbols represented by two tuples .

Two 、 The experiment purpose

Through the design 、 Organization 、 Debug a specific lexical analysis program , Deepen the understanding of the principle of lexical analysis , And master the lexical analysis method of decomposing the programming language source program into various words in the process of scanning it .

3、 ... and 、 experimental analysis

Because the overall structure of words in different high-level programming languages is roughly the same , Basically, it can be described by a set of regular expressions , So construct such an automatic generation system : Just give a set of regular expressions of the lexical structures of various words in a high-level language and the semantic actions that the lexical analysis program should take when recognizing various words , The system can automatically generate the lexical analysis program of this high-level programming language .Lex It is an automatic generation tool of lexical analysis program . One Lex Source program process Lex The compiler system can generate lexical analysis programs L.
One Lex The source program has the following form :

 Declaration part 
 Conversion rules 
 Auxiliary function 

In the declaration section , Defining variables and constants . You can also declare regular expressions .
and Lex Each transformation rule of has the following form :
Pattern { action }
among , Patterns are regular expressions , You can use the regular definition given in the declaration section . Actions are code snippets , utilize c Language writing .
Lex The source program is stored in .l In file , utilize win_flex You can generate output lex.yy.c file .lex.yy.c Documents can be c The language compiler compiles and runs .
In order to identify a real c Language source , The following auxiliary definitions are required :
These two auxiliary definitions are used to recognize single alphabetic characters and single numeric characters .
In this experiment , What needs to be identified is c The reserved words of the language program are as follows :while、if、else、switch、case、int、main、using、namespace、std、printf. A regular expression can be used to identify :
c Language identifier id The following rules : By letter 、 Numbers 、 Underline composition , And the first character can only be letters or underscores . Then the regular expression of the identifier is :({letter}|_)({letter}|{digit}|_)*
The regular expression of an integer is as follows :(‘+’|’-’)?{digit}*
among , Question mark ’+’ Number or ’-’ No. or it doesn't appear , Or there is only once . This regular expression can accept positive and negative numbers .
The regular expression of floating point numbers is as follows :{digit}+.{digit}+((E|e)(‘+’|’-’)?{digit}+)?
There is at least one digit before the decimal point , There is at least one digit after the decimal point . You can attach this number after the number, which needs to be multiplied 10 How many powers of , It can also be without .
c The operators in language are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 、 Compare 、 Outside assignment , And stream input and output . The regular expression is as follows :\+|-|\*|<=|<|==|=|>=|>|>>|<<. Because regular expressions have plus and multiplier signs , So add a backslash before the plus sign and the multiply sign to escape .
Recognize spaces 、tab、 A newline 、 A carriage return (\r) The regular expression of is : \t\n\r, Write it down as delim. To identify multiple blanks , You can use regular expressions {delim}+
The regular expression that identifies the string is :”[^”]*”, That is, there can be any character other than the double quotation mark character in two double quotation marks . For the sake of escape , stay c Writing is required in language programs :\"[^"]*\"
distinguish c When the header file included at the beginning of the language program , Need to identify first # Number , Then recognize any characters except line breaks . The regular expression statement is as follows :"#".*
stay lex In the program , After reading the source code file that needs lexical analysis , call yylex() You can automatically start lexical analysis , The attribute value of lexical unit obtained by lexical analysis is temporarily stored in the global variable yylval in , The recognized word string is stored in the variable yytext in .
At run time , Each input file is matched to a regular expression , It automatically performs its action . In this experiment , The action to be performed is to represent the current word in the form of a binary . That is to say :( Word type , The value of the word itself ). This process is repeated , And will make mistakes when recognizing illegal characters . Until the end of the file is read , The process ends .

Four 、 Experimental process

After the download is complete win_flex After the compressed package of , Unzip the folder and you can see win_flex.exe The file of . this exe Files cannot be run directly . You need to configure environment variables first , Add the path of this file to the system variable Path Inside . stay cmd window , Yes Lex Of the source program .l File execution win_flex --nounistd lex.l, Can generate lex.yy.c. Add parameter –nounistd The purpose of is to generate windows Compiled and run in the environment lex.yy.c Not only in linux/unix In the environment lex.yy.c.
At the end of writing .l After the document , perform win_flex, Generate lex.yy.c. stay visual studio Wait for the compiler to compile and run this file , Another one to be analyzed c The language source program performs lexical analysis and outputs it to the control tower .
therefore , The overall operation process of the experiment is as follows
 chart 1 Overall process

5、 ... and 、 Experimental code

5.1 Code instructions

stay %{ And %} Between them is the insertion c Language program ,include Related libraries and define global variables to record the current number of words being analyzed for the counter .

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	int count = 0;

The declarative part of the regular expression , The regular expressions corresponding to each word type analyzed in Chapter 3 are consistent .

digit		[0-9]
letter		[a-zA-Z]
reservedWord	[w][h][i][l][e]|[i][f]|[e][l][s][e]|[s][w][i][t][c][h]|[c][a][s][e]|[i][n][t]|[m][a][i][n]|[u][s][i][n][g]|[n][a][m][e][s][p][a][c][e]|[s][t][d]|[p][r][i][n][t][f]
id	({
num	{
operator	\+|-|\*|<=|<|==|=|>=|>|>>|<<
delim		[ \t\n\r]
whitespace	{
semicolon [\;]
str \"[^"]*\"
other		.

Auxiliary function part , Perform the corresponding action for each regular expression : Add one counter , Analyze the word type of the current word and the value of the word itself .

    reservedWord}  {
    count++;printf("%d\t(reserved word,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
    id}    {
    num}	{
    operator}      {
    whitespace}    {
     /* do nothing*/ }
    str} {
"(" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(left bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
")" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(right bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
"{" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(left bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
"}" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(right bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
":" {
";" {
"#".* {
    other}		{
    printf("illegal character:\'%s\'\n",yytext);}

main The function reads a file to yyin, And call yylex() Automatically to yyin For lexical analysis .

int main(){
	return 0;
 int yywrap()
 	return 1;

5.2 Complete code

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	int count = 0;

digit		[0-9]
letter		[a-zA-Z]
reservedWord	[w][h][i][l][e]|[i][f]|[e][l][s][e]|[s][w][i][t][c][h]|[c][a][s][e]|[i][n][t]|[m][a][i][n]|[u][s][i][n][g]|[n][a][m][e][s][p][a][c][e]|[s][t][d]|[p][r][i][n][t][f]
id	({
num	{
operator	\+|-|\*|<=|<|==|=|>=|>|>>|<<
delim		[ \t\n\r]
whitespace	{
semicolon [\;]
str \"[^"]*\"
other		.
    reservedWord}  {
    count++;printf("%d\t(reserved word,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
    id}    {
    num}	{
    operator}      {
    whitespace}    {
     /* do nothing*/ }
    str} {
"(" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(left bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
")" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(right bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
"{" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(left bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
"}" {
    count++;printf("%d\t(right bracket,\'%s\')\n",count,yytext);}
":" {
";" {
"#".* {
    other}		{
    printf("illegal character:\'%s\'\n",yytext);}
int main(){
	return 0;
 int yywrap(){
 	return 1;

6、 ... and 、 Running results

 chart 2 Compile operation .l file
Compile operation .l file , Add parameters nounistd, Generated a can be in Windows 10 Can run in the environment lex.yy.c, Pictured 3 Shown .
 chart 3 Generate the file
 chart 4 The test file
Pictured 4, Write a real for testing lexical analyzer c The language code .
 chart 5 Lexical analysis results
Yes lex.yy.c Compile and run the code , And output the results on the console , Pictured 5. The lexical analyzer can automatically ignore spaces 、 A newline 、tab, Number each word one by one in order , And generate two tuples ( Word type , The value of the word itself ).
chart 5 Lexical analysis results and graphs 4 The test files of are corresponding one by one .
The header file is first identified . Recognition statement using namespace std, And identify the semicolon of the statement .
distinguish int main, And identify the right and left parentheses and braces that follow .
Source code “int a1=0;” Identified as follows : Reserved words int, identifier a1, Assignment number =, Numbers 0. And identify the semicolon .
Source code “if(a1==1);” Identified as follows : Reserved words if、 Left parenthesis 、 identifier a1、 Compare equal symbols ==、 Numbers 1、 Right bracket 、 A semicolon .
Source code “printf(“hello world”)” Was identified as : Reserved words printf、 Left parenthesis 、 character string ”hello world”、 Right bracket . It should be noted that ,”hello world” A string is a word , It is not recognized as two words because there is a space in the middle .
else、switch And other words are reserved . Identification identifier a1、 The process of brackets is the same .
Source code “case 1:printf(“hello”);” Was identified as : Reserved words case、 Numbers 1、 Reserved words printf、 Left parenthesis 、 character string ”hello”、 Right bracket 、 A semicolon . Source code “case 2:printf(“world”);” Empathy .
Finally, identify the two right braces . After reading the end of the file , Program end .

7、 ... and 、 Experimental experience


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