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Realize payment function in applet

2022-07-07 18:56:00 Low code preacher

Many of the daily small programs need to be paid , How to realize payment in a small program ? This article takes you to experience .

1 Payment scenario

Let's sort out what the payment scenario looks like , First, you can browse products , Then make settlement in the detail page of the commodity . The main purpose of settlement is to generate orders , Payment can be made after the order is generated .

Payment is actually to submit an online order to wechat payment , After the order is submitted successfully, you can call the payment interface to pull up the payment interface .

After pulling up the payment interface, we need to pay according to the prompted amount , After the payment is successful, we will update the status of the order , Become paid .

2 create data source

According to the analysis scenario, we need to create a data source , There are two data sources , They are commodity data source and order data source .

2.1 Commodity data source

If there is a commodity, there is the name of the commodity 、 Price 、 details , Create the commodity data source and corresponding fields according to the design
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2.2 Order data source

If the order is placed, there is an order number , Pay the amount , Whether to pay ,openid
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3 Create a connector

If we want to use wechat to pay , You need to create a connector first . Click the connector on the console , Click new connector
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Choose wechat payment
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Select the applet and merchant number of the business entity , This completes the creation of the connector
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Wechat payment provides a total of four methods , They are unified orders 、 Query order 、 Close order 、 Download the statement
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4 Create an

Click the application menu of the console , Click new app , Create a new custom application
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Enter the name of the app , Choose applet
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Click on the blank page , Create a home page

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Click next to the page + Number , First create a product details page
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Then create an order page

5 Function development

5.1 home page

On the home page, we put a data list component to display the list information of products
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Then bind the corresponding field to the text component
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Choose for Ordinary containers for recycling , Set click event , Jump to the product details page . When jumping, you need to create a new page parameter , Then bind the data ID of the current record
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5.2 Product details page

The product details page is developed using the data details component , Add the data details component . Select the data source model , Set filter criteria , And bind the fields
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Add a button to the page , Modify the title to settlement
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When we click the settlement button, we need to call the low code method , Complete order creation . Here you need to transfer the order amount , Low code method calls can be added

export default async function({
     event, data}) {
  const resutl = await app.cloud.callModel({
    pageId: 'u_ding_dan_ye',    //  page  Id 
    params: {
    id: resutl._id},

there openid Is the value of the global variable obtained , Specific global variable settings , Start the method to get the user's openid We have explained it many times in historical articles , You can check the previous tutorials .

After the low code method is defined, we can set the click event on the component , The amount passed in by parameters
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5.3 Order page

The order page first displays the details of the order with the data details component , Place a payment button to call the unified ordering method of the connector , After the call is successful, call the payment interface and pull up the payment interface

First, add a parameter variable , Receive the parameters we passed in on the product details page
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Add a data detail component , Data source selection order , The filter condition setting data ID is equal to our parameter variable
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Bind the fields in the order to the text component in turn
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Add a button component , Modify the title to pay
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Because we also need to get the details of the order on the payment page , So we need to create a model variable to get the specific value according to the parameter variable
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Create a low code payment method in the low code editor

export default async function ({
      event, data }) {
  const result = await app.cloud.callConnector({
    name: 'wxzf_82kvbum',
    methodName: 'unifiedOrder',
    params: {
      body: " Order example - Payment order ",
      outTradeNo: $page.dataset.state.order.ddbh,// Incoming order number 
      totalFee: $page.dataset.state.order.ddje,// Incoming payment amount 
      openid: $page.dataset.state.order.openid// Pass in to the user openid
    }, //  Methods into the reference 

  let pay = result.payment;// Get the return result after unified order 
  $app.requestPayment(// Call the payment interface to complete the payment 
      timeStamp: pay.timeStamp,
      nonceStr: pay.nonceStr,
      package: pay.package,
      signType: pay.signType,
      paySign: pay.paySign,
      success(res) {
      fail(res) {

What is not solved here is the problem that the payment successfully updates the order status , The actual measurement cannot directly call the method of data model in the callback function of payment , If there are students who succeed in the test, they can leave a message in the comment area for discussion


We use a certain amount of space to explain a complete payment process , Payment is still a common scenario , With the payment function, transactions can form a closed loop , If you can't do it yet, please follow the tutorial . If it helps you , Please like it 、 Comments and attention .


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