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ES6 note 1

2022-07-07 19:06:00 Thinking about getting rich every day


One  let Variable declaration and properties

  Two  const Declare constant

3、 ... and   Deconstruction and assignment of variables  

  Four   Template string

5、 ... and   Arrow function

6、 ... and   Default value settings for function parameters

    7、 ... and  rest Parameters

8、 ... and   Extension operator

  Nine Symbol

One  let Variable declaration and properties

  //1. Variables cannot be declared repeatedly 
           // error 
           let star=' Lolo ';
          let star=' Piglets ';
          // Sure 
         var star=' Lolo ';
         var star=' Piglets ';
        //2. Block level scope   overall situation , function ,eval
        //if else while for Inside { }
         // error :   let girl=' Week week ';
         // correct : var girl=' Week week ';
       //3. No variable promotion 
       /** error 
        * console.log(song);
        * let song=' A tourist ';
        // Does not affect the scope chain 
               let school=' hengshui ';
               function fn(){

  Two  const Declare constant

characteristic :

1  Be sure to assign the initial value

2  General constants use uppercase

3  The value of a constant cannot be modified

4  Block level scope

5  For the element modification of arrays and objects , It cannot be counted as a modification of constants , No mistake. ( When const When the decorated constant is an array or object , As long as the address pointed to by the constant does not change , You can't report an error )

3、 ... and   Deconstruction and assignment of variables  

  Four   Template string

5、 ... and   Arrow function

 (1) Arrow function declaration features

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title> Arrow function </title>
      //ES6 Allow to use [ arrow ](=>) Defined function  
      // Declare a function 
      let fn=(a,b)=>{
        return a+b;
     // Call a function 
     let result=fn(1,2);
     //1. In the arrow function this Is static ,this Always point to... Under the scope where the function is declared this value 
   function getName(){
   let getName2=()=>{
   window.name=' Second middle school ';
   const school={
   // Call directly :this Point to window
    getName();// Second middle school 
    getName2();// Second middle school 
    //call Method call 
    getName2.call(school);// Second middle school 

    //2. Cannot instantiate an object as a construct 
 /*   // Report errors 
    let Person=(name,age)=>{
    let me=new Person('xiao',30);
   //3. Out of commission arguments Variable 
  /*fn Report errors 
   let fn=()=>{

   //4. Shorthand for arrow function 
       //1)  Omit parentheses , When there is only one formal parameter 
          let add=n=>{
              return n + n;
//2) Omit the curly brackets , When there is only one statement in contemporary code body , here return Must omit , And the execution result of the statement is the return value of the function 
   let pow=n=>n*n;

(2) Application scenarios : The arrow function is suitable for this Unrelated callbacks . Timer , Array method callback

                            The arrow function is not suitable for this About callbacks . Event callback , Object method

6、 ... and   Default value settings for function parameters

1. Parameter whose initial value has a default value , The general position depends on the back ( Hidden rules )

function add(a,b,c=10) {
return a+b+C;
let result = add(1,2);
console. log(result);//13

2. Combined with deconstruction assignment

function connect ({host="", username, password, port}){
console. log(host)//baidu.com
console . log(username)//root
console .1og(password)//root
console. log(port)//3306
username :'root',
password:'root' ,
port: 3306

    7、 ... and  rest Parameters

 ES6 introduce rest Parameters , To get arguments to a function , Used in place of arguments

ES5 How to get arguments 
function date(){
console. log(arguments);// It's not an array, it's an object 
date(' Angelica dahurica ',' Gillian ',' Sihui ');
 //rest  Parameters 
 function date(...args){ 
console. log(args);//  The output is an array, not an object 
date(' Gillian ',' Baizhi ',' Sihui ');

rest The parameter must be placed at the end of the parameter

8、 ... and   Extension operator

...  The extension operator can convert an array into a comma separated sequence of parameters

  application :

 //1. Merging of arrays 
  const kuaizi=[' Wang Taili ',' Xiao Yang '];
  const fenghuang=[' Zeng Yi ',' Linghua '];
  const zuhe=[...kuaizi,...fenghuang];
  console.log(zuhe);//Array(4) [ " Wang Taili ", " Xiao Yang ", " Zeng Yi ", " Linghua " ]
  //2. Clone of array 
  const sanzhihua=['E','G','M'];
  const sanyecao=[...sanzhihua];
  console.log(sanyecao);//Array(3) [ "E", "G", "M" ]
  //3. Convert a pseudo array to a real array 
  //querySelectorAll()  Method returns the match specified in the document  CSS  All elements of the selector 
  const divs=document.querySelectorAll('div');
  console.log(divs);// object 
  const divArr=[...divs];
   console.log(divArr);// Array 

  Nine Symbol

1  Introduce and create

ES6I A new type of raw data is introduced Symbol, Represents a unique value . It is JavaScript The seventh data type of language , It's one . A data type similar to a string .
Symbol characteristic :
1) Symbol Is unique , Used to resolve naming conflicts
2)Symbol Value cannot be calculated with other data
3) Symbol Defined object properties cannot be used for..in Loop traversal , But you can use Reflect.ownKeys / Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()  To get all the key names of the object

 // establish Symbol
let s = Symbol();
console.log(s, typeof s);//Symbol() symbol
//Symbol() Defined values are not placed in the global  symbol  The registry , Every time it's new , Even if the description is the same, the values are not equal ;
let s2 = Symbol(' Tea ah No.2 Middle School ' );
let s3 = Symbol(' Tea ah No.2 Middle School ' );
console.log(s2);//Symbol(" Tea ah No.2 Middle School ")
//Symbol. for establish 
let s4 = Symbol. for(' Tea ah No.2 Middle School ');
let s5 = Symbol. for(' Tea ah No.2 Middle School ');
//Symbol for( Method will be based on the given value , From runtime symbol Find the corresponding... In the registry symbol. If you find it , Then return it ,
// Otherwise, create a new symbol,  And put it in the overall situation symbol Registration form application .
// Cannot operate with other data 
/* data type 
// u  undefined
// s  string、symbol
//o   object
// n  nul1 number
// b boolean

 2  Use scenarios


        // Add methods to objects uo down

        // The first method 

        let game={





     let methods={





         console.log(" well ");



         console.log(" Hello ");


     console.log(game);//Object { name: "zhangsan", up: up(), down: down(), Symbol(): methods.up(), Symbol(): methods.down() }

     // The second method 

     let youxi={

      name:" Werewolf killing ",

      [Symbol('say' )]: function(){

       console.log(" I can speak ")


       [Symbol(' zibao' )]: function(){

         console. log(' I can explode ' );



  console.log(youxi);//Object { name: " Werewolf killing ", Symbol("say"): say(), Symbol(" zibao"):  zibao() }

  console.log(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(youxi));//Array [ Symbol("say"), Symbol(" zibao") ]

  console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(youxi));//Array(3) [ "name", Symbol("say"), Symbol(" zibao") ]


 3  Built in values ( Are used as attributes of an object type )

Symbol.hasInstance   : When other objects use instanceof Operator , When judging whether it is an instance of the object , Will call this method
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable: Object's Symbol.isConcatSpreadable Property equals a cloth
Er value , Indicates that the object is used for Array.prototype.concat() when , Can I expand .
Symbol.unscopables: This object specifies the use of with When a keyword , Which attributes will be with Environmental exclusion .
Symbol.match: When executed str.match(myObject) when , If the attribute exists , It will call it. , Returns the return value of the method .
Symbol.replace: When the object is str.replace(myObject) Method call , Will return the return value of the method .
Symbol.search: When the object is str. search (myObject) Method call , Will return the return value of the method .
Symbol.split: When the object is str. split (myObject Method call , Will return the return value of the method .
Symbol.iterator: Object to carry out for...for loop , Would call Symboliterator Method , Returns the default traversal of the object
Symbol.toPrimitive: When the object is converted to a value of the original type , Will call this method , Returns the original type value of the object .
Symbol. toStringTag: Call... On this object toString When the method is used , Returns the return value of the method
Symbol.species: When creating the generation object , Will use this property


class Person{
        //static There are automatic usage scenarios 
            console.log(param);//Object {  }
            console.log(" I was used to monitor the type ");
            //return true// When judging the type, return true
            return false;// When judging the type, return false
    let o={};
    console.log(o instanceof Person);//false


   const arr = [1,2,3];
   const arr2 = [4,5,6];
   arr2[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false;
   console.log(arr. concat(arr2));//Array(4) [ 1, 2, 3,  [4,5,6] ]





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