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Skills of embedded C language program debugging and macro use

2022-07-07 18:20:00 Luo Hanxiang


  Link to the original text : The embedded C Language program debugging and macro use skills

1. Debug related macro

stay Linux Use gcc When compiling a program , There are also some special syntax for debugging statements .gcc During compilation , It will generate some macros , You can use these macros to print information about the current source file separately , The main content is the current document 、 The current running function and the current program line .

The specific macro is as follows

__FILE__   Current program source file  (char*)
__FUNCTION__   Currently running functions  (char*)
__LINE__   The current function line  (int)

: These macros are not defined by program code , It's produced by a compiler . This information is generated dynamically when the compiler processes files .

Test examples :

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("file: %s\n", __FILE__);
    printf("function: %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
    printf("line: %d\n", __LINE__);

    return 0;

2. # String operators

stay gcc In the compiler system , have access to # Convert the current content to a string .

Program example :

#include <stdio.h>

#define DPRINT(expr) printf("<main>%s = %d\n", #expr, expr);

int main(void)
    int x = 3;
    int y = 5;

    DPRINT(x / y);
    DPRINT(x + y);
    DPRINT(x * y);
    return 0;

Execution results :

[email protected]:~/tmp$ gcc test.c 
[email protected]:~/tmp$ ./a.out  
<main>x / y = 0
<main>x + y = 8
<main>x * y = 15

#expr Indicates that according to the parameters in the macro ( The content of the expression ), Generate a string . The process is also generated by the compiler , When the compiler compiles the source file , If you encounter a macro like this , Automatically according to the content of the expression in the program , Macro that generates a string .

The advantage of this method is that the content of the expression can be printed in a unified way , In the debugging process of the program, you can easily and intuitively see the expression after the conversion string . What is the content of the specific expression , There are compilers that automatically write to programs , This uses the same macro to print the string of all expressions .

// Print character 
#define debugc(expr) printf("<char> %s = %c\n", #expr, expr)
// Print floating-point numbers 
#define debugf(expr) printf("<float> %s = %f\n", #expr, expr)
// according to 16 Print integers in decimal 
#define debugx(expr) printf("<int> %s = 0X%x\n", #expr, expr);

because #expr Essentially listing a macro that represents a string , Therefore, it can not be applied in the program %s Print its content , Instead, it can be connected directly to other strings . therefore , The above macro can be equivalent to the following form :

// Print character 
#define debugc(expr) printf("<char> #expr = %c\n", expr)
// Print floating-point numbers 
#define debugf(expr) printf("<float> #expr = %f\n", expr)
// according to 16 Print integers in decimal 
#define debugx(expr) printf("<int> #expr = 0X%x\n", expr);

summary :

# yes C String operator in language preprocessing stage , You can convert the contents of a macro to a string .

3. ## Join operators

stay gcc In the compiler system ,## yes C The join operator in language , String concatenation can be implemented in the preprocessing stage of compilation .

Program example :

#include <stdio.h>

#define test(x) test##x

void test1(int a)
    printf("test1 a = %d\n", a);

void test2(char *s)
    printf("test2 s = %s\n", s);

int main(void)

    test(2)("hello world");
    return 0;

In the above procedure ,test(x) A macro is defined as test##x, He said test String and x String connection .

In the debug statement of a program ,## The common way is as follows

#define DEBUG(fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ##args)

The way to replace it is to change the two parts of the parameter with ## Connect .## Indicates that the connection variable represents the previous parameter list . In this form, you can pass a macro's argument to an argument .args… Is an argument to a macro , Represents a variable parameter list , Use ##args Pass it on to printf function .

summary :

## yes C The join operator of language preprocessing stage , It can realize the connection of macro parameters .

4. Debug macro first form

A way of defining :

#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
    {                                   \
    printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d ", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
    printf(fmt, ##args);                \

Program example :

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
    {                                   \
    printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d ", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
    printf(fmt, ##args);                \

int main(void)
    int a = 100;
    int b = 200;

    char *s = "hello world";
    DEBUG("a = %d b = %d\n", a, b);
    DEBUG("a = %x b = %x\n", a, b);
    DEBUG("s = %s\n", s);
    return 0;

summary :

above DEBUG The way it is defined is a combination of two statements , It is not possible to generate a return value , So you can't use its return value .

5. The second way to define a debug macro

The second way to define a debug macro

#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
    printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, \
    __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args)

Program example

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
    printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, \
    __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args)

int main(void)
    int a = 100;
    int b = 200;

    char *s = "hello world";
    DEBUG("a = %d b = %d\n", a, b);
    DEBUG("a = %x b = %x\n", a, b);
    DEBUG("s = %s\n", s);
    return 0;

summary :

fmt Must be a string , You can't use a pointer , Only in this way can we realize the function of string .

6. Review debugging statements in different levels

Even if the macro for debugging is defined , When the project is big enough , It also causes a lot of information in the terminal when the macro switch is turned on . And there's no way to tell what's useful . At this time, it is necessary to add a hierarchical inspection mechanism , You can define different debugging levels , In this way, different important programs and different modules can be distinguished , You can open the debug level of that module by debugging it .

Generally, you can use the configuration file to display , Actually Linux The kernel does the same thing , It divides the level of debugging into 7 Different levels of importance , Only set a certain level to display , The corresponding debugging information will be printed to the terminal .

You can write out the configuration file


Parsing the configuration file uses standard string manipulation library functions to get XXX_MODULE The numerical .

int show_debug(int level)
    if (level == XXX_MODULE)
        #define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
        printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, \
        __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args)       
    else if (...)

7. Conditional compilation debugging statements

In actual development , Two kinds of source programs are generally maintained , One is a debug version program with debug statements , The other is a release program without debugging statements . Then compile the options according to different conditions , Compile different debug and release versions of the program .

In the process of implementation , You can use a debug macro to control the switch of debugging statements .

#ifdef USE_DEBUG
        #define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
        printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, \
        __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args)  
  #define DEBUG(fmt, args...)


If USE_DEBUG Defined , So there's debugging information , otherwise DEBUG It's empty .

If you need debugging information , Just change one line in the program .

#define USE_DEBUG
#undef USE_DEBUG

Define how conditional compilation works using a macro with values

        #define DEBUG(fmt, args...)             \
        printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, \
        __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args)  
  #define DEBUG(fmt, args...)


Conditional compilation can be done in the following ways

#ifndef USE_DEBUG
#define USE_DEBUG 0

8. Use do…while The macro definition of

Using macro definition can encapsulate some shorter functions , Easy to use . The form of a macro is similar to a function , But it can save the cost of function jump . How to encapsulate a statement into a macro , It is often used in programs do…while(0) In the form of .

#define HELLO(str) do { \
printf("hello: %s\n", str); \

Program example :

int cond = 1;
if (cond)

9. Code analysis

For larger programs , You can use some tools to clean up the points that need to be optimized first . Next, let's take a look at the tools for getting data and analyzing it during program execution : Code parser .

The test program :

#include <stdio.h>

#define T 100000

void call_one()
    int count = T * 1000;

void call_two()
    int count = T * 50;

void call_three()
    int count = T * 20;

int main(void)
    int time = 10;

    return 0;

When compiling, add -pg Options :

[email protected]:~/tmp$ gcc -pg  test.c -o test

After execution , A... Is generated in the current file gmon.out file .

[email protected]:~/tmp$ ./test  
[email protected]:~/tmp$ ls
gmon.out  test  test.c
[email protected]:~/tmp$ 

Use gprof Dissect the main program :

[email protected]:~/tmp$ gprof test
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
 95.64      1.61     1.61       10   160.68   160.68  call_one
  3.63      1.67     0.06       10     6.10     6.10  call_two
  2.42      1.71     0.04       10     4.07     4.07  call_three

There are two main messages , One is the percentage of execution time of each function in the total program time , The other is the number of times a function is called . Through this information , Can optimize the implementation of the core program to improve efficiency .

Of course, this parser has some limitations due to its own characteristics , It is more suitable for programs that run for a long time , Because the statistical time is based on the interval counting mechanism , So we also need to consider the relative time of function execution , If the program execution time is too short , The information we get is of no reference significance .

Shorten the appeal process :

#include <stdio.h>

#define T 100

void call_one()
    int count = T * 1000;

void call_two()
    int count = T * 50;

void call_three()
    int count = T * 20;

int main(void)
    int time = 10;

    return 0;

The analysis results are as follows :

[email protected]:~/tmp$ gcc -pg test.c -o test
[email protected]:~/tmp$ ./test  
[email protected]:~/tmp$ gprof test
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
 no time accumulated

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name    
  0.00      0.00     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  call_one
  0.00      0.00     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  call_three
  0.00      0.00     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  call_two

So the more complex the profiling program is for 、 Functions that take longer to execute also apply .

So the longer the absolute time each function takes to execute , The longer it takes to dissect and show ? Here's another example

#include <stdio.h>

#define T 100

void call_one()
    int count = T * 1000;

void call_two()
    int count = T * 100000;

void call_three()
    int count = T * 20;

int main(void)
    int time = 10;

    return 0;

The analysis results are as follows :

[email protected]:~/tmp$ gcc -pg test.c -o test
[email protected]:~/tmp$ ./test  
[email protected]:~/tmp$ gprof test
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
101.69      0.15     0.15       10    15.25    15.25  call_two
  0.00      0.15     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  call_one
  0.00      0.15     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  call_three

summary :

In the use of gprof When it comes to tools , For a function gprof Analysis of the way , Time in essence refers to the exception of library function calls and system calls , The running time of the actual code developed by the pure application part .

in other words ,time The time value of a description does not include library functions printf、 system call system Wait for the running time . Although the programs of these utility library functions are running , It will take more time than the original program , But it doesn't affect parsing functions .


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