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Understanding of 12 methods of enterprise management

2022-07-07 17:43:00 SmartBrain

With “ As a person , What is right ” The starting point of this macro proposition : 

1. Set a lofty career goal ( Big goal )

The operator has to pay for the employees 、 The happiness of both sides of the heart is exhausting , Do your best , You have to get away from selfishness , Let the enterprise have a great reputation . This kind of aboveboard business purpose , It can stimulate the resonance of employees , Get them to the business for a long time 、 All round assistance . meanwhile , The name of righteousness gives the operator enough confidence , So that they can be upright , Without any restraint , Devote yourself to business .

analysis : in unison , The organizational structure follows the business model , High level people look at ideals, beliefs and values , Look at salary and welfare at a low level .

2. Set specific goals , And share with employees at any time ( Near term goals )

Express the goal clearly with specific figures . Not just sales , It also includes profits , Set clear goals , And use specific numbers to express . And this goal must be clear in space and time .

analysis : Management by objectives OKR Focus on organizations and individuals , Monthly and quarterly .

3. Have a strong desire in your heart ( Strong belief )

The operator who tells his dream , Sometimes I can't help being skeptical . But I often say I believe it . And will move towards that goal , Unity is strength , At all costs 、 Try to achieve .

analysis : Culture + Performance incentives are implemented together , Become the grasp of faith .

4. Strive ( Enthusiasm )

Fall halfway , Maybe I can't run and fall behind . however , Instead of taking part in a game that has no chance of winning , It's better to go all out at the beginning , Even if it doesn't last long , Also challenge .

analysis : The enthusiasm of the team , Personal enthusiasm should be organized , Starting from team development planning and personal career planning .

5.  The implementation of “ Maximize sales 、 Minimize the cost ” principle ( principle )

“ Orders multiply , personnel 、 The equipment is also doubled ” The addition operation of is very dangerous . Once the order decreases , Lower sales , The cost burden increases , Will immediately fall into a loss making enterprise . The implementation of “ Maximize sales 、 Minimize the cost ” principle , A system must be established , Make the monthly expense details of each department clear at a glance . So , Kyocera opened soon , The introduction of the so-called “ Amoeba business ” Management system .

So-called “ Amoeba business ”, It is to calculate how much added value each amoeba produces per hour , That is, subtract all monthly expenses from the monthly sales of each amoeba , The remaining amount divided by the total monthly working hours , As a business indicator , We call it “ Hourly accounting system ”.

analysis : Marketing strategy and operation strategy , And supply chain management , Starting from product management , Authors efficiency .

6. Price is business ( Strategy and landing plan for the combination of tactics and strategy )

In the fierce market competition , The selling price is often decided by the market first . The price set by cost plus profit , It cannot be sold because it is on the high side , Have to reduce the price , The expected profits were ruined , Enterprises are very vulnerable to losses .

therefore , Inamori positioned technology developers like this :“ You may think , The technician's job is to develop new products 、 New technology . But I think , It is not enough , Only seriously consider reducing costs while developing , It is possible to become a competent 、 Excellent technician .”

pricing ”“ purchase ”“ Reduce production costs ” These three must be linked ,“ pricing ” Do not proceed in isolation ,“ pricing ” It means being responsible for reducing procurement costs and production costs .

At the moment of determining the price , Must consider reducing manufacturing costs . On the contrary , Because they know how to reduce costs , To price correctly . If we let the business person who lacks this sense of procurement strategy decide the price , There will be trouble .

Price is business , Pricing is the business of the operator , Further talk , Is the pricing reasonable , It also reflects the personality of the operator .

analysis : Specific ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency , You need to start from the middle and background , Increase gross margin , increase income .

7. Management depends on a strong will ( Team wins )

At first, it was the will of the operator , But then all employees must send “ that , Let's work together !” The voice of . therefore , The business objective that reflects the will of the operator must become the common will of all employees . Employees are generally unwilling to take the lead in putting forward high goals of making themselves suffer , The decision must be made by the operator . But high goals from top to bottom , Need a bottom-up response . This is it. “ We should turn the will of managers into the will of employees ”.

Be sure to set high goals , Then challenge high goals . But too high a goal becomes a moon in the water , Flowers in the mirror . As a result, no one will seriously pay attention to the business objectives set by the operators in the future .

analysis : Team goals are the same , Delivery assessment ,OKR Clarify and assess , Result oriented .

8. The burning fighting spirit ( conscientiousness )

Burning fighting soul management needs a strong fighting heart , Its degree is no less than any combat . What is needed in the fighting field “ Toukon Heat ”, It is also essential in business . Too good tempered 、 People who haven't even quarreled , We should give the president's seat to the more fighting people as soon as possible . No matter how well said , After all, operation is a fierce competition among enterprises . Even small businesses with only twoorthree employees , If the operator lacks “ Toukon Heat ”, Unable to display high morale to protect employees , It will surely fail . So-called “ Toukon Heat ”, It's not being rude , It's the mother's desperate courage to defend her children .

analysis : With clear job responsibilities , Pay attention to personal completion rate and sense of responsibility , Feedback to the results and evaluation of the organization .

9.  Be brave in the face of things ( courage and resourcefulness )

Why need courage ? First , It takes courage to judge things . Running a business , As long as it's based on “ As a person , What is right ” Judge according to this principle , There will be no big mistakes . Courage can also be called “ Courage ”. Yes “ Sense ” Is a prerequisite for being an operator . Some people say that the second in command of the company , As long as there is “ knowledge ” Just go , There is no need to emphasize “ Sense ”. however , Top leaders of the company , That is, the operator , Because I have to make a decision , There must be “ Sense ”, That is to have “ belief ”, Otherwise, it is impossible to make a correct and appropriate judgment on things . A real operator must also have “ courage and resourcefulness ”.“ courage and resourcefulness ” yes “ Sense ” add “ Courage ”, Or add “ Courage ”. Because of the unswerving belief in the depths of the soul , So you can stand tall 、 Be fearless .

analysis : Courage involves business model innovation , Execution in place .

10. Constantly engage in creative work ( Beyond yesterday , Keep improving )

Continue to engage in creative work. Tomorrow is better than today , The day after tomorrow is better than tomorrow , Keep thinking about , Continuous improvement , Keep improving .

analysis : There should be strict process specifications and implementation results , Systematization and digitalization of performance evaluation .

11. With a caring heart , Be honest ( altruism )

The caring heart here , Also known as “ altruism ” The heart . Not only consider their own interests , Also consider the interests of the other party , When necessary, , Even self sacrifice , Also try your best for each other . Many people think that ,“ care ”“ altruism ” Such statements , In a competitive business society , In fact, it is difficult to implement . Ancient Chinese books 《 ministers 》 In the said :“ Full loss , Modesty benefits .” Respect each other , Think of each other , That is to say “ altruism ” act , At first glance, it seems to cause damage to yourself , But in the long run , It will bring good results to yourself and others .

analysis : Cultivate managers , men of talent come out in succession , Let the talent ladder of the team be built .

12.  Keep an optimistic attitude ( attitude )

Keep an optimistic attitude and hold dreams and hopes , Deal with the world with an honest heart . The operator must maintain an open mind at the same time . Keep nervous , There is tension without relaxation , It is difficult to persist in long-term operation . On the one hand is “ Must work hard ” The determination of , On the other hand “ Will succeed ” Belief . Face difficulties and adversity with optimism , It is the iron rule of success in life , It is the survival wisdom of the operator . One of the three forces necessary for operators “ rely on oneself ”, Two kinds of “ His strength ”.

analysis : There's a rhythm in the work , Optimism drives career success .

Combined with my management , Summarized below :

1、 Grasp execution : This is the soul of enterprise management , It is also a breakthrough strategy for entrepreneurship ," The goal is + person in charge + Point in time + Reward and punishment measures ” Formula is the eternal law of execution ;

2、 Always online : It is the culture of a first-class company , Wherever you are , Can see information , And give a positive reply or solution , This is the value embodiment of customer first ;

3、 Way of thinking :Positive thinking , This is the most effective way to solve the problem , It is also the working habits required by entrepreneurship , Use anytime, anywhere , We must attack, win and win ;

4、 Increase efficiency and income : One of the job challenges is to improve efficiency and increase income , Including human efficiency and output calculation , The solution is from “ technological process + Tools + Systematic solution + Team management ” And other parallel optimization ;

5、 Cost reduction management : This is an important part of business management , It is an important part of cash flow management , Check the labor cost regularly 、 Administration cost 、 Gross profit, etc ;

6、 Efficient communication : Upward communication means reporting , Business thinking of demand systematization and landing , It must be digital to measure , You can't ask three questions ; Downward communication is an effective test of leadership ;

7、 Digital capabilities : Reporting should be systematic 、 Manage digital , Platform digitization 、 Human effect digitalization 、 Supply chain resource 、 This is the advantage of Le Jian , To implement the promotion ;

8、 Diligent experience : The necessary qualities of managers , Especially for testing entrepreneurial teams , If the team leader can set an example , Take the lead in breakthrough and thinking , We must get twice the result with half the effort ;

9、KPI Assessment of : We need to design long-term and short-term KPI, Follow up the implementation , All departments supervise each other , Implement it into performance , keep strictly the rules for reward and punishment ;

10、 Regular resumption : Large and small projects will encounter problems , The best way is to analyze and summarize , Quantitative improvement , We should improve by establishing mechanisms or rules ;

