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Scientists have observed for the first time that the "electron vortex" helps to design more efficient electronic products

2022-07-07 18:59:00 Chinese industry information station


Although they are discrete particles , But water molecules flow collectively in the form of a liquid , Generate streams 、 The waves 、 Vortices and other classic fluid phenomena . Although the current is also a different particle ( In this case, it's electrons ) Construction , But the particles are so small , So that when electrons pass through ordinary metals , Any collective behavior between them will be submerged by greater influence . however , Under certain materials and specific conditions , This effect will gradually disappear , Electrons can interact directly . In these cases , Electrons can flow collectively like a fluid .

It is predicted that , Under ideal conditions -- At temperatures close to absolute zero and in pure flawless materials -- Quantum effects should take over their motion , And allow them to flow as an electron fluid , With honey like viscosity . If scientists can take advantage of this , You can make more efficient electronic devices , Reduce the resistance of power flow .


In the new study , The MIT team has observed a clear sign of electronic fluids --“ vortex ”. These are common structures in fluids , But it's not what electrons usually produce , So they have never been observed before . Researchers found “ Electron vortex ”.

Co authors of the study Leonid Levitov say :“ Tungsten telluride is one of the new quantum materials , In this material , Electrons have strong interactions , And behave as quantum waves rather than particles . Besides , This material is very clean , This allows fluid like behavior to be obtained directly .”

In this material , The research team etched a narrow passage , There is a circular chamber on both sides , Then run the current in it and measure the electron flow . In standard materials like gold , Electrons always flow in the same general direction , Even if they are dispersed to each chamber , Then back to the central passage . But in tungsten telluride , Electrons rotate in a circular chamber , Twist the direction and produce “ vortex ”.


Levitov say :“ The electron vortex is theoretically predictable , But there has been no direct evidence , Seeing is believing. . Now we have seen it , It is an obvious sign of being in this new system , In this system , Electrons behave as a fluid , Instead of a single particle .”

The team said , The confirmation of a long-term prediction can help scientists design more efficient electronic products .

The study was published in the journal 《 natural 》 The journal .


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