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Will domestic software testing be biased

2022-07-07 18:32:00 Learning leader

When visiting Zhihu, I saw a bosom friend spit out his interview experience , As follows :

Interview software test engineers HR Ask me with disdain :

hypothesis 1.0 You measured the version 100 individual bug,1.1 You only detected the version 20 individual bug, And the severity is not high , How to explain your awesome ? How to explain the contribution of testing to this software ?

All functions are developed ,bug Explain less that the development is well written , Or say , Not all tests come out bug All are bug!

However, the friend explained the nature of software testing , The HR Disdain most of the answers .

After the interview, the friend should ask the students who are doing development around , I found that their answers were basically the same : The test is of little use !

Regarding this , The bosom friend couldn't help but doubt : Is domestic software testing really so unpopular ?

Tell the truth , Hundreds of them were found in the first version bug, The second version only found 20 individual bug, Indeed, to a certain extent, it shows that it is the problem of developing working ability and attitude .

bug The more the number of , The worse the quality of the product ;

however , If there is no guarantee to do this test , How can I know whether the quality of this product is good or bad ?

Don't you want to find it when users use it ? I'm afraid it's too late !

I dare say , No developer can pat his chest and say when delivering a product , I don't have any products bug.

Any product has bug The risk of , Control this risk within the company , Instead of being exposed to users , Is the biggest responsibility of testing .

what's more , The key of maintaining the last defense line of product reputation also needs to be borne by testing !

therefore ,bug The quantity of is not the only measure of the quality of the testing work , What really reflects the quality of testing work is the user's use process , No matter from the function of the product , performance , Satisfied with all aspects of the user experience , Can't find problems and faults .
This is the purpose of testing workers , It is also the meaning of the tester .

The role of software testing
In recent years , With IT The rapid development of the industry , Software has become larger , complicate , scale .

A software usually needs a certain scale of development engineers to develop , And different people are responsible for different modules .

In the process of developing software , There will inevitably be more or less Bug, And the existence of software testers , Not only can we find these Bug, It can also check whether the software can operate normally , Whether it is in line with the user's usage habits , Whether the product design is reasonable, etc .

Improve the reliability of the software , Ensuring the quality of products is the purpose of software testing .

Only by doing this , In order to make the birth of each product more meaningful .

The importance of software testing
Pinduoduo was picked up by criminals for tens of millions of platform coupons , Only 4 You can charge it with a dime 100 Yuan call fee , Loss of tens of millions !

The United States every year because of software Bug The resulting economic losses are as high as 600 Billion dollars !

Just from the perspective of reducing economic losses , The importance of software testing is self-evident .

Once the product has errors , The losses caused are likely to make the company face bankruptcy ! Then all previous efforts will be in vain !

therefore , A beginning model IT Enterprises , Will hire software testing engineers .

Job responsibilities of software testing
Bill Gates once said : Many people think that Microsoft is a software development company , But the truth is , We are a software testing company ! The company is in the final release stage , All relevant departments must sign , The tester has the absolute right to deny !

The development task is to develop products according to requirements , The purpose of testing is to ensure product quality .

The reason why the subject came into being “ Software testing is not popular ” Ideas , It also stems from the prejudice of developers who are not clear about the job responsibilities of testing .

Development and testing complement each other , Only by working together can we ensure the feasibility of product operation .

therefore , Where there is development, there is testing .

also , With IT Industry development , The testing industry will also tend to be automated , Intelligent . The original manual testing will be replaced by automated testing , The development of the industry will promote the advancement of testers .

When the , Domestic software testing will be paid more and more attention . Because this is the general trend !

Source of the article : The Internet The copyright belongs to the original author

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