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Lex & yacc of Pisa proxy SQL parsing

2022-07-07 20:56:00 SphereEx

One 、 Preface

1.1 The authors introduce

Wang Bo ,SphereEx MeshLab R & D Engineer , Focus on Database Mesh,Cloud Native The development of .Linux,llvm,yacc,ebpf user. Gopher & Rustacean and c bug hunter.

GitHub: github.com/wbtlb

1.2 background

In the last article 《Pisa-Proxy And SQL Analytical practice )》 This paper introduces the in Pisa-Proxy One of the core modules of SQL Parser related content . stay MySQL and PostgreSQL in SQL analysis It's through Yacc Realized , Again Pisa- Proxy Of SQL The parser is composed of Yacc Such tools realize , So this article will focus on SQL The parser introduces some compilation principles and Lex & Yacc Use , It will also show readers how to pass Lex & Yacc Implement a simple one SQL Parser . So as to help you better understand Pisa-Proxy in SQL How the parser works .

Two 、 Compiler exploration

A programming language, no matter what we often use Java,Golang Or is it SQL It is essentially a notation system , Like natural language , Its complete definition should include both syntax and semantics . The grammar of a language is actually a corresponding set of rules , It can be used to form and produce a suitable program . Currently, the most widely used method is context free grammar , Context free grammar is used as a tool to describe the syntax of programming language . Grammar just defines what kind of symbol sequence is legal , It has nothing to do with the meaning of these symbols . However, there are two categories in semantics : Static semantics and dynamic semantics . Static semantics refers to a series of qualification rules , And determine which syntax is appropriate for the program ; Dynamic semantics is also called running semantics or execution semantics , Specify what the program will calculate .

2.1 Compiler workflow

Pictured 2.1.1 As shown in , Generally, the compiler compiles the source code into executable files in the following steps :

  1. Scan the source file , Split the character stream of the source file into words (token), This is lexical analysis
  2. According to the grammar rules, these marks are constructed into a grammar tree , This is syntax analysis
  3. Check the relationship between the nodes of the syntax tree , Check whether semantic rules are violated , At the same time, the syntax tree is optimized as necessary , This is semantic analysis
  4. Traverse the nodes of the syntax tree , Convert each node into intermediate code , And put them together in a specific order , This is intermediate code generation
  5. Optimize the intermediate code
  6. Convert intermediate code into object code
  7. Optimize the object code , Generate the final target program

 article 1.PNG

about SQL Analytically speaking , The steps in the above figure can be simplified as shown in the figure 2.1.2 In the form of , Source code input (SQL sentence ), take SQL Sentence for lexical analysis , Generate SQL In the specific token Sign flow . Then get the token stream and parse it to generate the final SQL AST.

 article 2.PNG

2.2 Lexical analysis

As mentioned above , Whether compiler or SQL A key step of the parser is to do lexical analysis on the source file , Lexical analysis can be understood as right SQL The sentence itself is processed by word segmentation . So at this stage ,SQL What the parser needs to do is scan the source file from left to right , take SQL Statements are divided into one by one token, here token Refer to SQL A string of characters that cannot be further divided in . For example, figure 2.1.2 Medium SQL sentence , After lexical analysis , Generated token by :SELECT*FROMpisa_proxy wait .

stay SQL What can be used in the sentence token Categories are also limited , For example, reserved words SELECTINSERTDELETE wait . And operators , such as : arithmetic operator 、 Comparison operator . And identifiers , such as : Built in function name and so on . At this stage, each scan token Will be maintained in a data structure , Then in the next phase, the parsing phase uses . Generally speaking , Lexical analysis has direct scanning , Regular matching scanning mode .

2.2.1 Direct scanning method

The logic of direct scanning method is very clear , Each scan determines which type it belongs to according to the first character token, Then take different strategies to scan out a complete token, Then proceed to the next scan . stay Pisa-Proxy Medium SQL Parsing , Lexical analysis adopts this implementation , use Python Show how to implement a simple SQL Lexical analyzer pair SQL scan , The code is as follows :

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

single_char_operators_typeA = {
    ";", ",", "(", ")","/", "+", "-", "*", "%", ".",

single_char_operators_typeB = {
    "<", ">", "=", "!"

double_char_operators = {
    ">=", "<=", "==", "~="

reservedWords = {
    "select", "insert", "update", "delete", "show",
    "create", "set", "grant", "from", "where"

class Token:
    def __init__(self, _type, _val = None):
        if _val is None:
            self.type = "T_" + _type;
            self.val = _type;
            self.type, self.val = _type, _val

    def __str__(self):
        return "%-20s%s" % (self.type, self.val)

class NoneTerminateQuoteError(Exception):

def isWhiteSpace(ch):
    return ch in " \t\r\a\n"

def isDigit(ch):
    return ch in "0123456789"

def isLetter(ch):
    return ch in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

def scan(s):
    n, i = len(s), 0
    while i < n:
        ch, i = s[i], i + 1

        if isWhiteSpace(ch):

        if ch == "#":

        if ch in single_char_operators_typeA:
            yield Token(ch)
        elif ch in single_char_operators_typeB:
            if i < n and s[i] == "=":
                yield Token(ch + "=")
                yield Token(ch)
        elif isLetter(ch) or ch == "_":
            begin = i - 1
            while i < n and (isLetter(s[i]) or isDigit(s[i]) or s[i] == "_"):
                i += 1
            word = s[begin:i]
            if word in reservedWords:
                yield Token(word)
                yield Token("T_identifier", word)
        elif isDigit(ch):
            begin = i - 1
            aDot = False
            while i < n:
                if s[i] == ".":
                    if aDot:
                        raise Exception("Too many dot in a number!\n\tline:"+line)
                    aDot = True
                elif not isDigit(s[i]):
                i += 1
            yield Token("T_double" if aDot else "T_integer", s[begin:i])
        elif ord(ch) == 34: # 34 means '"'
            begin = i
            while i < n and ord(s[i]) != 34:
                i += 1
            if i == n:
                raise Exception("Non-terminated string quote!\n\tline:"+line)
            yield Token("T_string", chr(34) + s[begin:i] + chr(34))
            i += 1
            raise Exception("Unknown symbol!\n\tline:"+line+"\n\tchar:"+ch)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "%-20s%s" % ("TOKEN TYPE", "TOKEN VALUE")
    print "-" * 50
    sql = "select * from pisa_proxy where id = 1;"
    for token in scan(sql):
        print token

The final output is as follows :

T_select            select
T_*                 *
T_from              from
T_identifier        pisa_proxy
T_where             where
T_identifier        id
T_=                 =
T_integer           1
T_;                 ;

We can see from the above code , At the beginning, we defined several token type , for example :reservedWords Array is maintained SQL Reserved word in , also SQL Operator in single_char_operators_typeA. We can see the final implementation result , The scanner will eventually be a SQL Sentences are segmented into their corresponding types token.

2.2.2 Regular expression scanning

In fact, the essence of a program is a set of strings , And language can be regarded as a collection of legal programs , So the compiler or SQL The essence of parsing is to judge that the input string is the legal type of the language , In addition, it is also a legal program that converts the legal program in the language into the target language . So the essence of regular expression scanning , That is to judge whether the string matches the regular expression in a finite state machine , In the following introduction, we will mention flex,flex The essence of is to construct a finite state automaton from the word segmentation matching pattern written by users in regular expressions .

2.3 Syntax analysis

After lexical analysis ,SQL The character stream of the statement is split into token, Then grammatical analysis is to analyze SQL The grammatical structure of , Will be linear token The flow is transformed into a tree structure , For subsequent semantic analysis and AST Prepare for generation . In the compiler , Regular expressions are still difficult to represent the set of sentences represented by programming languages , So we introduce context free grammar , Context free grammar can describe the grammatical structure of current programming languages .

Take our natural language as an example , Suppose a programming language is SQLX, It only contains the main - Predicate - Bin For this structure , The subject is only you I He , Predicate only Love , The object has Rust and Pisanix, Then the grammar can be in the following form :

 sentence  ->  The subject   Predicate   The object 
 The subject  ->  I 
 The subject  ->  you 
 The subject  ->  He 
 Predicate  ->  Love 
 The object  -> Rust
 The object  -> Pisanix

From the above example, we can replace the subject predicate object respectively , So as to write all the statements that meet this structure . On the contrary, we can compare any sentence with this structure to judge whether it meets SQLX Language . This leads to several concepts , In the above grammar, the form is “ The subject -> Predicate -> The object ” The formula of becomes Generative formula

The symbol on the left of production ( sentence 、 The subject 、 Predicate 、 The object ) be called non-terminal . and “ I , you , He , Love ,Rust,Pisanix” These symbols can no longer produce new symbols , So it's called Terminator , The terminator can only appear on the right of the production . The word "sentence" is the starting point of all sentences , So it's also called Start symbol .

Usually put a non The production of terminators is written together , use “|” separate , It can be summed up as follows :

 sentence  ->  The subject   Predicate   The object 
 The subject  ->  you | I | He 
 Predicate  ->  Love 
 The object  -> Rust | Pisanix

We start with a SQL Statements, for example : SELECT 1 + 1, We can write the push expression of this statement as , The analysis tree is shown in the figure 2.3.1

Expr => Expr Expr + Expr => SELECT Expr + Expr => SELECT number + Expr => SELECT number + number => SELECT 1 + 2

 article 3.PNG

2.3.1 Two analytical methods

Grammar analysis includes two analysis methods :

  1. Top down analysis : Top down analysis starts with the starting symbol , Keep picking out the right production , Expand the non terminator in the middle sentence , Finally, expand to the given sentence .

  2. Bottom up analysis : The order of bottom-up analysis is just the opposite to that of top-down analysis , Start with the given sentence , Keep picking out the right production , Fold the substring in the middle sentence into a non terminator , Finally collapse to the starting symbol

In the process of derivation , At each step, only one production can be applied , Every step can eliminate all other production formulas . But in actual analysis , In the intermediate process, you may encounter that all productions are not applicable or there are multiple productions that can be applied . For the second case , Backtracking is required , First try to choose a production application , If it is deduced until the final sentence ( Or starting symbol ), Then it shows that this production is available , If we continue to deduce, we will encounter the first case , Then go back here , Choose another production . If all the production formulas here have been tried, all of them encounter the first case , It shows that the final sentence does not conform to the grammatical structure . If there are multiple production expressions here, they can be deduced to the final sentence ( Or starting symbol ), It shows that the grammar is ambiguous . Backtracking analysis is generally very slow , Therefore, we usually avoid backtracking by carefully constructing grammar .

2.4 Summary

The above content mainly introduces the related concepts of compiler , And through a simple example to intuitively feel the basic principle and working process of lexical analysis , Next, I will briefly introduce the two most commonly used tools in lexical analysis and grammatical analysis Lex and Yacc.

3、 ... and 、 know Lex and Yacc

3.1 know Lex

Flex( Fast lexical analyzer generator ) yes Lex Free open source software alternatives . It is a generated lexical analyzer ( Also known as “ Scanner ” or “ Lexical analyzer ”) A computer program for . Scanner is a program that recognizes lexical patterns in text , Used to recognize lexical patterns in text .

3.1.1 Lex It's made up of three parts
  • Definition section : The definition segment includes text blocks 、 Definition 、 Internal table declaration 、 Starting conditions and transitions .

  • The rules section : The rule segment is a series of matching patterns and actions , Patterns are usually written in regular expressions , The action part is C Code .

  • User subroutine segment : Here for C Code , Will be copied to c In file , Generally, some auxiliary functions are defined here , Such as the auxiliary function used in the action code .

Here we make a simple example , use Lex Implement a simple one SQL Lexical analyzer ,lex The code is as follows :

#include <stdio.h>


select                 printf("KW-SELECT      : %s\n", yytext);
from                   printf("KW-FROM        : %s\n", yytext);
where                  printf("KW-WHERE       : %s\n", yytext);
and                    printf("KW-AND         : %s\n", yytext);
or                     printf("KW-OR          : %s\n", yytext);
[*]                    printf("IDENTIFIED     : %s\n", yytext);
[,]                    printf("IDENTIFIED     : %s\n", yytext);
[=]                    printf("OP-EQ          : %s\n", yytext);
[<]                    printf("KW-LT          : %s\n", yytext);
[>]                    printf("KW-GT          : %s\n", yytext);
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*   printf("IDENTIFIED:    : %s\n", yytext);
[0-9]+                 printf("NUM:           : %s\n", yytext);
[ \t]+                 printf(" ");
.                      printf("Unknown : %c\n",yytext[0]);


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    return 0;

int yywrap() {
    return 1;

# flex sql.l #  use  flex  compile  .l  File generation  c  Code 
# ls
lex.yy.c sql.l
# gcc -o sql lex.yy.c #  Compile and generate executable binaries 
# ./sql  #  Execute binary 
select * from pisaproxy where id > 1 and sid < 2  #  Input test  sql
KW-SELECT      : select
KW-FROM        : from
IDENTIFIED:    : pisaproxy
KW-WHERE       : where
KW-GT          : >
NUM:           : 1
KW-AND         : and
IDENTIFIED:    : sid
KW-LT          : <
NUM:           : 2

We can see from the above example that ,Lex Successfully put a SQL The statement is split into separate token.

3.2 know Yacc

Yacc It is an industrial tool for developing compilers , use LALR(1) Grammar analysis method .LR(k) Analysis method , In brackets k(k>=0) Indicates to view the number of input string symbols to the right .LR The analysis method gives a method that can view the input string according to the symbol string in the current analysis stack and the right order k A symbol can uniquely determine whether the analyzer's action is to move in or to specify and which production specification to use .

Yacc and Lex equally , It also includes “%%” Three separate segments : Definition statement 、 Rule of grammar 、C Code segment .

  1. Define segments and predefined tag sections :

above %{ %} The code and Lex equally , Generally referred to as definition segment . Just some header file declarations , Macro definition 、 Variable definition declaration 、 Function declaration, etc . among %left It means left combination ,%right Right combination . The last listed definitions have the highest priority . Therefore, multiplication and division have higher priority than addition and subtraction .+ - * / All four arithmetic symbols are left combined . Use this simple technique , We can disambiguate grammar .

  1. The rules section : Rule segments consist of grammatical rules and include C The action composition of the code . In the rule, the target or non terminal character is placed on the left , Followed by a colon (:), Then there is the right side of production , Then there is the corresponding action ( use {} contain )

  2. Code section : This part is the function part . When Yacc When parsing error , Would call yyerror(), Users can customize the implementation of functions .

Here we use a simple example to pass Yacc and Lex To achieve a simple SQL Parser

sql.l Code example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "sql.tab.h"
int numerorighe=0;
%option noyywrap
select                     return SELECT;
from                       return FROM;
where                      return WHERE;
and                        return AND;
or                         return OR;
[*]                        return *yytext;
[,]                        return *yytext;
[=]                        return *yytext;
[<]                        return *yytext;
[>]                        return *yytext;
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*       {yylval.Mystr=strdup(yytext);return IDENTIFIER;}
[0-9]+                     return CONST;
\n                         {++yylval.numerorighe; return NL;}
[ \t]+                     /* ignore whitespace */


sql.y Some code examples



%token <numerorighe> NL
%token <Mystr> IDENTIFIER CONST '<' '>' '=' '*'
%type <Mystr> identifiers cond compare op


    | lines line
    | lines error
    select identifiers FROM identifiers WHERE cond NL 
    '*' {$$="ALL";}
    | IDENTIFIER {$$=$1;}
    | IDENTIFIER','identifiers
            char* s = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen($1)+strlen($3)+1));
            strcat(s," ");
            strcat(s,$3); $$=s;

    IDENTIFIER op compare
    | IDENTIFIER op compare conn cond;

    | CONST


    | OR

#  Here, because the compilation process is cumbersome , Here are just the key results 
# ./parser "select id,name,age from pisaproxy1,pisaproxy2,pisaproxy3 where id > 1 and name = 'dasheng'"

''Row #1 is correct
 columns: id name age
 tables: pisaproxy1 pisaproxy2 pisaproxy3

It can be seen through Lex First of all, will SQL It can be interpreted as token, And then by yacc Do grammar analysis , according to .y The rules in will column and tables Correctly solve .

Four 、Pisa-Proxy SQL Analysis and implementation

stay Pisa-Proxy Medium SQL The parser is through Grmtools This tool implements ,Grmtools yes Rust Realized lex and yacc library .Pisa-Proxy Of SQL Parsing mainly includes two parts , First of all lex.rs file , This document was passed Grmtools The method provided realizes the handwriting lexical analyzer , As mentioned earlier , This module will SQL Sentence segmentation , Generate token. And then there was grammar.y file , This document describes SQL The derivation of the statement ,Grmtools The file will be parsed and finally generated SQL AST.

5、 ... and 、 summary

This article mainly shares the relevant concepts and principles of compilers , We can see SQL Parser for SQL What is the meaning of the sentence , And how to SQL The form of statement string is transformed into the abstract syntax tree we need .Lex and Yacc Are two very powerful tools , It can help developers easily and quickly implement their own parser , However, the compilation principle is a very complex subject .Pisa-Proxy Of SQL The parser also encountered many problems in the implementation process , For example, how to resolve conflicts , Two senses , Priority and so on . There will continue to be an in-depth analysis of the article later SQL Statements in Rust The specific implementation of , This article will not repeat .

6、 ... and . Related links :

6.1 Pisanix:

Project address :github.com/database-me…

Official website address :Hello from Pisanix | Pisanix

Database Mesh:www.database-mesh.io/

SphereEx Official website :www.sphere-ex.com

6.2 Community

Tens of millions of steps for open source projects ,Pisanix Just started. . Open source is a door ,Pisanix Welcome to join us , Express your ideas , Share your insights , Whether it's code or documentation ,issue still pull request, The community welcomes . You guys who are willing to help with database management , Let's build Pisanix Community bar ~

at present Pisanix The community organizes online discussions every two weeks , The detailed arrangement is as follows , we will wait for you ~

| ----- | ----- | | Mailing list, | groups.google.com/g/database-…| | English community biweekly meeting (2022 year 2 month 27 The date of ), Wednesday 9:00 AM PST | meet.google.com/yhv-zrby-py… | | Chinese community biweekly meeting (2022 year 4 month 27 The date of ), Wednesday 9:00 PM GMT+8| meeting.tencent.com/dm/6UXDMNsH… | | Wechat assistant | pisanix | | Slack| databasemesh.slack.com/ | | Minutes of the meeting | bit.ly/39Fqt3x |

7、 ... and 、 Reference material

  1. 《 Compiler principle 》

  2. 《 Principles of modern compilation 》

  3. github.com/mysql/mysql…

  4. web.stanford.edu/class/archi…

