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AADL inspector fault tree safety analysis module

2022-07-07 20:27:00 Maihexong

 Insert picture description here Fault tree is an engineering technology widely used in the research of system safety and reliability . This method , Also known as fault tree or error tree , It refers to the combination that graphically represents the possible occurrence of pre-defined unpopular Events . Therefore, the fault tree is composed of continuous layers , Events linked by logic gates . By using this expression and deductive logic ( From effect to reason ) And reading Boolean logic one is clean , The causes of unpopular events can be traced back to the basic 、 Independent and predictable events .

To adapt AADL Research and application of complex system operation security in the field of modeling ,Ellidiss Released AADL Inspector New functions : Fault tree safety analysis module . The module is Ellidss And Arbre-analyste The two institutions studied and launched , Put forward with Open-PSA Format and XFTA Fault tree security analysis technology with computing engine as the core , To deal with the standardization and sustainability of industrial projects .

Open-PSA A standard is a formal text format , In this fault tree safety analysis technology, it is mainly used to XML Based on , Facilitate the automatic exchange of complex content ( Trees 、 Text ) And other heterogeneous information , Realize the integrity and operability of the model .XFTA Is a fault tree computing engine , It allows based on OpenPSA Format model for running safety analysis , It is an excellent minimum amplitude shear calculation algorithm .XFTA Support starting from the minimum scope of the model , Perform all routine probability assessments :

 Insert picture description here At present, the main problems of fault tree safety analysis are reflected in conversion efficiency and information sharing .AADL Inspector The new module solves these two problems very well , It supports multiple modes of import , It enables users to quickly and freely switch to the current working mode , And can arrange the workspace with multiple screens ; The underlying parser inherits XFTA Computing engine , Thus, the automatic execution efficiency of software can be improved from the preparation stage of calculation .

Firstly, the module analyzes the fault tree of the imported model , And an intuitive and complete fault tree display , In particular, the connection relationship and failure rate between nodes are clearly displayed . At the same time, it has a very rich chart display , Including a comprehensive report integrating multiple information 、 Minimum reduction set probability calculation and sensitivity calculation results .

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Users can select the top-level module to display the whole tree structure with it as the top . The following figure shows the red module as an example , The bold module is the tree node in which it participates . Nodes include events and doors .

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The upper door and related parameters can be adjusted through the attribute menu of the door .

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The event attribute editing window appears by clicking the custom option on the context menu . It can also be achieved by selecting events and entering or double clicking events by pressing the keyboard . Then you can modify the parent door 、 describe 、 name 、 Type of probability law , And provide relevant specified parameters .

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adopt Batch Analyses The window can select the analysis object , Corresponding task events and top Doors and conditions , Generate different results Html Research Report in the form of .

 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here The module provides two advanced functions at the same time , To improve the editing and management experience of the model :
First, advanced scene management , It can automatically change the tree structure and event parameters .
Doc :http://www.arbre-analyste.fr/doc/doku.php/les_scenarios;
The second is to provide rich application program interfaces (API), Complementary modules for user development .
Modules : http://www.arbre-analyste.fr/doc/doku.php/addons;
Doc API : http://www.arbre-analyste.fr/doc/doku.php/api.

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