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[paper reading] maps: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Portfolio Management System

2022-07-07 20:24:00 Meet the demon king

MAPS: Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Portfolio Management System


0 Background introduction

This article is published in 20 Year of IJCAI On , Belong to CCF-A class , It's from that year Special Track, It is worth reading .

The authors of this article all belong to Korea University DMIS LAB. This laboratory mainly does data mining , machine learning 、NLP Direction .


The fourth author :Jaewoo Kang, Professor, Department of computer science and engineering, Korea University . The main research area is data integration 、web data mining 、 Distributed systems 、 Large scale data analysis .


First author :Jinho Lee, Has graduated from doctor .

The second author :Raehyun Kim, Doctor is reading . Research interests include recommendation systems , Stock data forecast 、 Financial data mining


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