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Force buckle 1790 Can two strings be equal by performing string exchange only once
2022-07-07 20:06:00 【Tomorrowave】
1790. Can performing only one string exchange make two strings equal
Give you two strings of equal length s1 and s2 . once String swapping The operation steps are as follows : Select two subscripts in a string ( It doesn't have to be different ), And exchange the characters corresponding to the two subscripts .
If the One of the strings perform At most one string exchange You can make two strings equal , return true ; otherwise , return false .
Example 1:
Input :s1 = “bank”, s2 = “kanb”
Output :true
explain : for example , In exchange for s2 The first and last characters in can get “bank”
Ideas :
Matching algorithm idea . string matching
Code section
class Solution:
def areAlmostEqual(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
if len(s1)!=len(s2):
return False
for i in range(len(s1)):
if s1[i]!=s2[i] and len(cnt)<2 :
if len(cnt)==2:
s1[cnt[0]],s1[cnt[1]]= s1[cnt[1]],s1[cnt[0]]
return s1==s2
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