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JVM class loading mechanism
2022-07-07 20:00:00 【Whiteye too white】
Class loading mechanism
load —> Connect ( verification -> Get ready -> analysis )—> initialization —> Use —> uninstall
1. load
- Get the binary byte stream defining this class through the full class name
- Convert the static storage structure represented by the byte stream to the runtime data structure of the method area
- Generate an in memory... That represents the class Class object , As the access to the data in the method area
2. verification
- class File format validation :class Document specification
- Metadata validation : Semantic analysis , Compliance java language norm
- Bytecode verification : Operation instruction is legal
- Symbol reference validation : Ensure that the parsing action is executed correctly
3. Get ready
Allocate memory for static variables of a class , And initialize it to the default value .
( It's not the initial value ,final Static constants decorated with keywords are directly assigned initial values , Load into the method area runtime constant pool .)
4. analysis
The process of replacing a symbolic reference in a constant pool with a direct reference .
5. initialization
Give the class the correct initial value for its static variables ,JVM Responsible for class initialization , Class variables are mainly initialized .
Initialization class triggers : new Instance object 、 Accessing static variables of a class 、 Calling static methods of a class 、 Reflection calls class 、 When subclasses need to be initialized, initialize the parent class first ( Same interface )、mian Method class .
6. uninstall
- All instance objects of this class have been GC, In other words, there is no instance object of this class in the heap .
- This class is not referenced anywhere .
- An instance of the class loader for this class has been GC.
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