Introduction to the experiment

This experiment provides CentOS System ECS One and NAS File service .

NAS be based on POSIX File interface , Natural adaptation to native operating systems , Provide shared access , At the same time, ensure data consistency and lock mutual exclusion . It provides simple extensible file storage for ECS In combination with , Multiple ECS Instances can be accessed at the same time NAS file system , And the storage capacity will automatically grow and shrink as you add and delete files , Provide a common data source for the resulting workloads and applications running on multiple instances or servers .

Through experiments, we can master Linux ECS Instance mounting NFS file system (NFS v3 Protocol mount file system , For best access performance ). stay Linux ECS In the example , install NFS After the client , You can mount it manually NFS file system .

Experiment preparation

1. Create resources

Create resources

On the left side of the page , single click Cloud product resources The drop-down list , View the resources required for this experiment .

Click on the right side of the screen Create resources , Create cloud product resources for the current experiment for free .

explain :

The resource creation process requires 1~3 minute . After the creation of experimental resources , You can go to Cloud product resources List to view the created resource information , for example :IP Address 、 Sub user name, sub user password, etc .

2. To configure ECS example

To configure ECS example

1) Click on top products and services , Enter ECS ECS

2) Get into ECS Console , Click examples , Verify regional information

3) Click Remote Connection , choice Workbench Remote connection , Click login to copy ECS Password and paste , Connect ECS example

4) install NFS client , Please execute the following order :

sudo yum install nfs-utils

Prompt to enter y

Show Complete Express completion 5) Add simultaneous NFS Number of requests , Will be launched at the same time NFS The requested quantity is modified to 128(NFS The client initiated at the same time NFS The number of requests is controlled , The value of this parameter in the default compiled kernel is 2, Seriously affect performance , It is recommended that you modify the parameter value to 128) Please execute the following order :

if (lsmod | grep sunrpc); then
(modinfo sunrpc | grep tcp_max_slot_table_entries) && sysctl -w sunrpc.tcp_max_slot_table_entries=128
(modinfo sunrpc | grep tcp_slot_table_entries) && sysctl -w sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries=128
(modinfo sunrpc | grep tcp_max_slot_table_entries) && echo "options sunrpc tcp_max_slot_table_entries=128" >> /etc/modprobe.d/alinas.conf
(modinfo sunrpc | grep tcp_slot_table_entries)

3. Manual mount NFS file system

Manual mount NFS file system

1) Get into NAS Console

2) Get into NAS Management interface

3) Add a mount point

VPC The Internet 、 Switch selection requires mounting ECS Where VPC And switches , You can enter ECS View network information in the management interface

4) mount NFS file system , Recommend to pass NFS v3 Protocol mount file system , For best performance , Use NFS v3 Protocol mount file system :

sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport /mnt Is the address of the mount point

5) perform

mount -l

command , View mount results , If the returned information contains the following similar information , Indicates that the mount is successful

6) Execute the following command , If there is NFS Mount address of file system , It indicates that the mount is successful :

df -h | grep aliyun

7) After successfully mounting , You can go to ECS Visit NAS file system , Perform a read or write operation . You can put NAS The file system is accessed and used as a common directory , Examples are as follows :

mkdir /mnt/dir1
touch /mnt/file1
ls /mnt

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