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How C language determines whether it is a 32-bit system or a 64 bit system
2022-07-07 20:11:00 【junxuezheng】
32 Bit and 64 Bit refers to the number of bits of the operating system , Mapping to C In language , The most intuitive is the number of bytes occupied by the pointer type .
1、32 Bit system :
Address 32 position , So the pointer type also accounts for 32 position , namely 4 byte .
2、64 Bit system :
Address 64 position , So the pointer type also accounts for 64 position , namely 8 byte .
therefore , You only need to judge the value of any pointer sizeof value , You can get the number of digits .
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int bits = sizeof(char*);
if (bits == 4) printf("32 position \n");
else if (bits == 8) printf("64 position \n");
else printf("others, bits = %d\n", bits);
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