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Intelligent software analysis platform embold

2022-07-07 20:26:00 Maihexong

In the process of software development , We often encounter the following practical problems . Code reviews are time-consuming and it's hard to understand how each submission of a review affects the system as a whole . Incomplete information or overly complex code endangers project progress , Important information may be ignored , To mislead the development work , Cause project delays . If you fix hot issues in later development , In order to meet the initial expected cycle of the project , It may lead to the degradation of code quality . New hires affect team productivity , Senior developers need to spend some time leading them to adapt quickly and explain the scope of the project , So the problem is , Exchanging knowledge in groups with different skill levels distracts people from the project .
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Embold Is an intelligent multi-dimensional software quality analysis platform , For all software projects . From design to code problems , It allows you to see at a glance the state of software quality .Embold The ability to detect more than just problems , It can also suggest solutions , And take code analysis to a whole new level , All this is done by AI Provide support . It works best when integrated into existing software development processes .Embold It has been used in a few mission critical software engineering developments in different industries . Benefit from short installation time , Easy to navigate interface and speed of checking and improving software quality , Companies quickly realize that when they develop code Embold The value of .
 Insert picture description here Embold Provide users with first-class software analysis , Detect and visualize violations in software code , Give it a color coded rating , Easily compare software quality in different projects over time .

Embold Characteristics

1、 Simplify complex projects
Embold The in-depth analysis and intuitive visual effects can make you have a deeper understanding of your own software .
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① Smart heat map : Intuitively understand the size and quality of each component , At a glance comprehensive software state .
② Component browser : Learn about component level issues with rich annotations , And see where they are in the code .
③ Dependency graph : View and navigate through all incoming and outgoing dependencies of software components , And understand how they interact .
④ Refactoring support : By using our innovative partitioning algorithm , Quickly learn how to refactor and split complex components .

2、 Priorities
Embold The score is calculated from the following four dimensions , Tell you which components have the most impact on the overall quality , It needs to be solved first .
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① Design problems : In the class 、 At the level of functions and methods , With our unique anti model (anti-patterns) Set , Analyze the structure design of the code .
② Measure :Embold The quality of software system can be evaluated by many measures, such as circle complexity, object coupling and so on .
③ Copy : Automatically identify duplicate code and in the long run , Find out how it affects code quality 、 Architecture and Technology .
④ Code problem :Embold Use hundreds of common and unique rules to keep your code clean .

3、 Intelligently improve performance
Embold The built-in AI Provide solutions to problems , Improve work efficiency .
 Insert picture description here ① Static analysis without rules : In addition to rule-based static analysis ,Embold It also uses the changes of the legacy system to master the method of deep learning .
② The engine of the proposal :Embold Artificial intelligence recognition and put forward effective solutions , Optimize code quality .
③ Code review :Embold Built in pull request (Pull Request) Workflow saves time , Improve team efficiency .
④ Automatic quality gate :Embold To prevent code that is below personal standards from being ignored , And push them further to CI / CD In workflow .

4、 Seamless integration
Integrate directly with the tools being used by the development team , From what you like IDE Get real-time results , Or pull and push activities from your favorite system .
 Insert picture description here ① version control :Embold But with GitHub、Bitbucket、SVN and Git Wait for the popular version control system to use .
② Task and problem management : It's easy to create and assign tasks directly from the problem , And connect like Atlassian’s Jira Such a system .
③ Code problem Integration :Embold And FindBug Third party problem tracking tool integration .
④CI / CD System integration :Embold And Jenkins Such a continuous integration and distribution system (CI/CD) Integrate .

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