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Apifox interface integrated management new artifact

2022-07-07 20:23:00 Chat with Lao Wang

In the software industry , The emergence of any new tool , It must have solved the problems existing in the industry   Poor efficiency and high-cost   problem .


1、Apifox Antecedents feed

2、Apifox  What pain points have been solved

2.1 Industry pain point

2.2 Apifox Solutions for

3、 Functional features ( Client version )

3.1  Team authority management module

3.2  Open source project API Support

3.3 Friendly interface management interface and interaction mode

3.4  Integrated management of automated testing

3.5  Interface function settings

3.6  Follow up function planning

Jd.com has solved the problems of commodity quality and distribution efficiency , Meituan solves the efficiency problem of eating and buying vegetables , Cloud computing solves the problem of excessive waste of resources and high cost ( On demand 、 Charge on demand ) wait .

The collection introduced today Postman、Swagger、Mock and JMeter All in one development and testing collaboration API Software Apifox, What problem does it solve ?

Official website address :https://www.apifox.cn

Official document :https://www.apifox.cn/help

Team collaboration process :https://www.apifox.cn/help/app/best-practices/team-workflow/#%E6%8E%A8%E8%8D%90%E6%B5%81%E7%A8%8B

explain : This article will not repeat the software and Postman、Swagger、Mock and JMeter Overlapping function , Focus on the characteristics of this software .


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1、Apifox Antecedents feed

Apifox Of effect : Apifox yes API file 、API debugging 、API Mock、API Automated testing integrated collaboration platform .

Apifox The positioning of  Apifox = Postman + Swagger + Mock + JMeter.

Apifox Of characteristic   Efficient 、 In time 、 accuracy .

2、Apifox  What pain points have been solved

2.1 Industry pain point

1) Varied API The collaboration tool repeatedly maintains and switches back and forth - High cost of use

Now there are a lot of API Collaborative tools :API Document design is famous Swagger; API Development and debugging have Postman; The interface makes data Mock; Automated testing has JMeter etc. .

But because it is multiple software , We need to input the same overlapping data to different systems many times to realize the functions we need .

2) After the interface changes API Documents need to be maintained manually — Poor maintenance cost and efficiency

When the project changes , We have to make changes in many places , Forgetting to modify is a pit .( It is very disadvantageous for both inside and outside the Group ).

2.2 Apifox Of Solution

1) Multi component integration —— Improve the cost and efficiency of multi collaboration

Through a system 、 A piece of data , Solve the problem of data synchronization between multiple systems .

2) API Automation of operation process  — Reduce maintenance costs

Just define API file , API debugging 、API data Mock、API Automated testing can be used directly , There is no need to redefine ;

3) Interface changes are updated in real time —  Improve documentation accuracy

API Documentation and API Development and debugging use the same tool ,API After the commissioning, it can be guaranteed and API The document definition is exactly the same .

3、 Functional features ( Client version )

3.1  Team authority management module

  Divided into team permissions and member permissions . Team permissions refer to the permissions of members for team operations , Project permission refers to the permission of members to operate the project .

In order to meet the multi-level management needs of the team , Each member can set up administrators by project 、 Ordinary members 、 Read only members 、 Forbidden roles, etc .

3.2  Open source project API Support


Developers can open API Read 、 Modify yourself Apifox Data under the account . This function has not been launched yet , Coming soon .

3.3 Friendly interface management interface and interaction mode

In addition to having most of the functions of common components , Great efforts have also been made to improve the sensory and interactive experience of the interface . It looks refreshing ~~

3.4  Integrated management of automated testing

And UI comparison , Once the interface is developed , Generally, the frequency and amplitude of change or reconstruction are relatively small . Therefore, the cost performance of interface automation is higher , It is usually used in the regression test before the iterative version goes online .

When considering automating interface use cases , The main idea is that on the premise that the test cases requested by a single interface have been completed , Solve the following problems :

1) The business test scenario will call more than one interface , The request of the next interface depends on the data of the previous interface , The interface dependency problem needs to be solved

2)token Such authentication data has expiration time , This parameter is used by multiple interfaces , Need to solve a modification , Multiple entry into force issues

3) An interface needs to be covered with multiple test data .

4) Under batch test , You need to know the parameters returned by an interface / Whether the data meet expectations .

3.5  Interface function settings

Front end development often relies on back-end data interfaces , Before the back-end interface is ready , The front end is usually difficult to start .Mock The function is used to solve this problem . With Mock After the tool , The front and back ends can enter the development process synchronously , Before the back-end interface comes out , The front end can go through Mock Function to make fake data interface for development and debugging .

3.6  Follow up function planning

Planning demand address :https://www.apifox.cn/help/app/roadmap/

1) Interface performance test support ( similar JMeter).

2) Support plug-in market , You can develop your own plug-ins .

3) to open up Apifox API, Allow developers to pass through API call Apifox The function of .

4) Support more interface protocols , Such as GraphQL、gRPC、websocket etc. .

5) Support offline use , Project can choose online synchronization ( Teamwork ) Or just local storage ( Stand alone offline use ).

For more information, please go to the official website ~~

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