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Demon daddy A3 stage near normal speed speech flow initial contact

2022-07-07 21:15:00 Chestnut less

After A2 Stage exercise , Pronunciation and listening should be improved a lot , It's almost possible “ Near constant speed flow ” Trained .

At this stage, you should basically understand the normal speed , At the same time, it can clearly distinguish between British and American sounds

First step , Study American Pronunciation Worshop Video Course
At the same time, it matches the oral profile of the University of Iowa

Method : Follow first APW Study , That method is very simple , Print script , Set aside some time every day , Open the video , Just practice with the host , Every day 2 A video can be learned in two weeks

On the way , If there are some confused phonetic symbols, they are not accurate , Please open the University of Iowa materials , Look at the dynamic picture of the mouth , Have a good understanding of , Then watch the video

Match the two , The effect is excellent

Almost finished in two to three weeks , Four weeks at the latest , That is to finish it in a month , Collocation PAUL Uncle's video .

link : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jIwCwIi  password : 9iev
Please stamp the dynamic diagram :http://soundsofspeech.uiowa.edu/english/english.html

APW and Lisa Of AAC There may be some different skills , All with APW Subject to

The second step , Study BBC Pronunciation video

link : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpkFzAZ  password : yeap

This is not for you to learn English accent , But let you understand that Britain and the United States are different

The third step , Intensive listening course

recommend Englishpod365 period

link : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4Oi6xB  password : 4tjb

Method :
1, Turn on the explanation audio , Listen carefully , Make notes
3, Study at least every day 3 More than one audio , stay 3 Within months

Step four , Intensive listening

Listening methods , choice pod Short conversation in 1-100 period , Fill in my design cloze

Be careful , This step must be carried out after completing step 3 .

Last ( Choose to do )

1,talk about English It is a good material for almost constant speed British English , If you don't enjoy learning every day , There is still a lot of time , Then you can choose to listen to this carefully , Listen as much as you like

2, If you want to , After completing the fourth step , Choose what you like EP Some short conversations , Pull it out , Repeated imitation , Until skilled in the heart


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