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Details of C language integer and floating-point data storage in memory (including details of original code, inverse code, complement, size end storage, etc.)

2022-07-07 20:30:00 Zhu C

For a deeper understanding of c Storage mode of internal data of language , First of all, we need to understand several commonly used types and their general classification . The preface first brings you some basic knowledge

Preface :c Introduction to language data types

char // Character data type
short // Short
int // plastic
long // Long integer
long long // Longer plastic surgery
float // Single-precision floating-point
double // Double precision floating point

Careful observation shows that
It can be roughly divided into the following five categories
1、 Plastic surgery Family :
Such as char、unsigned char、signed char、short、unsigned short [int]、signed short [int]、int、unsigned int、signed int、long、unsigned long [int]、signed long [int] etc.
2、 Floating point family :
Such as float、double etc.
3、 Construction type :
Such as array type 、 Type of structure struct、 Enumeration type enum、 Joint type union etc.
4、 Pointer types :
Such as int pi、char pc、float pf、void pv etc.
5、 Empty type :
void Indicates empty type ( No type )
( Usually applied to the return type of a function 、 The parameters of the function 、 Pointer types )

With the above basic accumulation , Let's enter the text

1. Shaping storage in memory

The size of space is determined according to different types .
Such as int Type occupation 4 Bytes , So this 4 How are the bytes allocated ?
First of all, we need to understand the original code , Inverse code , Complement code

1.1 Original code 、 Inverse code 、 Some explanations of complement

    There are three ways to represent integers in a computer , The original code 、 Inverse and complement .
    The three representations have two parts: sign bit and numeric bit , The sign bits are all used 0 Express “ just ”, use 1 Express “ negative ”, The three representations of numeric bit negative integers are different .
 Original code 

Directly translate binary into binary in the form of positive and negative numbers .
Inverse code
Change the sign bit of the original code , The other bits can be inverted in turn .
Complement code
Inverse code +1 You get the complement .
*** notes :*** A positive number 、 back 、 The complement is the same .
For plastic surgery : Data stored in memory is actually stored in the complement .
( Because in the computer system , All values are represented and stored by complements . The reason lies in , Use complement , Symbol bits and value fields can be treated in a unified way ; meanwhile , Addition and subtraction can also be handled in a unified way (CPU Only adders ) Besides , Complement code and original code are converted to each other , Its operation process is the same , No need for additional hardware circuits .)

1.2、 Large and small end storage mode

Let's look at the following simple code , Using the above knowledge, we first judge by ourselves 16 Base a Value , Check it again a How to store these numbers in memory
Decimal system a=20
Convert to binary 00000000000000000000000000010100
The positive integer original code is consistent with the inverse complement , Therefore, the complement stored in the computer memory is also
convert to 16 Base number ( Every four conversions )
00 00 00 14
 Insert picture description here
Let's now look at a stay vs How is it stored in the memory
 Insert picture description here
Here we find vs The next storage is 14 00 00 00, It is in the opposite order of our calculation , Why is that ?
This is because there are some big end storage modes in different editors , Some are small end storage modes , Now let's introduce these two storage modes :
What big end, small end :
Big end ( Storage ) Pattern , The low bit of data is stored in the high address of memory , And the high end of the data , Stored in a low address in memory ;
The small end ( Storage ) Pattern , The low bit of data is stored in the low address of memory , And the high end of the data ,, Stored in a high address in memory .
Then we were just vs The memory information viewed in shows vs Next is the small end storage mode
 Insert picture description here
Here we introduce a code question to judge whether the current editor is big end storage or small end storage

#include <stdio.h>
int check_sys()
 int i = 1;
 return (*(char *)&i);// hold i Cast the type to a byte and check i The content of the truncated address 
 // If it is 1, Small end storage mode , Anyway, it is the big end storage mode 
int main()
 int ret = check_sys();
 if(ret == 1)
 printf(" The small end \n");
 printf(" Big end \n");
 return 0; }

This is a Baidu interview question , If you don't understand, please leave a message !
Let me also give you a few simple codes to practice , The general rule is to write the original code, inverse code and complement of the data , Then it is judged by truncation or integer promotion , If you have not understand , Welcome to leave a message !

// What output ?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char a= -1;
    signed char b=-1;
    unsigned char c=-1;
    return 0; }
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char a = -128;
    return 0; }
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char a = 128;
    return 0; }
int i= -20;
unsigned  int  j = 10;
printf("%d\n", i+j); 
// Operate in the form of complement , Finally, it is formatted as a signed integer 
unsigned int i;
for(i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
int main()
    char a[1000];
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<1000; i++)
        a[i] = -1-i;
    return 0; }
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char i = 0;
int main()
    for(i = 0;i<=255;i++)
        printf("hello world\n");
    return 0; }

The above is the storage of integer data in memory , Next, we discuss the storage of more complex floating-point numbers in memory

2、 Floating point storage in memory

According to international standards IEEE( Institute of electrical and Electronic Engineering ) 754, Any binary floating point number V It can be expressed as form
(-1)^S * M * 2^E
(-1)^s The sign bit , When s=0,V Is a positive number ; When s=1,V It's a negative number .
M Represents a significant number , Greater than or equal to 1, Less than 2.
2^E Indicates the index bit .

for instance :
 Insert picture description here
Now we know how to convert floating-point numbers into international standards , that S M E How to store in memory ? Now look at the picture :
(1)32 Bit single precision floating point number
 Insert picture description here
S Medium 0 perhaps 1 Stored in the first bit , The middle eight bits store E The numerical ,M The value of exists and the rest 23 In bits .
** however !!!!** Pay attention to several stored points
**1、** because E Negative numbers may appear ,32 Storage under bit platform must +127 Then convert it into binary and store it !
**2、** because M Before the decimal point, it will always be 1, So only the number after the decimal point is stored !

(2)64 Bit double precision floating point number
 Insert picture description here
Here with 32 position Different Yes. E Plus 1023 Store it after

Let's talk about E Some special cases stored :
1.E Not all for 0 Or not all of them 1
At this time , Floating point numbers are represented by the following rules , The index E The calculated value of minus 127( or 1023), Get the real value , then
Significant figures M Add the first 1.
such as :
0.5(1/2) The binary form of is 0.1, Since it is stipulated that the positive part must be 1, That is to move the decimal point to the right 1 position , Then for 1.0*2^(-1), Its order code is -1+127=126, Expressed as 01111110, And the mantissa 1.0 Remove the integer part and make it 0, A filling 0 To 23 position 00000000000000000000000 , Then the second goes
The system is expressed as :
0 01111110 00000000000000000000000
2.E All for 0
At this time , The exponent of a floating point number E be equal to 1-127( perhaps 1-1023) That's the true value ,
Significant figures M No more first 1, It's reduced to 0.xxxxxx Decimals of . This is to show that ±0, And close to
0 A very small number of .
3.E All for 1
At this time , If the significant number M All for 0, Express ± infinity ( It depends on the sign bit s);

Finally, we use a topic to let you have a deeper understanding of the storage of floating-point numbers

int main()
 int n = 9;
 float *pFloat = (float *)&n;
 printf("n The value of is :%d\n",n);
 printf("*pFloat The value of is :%f\n",*pFloat);
 *pFloat = 9.0;
 printf("num The value of is :%d\n",n);
 printf("*pFloat The value of is :%f\n",*pFloat);
 return 0; }

 Insert picture description here
First ,9 -> 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001
Because the index E All for 0, So the second case in the previous section . therefore , Floating point numbers V The just :
V=(-1)^0 * 0.00000000000000000001001×2(-126)=1.001×2(-146)
obviously ,V It's a very small one, close to 0 Positive number of , So the decimal number is 0.000000.
Let's look at the second part of the example .
Floating point number 9.0, How to express... In binary ? How much is it to restore to decimal ?
First , Floating point numbers 9.0 Equal to binary 1001.0, namely 1.001×2^3.
9.0 -> 1001.0 ->(-1)01.00123 -> s=0, M=1.001,E=3+127=130
that , The first sign bit s=0, Significant figures M be equal to 001 Add... To the back 20 individual 0, Cramming 23 position , Index E be equal to 3+127=130, namely 10000010.
therefore , Written in binary form , Should be s+E+M, namely
0 10000010 001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
This 32 The binary number of bits , Restore to decimal , It is 1091567616 .

The above is a detailed explanation of integer and floating-point data storage , And includes the size of the end of the storage and the original code inverse complement and other details , If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask questions !


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