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Intelligent transportation is full of vitality. What will happen in the future? [easy to understand]

2022-07-07 20:47:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack .

This year's Internet Conference has produced many novel topics , Intelligent transportation is one of them , Now . Map and navigation applications are becoming more and more important at the entrance of mobile Internet , In this context , Intelligent transportation is naturally put on the agenda .

that . What is intelligent transportation ? What great changes will intelligent transportation present in the future ?

Talking about intelligent transportation , We are very easy Think of car navigation and car interaction systems . At present, many medium and high-end cars are equipped . It's just , This is only a very small level of intelligent transportation . Intelligent transportation in the future will form traffic management 、 Travel information service 、 Emergency management 、 Electronic charges 、 Public transport operation management and other different sectors , therefore , Intelligent transportation is a very huge concept , It's not just about intelligent cars .

Intelligent automobile is the premise of intelligent transportation

It's just , Intelligent automobile is the precondition of intelligent transportation , Because cars are the main participants in traffic , also . Nowadays, many cars have formed a relatively large software and hardware system , Intelligence is the general trend .

Well known enterprises including apple and Google are actively deploying smart cars , Apple CarPlay And Google. Android Auto Is the representative .

Some media have been right CarPlay Tested .CarPlay Be able to put the user's iOS equipment . as well as iOS Use experience and dashboard 、 Seamless combination of vehicle mounted large screen .

in other words ,CarPlay It has realized the integration of mobile phone screen and car screen . It's just , Many foreign auto manufacturers are interested in CarPlay Seems to have reservations . This year, 3 At the Geneva Motor Show in August , Apple announced its relationship with Ferrari 、 Mercedes Benz and Volvo have reached a partnership .

But judging from the current situation , Mercedes 、 Volvo, Honda and other car companies have announced , They will postpone the launch of support until next year CarPlay New models .

Why are car manufacturers right Carplay Your support is not active enough ? The reason is worth thinking .

It's important to note that , Apple and Google have other competitors in the field of smart cars . example Genivi Alliance union , contain BMW、 General motors, Intel and so on . in other words , Some well-known automobile manufacturers also have their own systems . For example, BMW iDrive, The audi MMI.

also , This is also an important way for them to make profits . therefore , They are for Carplay Such third-party systems are reserved . also , Because in the future, intelligent vehicle system will form a complete ecosystem , No car manufacturer wants this ecosystem to be completely controlled by Apple or Google , When the time comes , In case apple and Google charge for the system . Then they have no power to fight back .

The domestic BAT Will be a big winner

Such a situation will not appear in the domestic automobile industry , Because very few automobile manufacturers have the ability to make these software systems by themselves , therefore , This market is BAT The possibility of partition is very large . Actually , In the near future BAT It also increased the competition in the online map market and the large transportation field . Compete for map service providers with class a surveying and mapping qualification . Cut into the Internet of vehicles through hardware , wait .

Alibaba invests in eatutong 、 Wholly owned acquisition of Gaode , Its purpose is to compete for the map entrance , And through Alipay NFC Cut into the field of public transport , It is mainly to stimulate the influence of Alipay on the mobile end . Baidu acquired Changdi Wanfang . Revitalize big data through linkage with traffic management departments , In addition, baidu map continues to expand various living resources . Baidu aims to build an intelligent life circle ; Tencent also acquired Keling hangrui 、 Cooperate with Navitas 、 Launch vehicle networking hardware , Strengthen the advantages of intelligent transportation .

To make a long story short ,BAT It has very strong advantages in Internet business . This is very important for them to enter the field of intelligent vehicles , The domestic BAT It will definitely become the big winner of smart cars . Maybe in the near future . We can use wechat very smoothly in cars 、 Alipay 、 Baidu Maps , This will be a new life service system based on the automobile platform .

The expansion and deepening of intelligent transportation

After the arrival of the era of smart cars , Intelligent transportation will also be expanded and deepened , That is, in addition to smart cars , Every traffic participant . And the traffic control department , It may also be incorporated into the intelligent transportation system . And this market may be unprecedented .

Some experts think , The development of intelligent transportation is driving the development of the huge software and hardware equipment industry at the same time . It will also stimulate the formation of emerging industries such as transportation information services , Form traffic management 、 Travel information service 、 Emergency management 、 Electronic charges 、 Different system applications such as public transport operation management . From the perspective of software and hardware products , Intelligent transportation construction requires a large number of chips 、 Optical fiber 、 sensor , Research and development of these products 、 investment 、 production . It will stimulate the growth of high-tech industry . Create a lot of jobs .

At the same time , The construction of intelligent transportation information platform provides the foundation for the rise of transportation information service industry , Take location information service as an example , It includes the map 、 location 、 Navigation . And intelligent transportation scheduling 、 Smart stop board 、 Intelligent parking and other services . Thus, many emerging industries have been derived . From the perspective of the intelligent transportation system implemented in the United States , The low benefit cost ratio is 2:1. High achievement 62:1. Most of them reach 10:1.

To be sure , In the future, intelligent transportation is bound to bring disruption and change to our lives , Create greater economic benefits for the society .( writing / Wang Yijian )

Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/116373.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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