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How does codesonar help UAVs find software defects?

2022-07-07 20:25:00 Maihexong

Crazyflie yes Bitcraze Programmable drones for sale , It's designed as open source software that can be modified and run for its manipulators and operating systems . Especially this drone used FreeRTOS As a real-time operating system .

 Insert picture description here adopt CodeSonar function Crazyflie Code for , Find out Crazyflie A failure in is caused by an uninitialized variable in the application code , The variable is then passed to FreeRTOS API. Fortunately, , Because of the application and RTOS Code is available for ,CodeSonar Diagnose the fault quickly .

Use it where you can get the source code for free RTOS, The advantage is that it can analyze all applications , Including yes RTOS API Call to . The operating system is usually a black hole that sends parameters , Static analysis will not understand what happens ( The binary CodeSonar It also provides a solution ) The source code with the underlying operating system has detection 、 Analyze the advantages of defects and loopholes .

Details :http://www.softtest.cn/

