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Demon daddy B2 breaks through grammar and completes orthodox oral practice

2022-07-07 21:16:00 Chestnut less

B1 It's enough for you to become a so-called Daniel after completion , If you want to go to the English corner to show off your skills, just show off , If you think your level is not enough , I want to continue to study deeply , So look here

First step : Lai Shixiong grammar / Grammar Club

You can choose which grammar book , If your previous school foundation is not good , Then choose Lai Shixiong , The whole process is explained , If the grammar is good , Then look at the grammar Club

The second step , Break through oral and active vocabulary through celebrity speeches
imitation commencement speech, Do blurt out

There are many kinds of speeches , There is a kind of speech that takes place on the same occasion : Graduation ceremony of University , So there is a common name -- commencement speech.

Generally speaking , The least difficult part in a speech is Commencement Speech, because commencement speech There is a very important commonality , It's chicken soup and philosophy .

such as :

“ If life gives you a lemon , Then you have to make it into lemon juice .”

“ The only thing I did right , Is always optimistic and modest .”

“ Let me tell you a story , It's an interesting story ...”

Must admit , Chicken soup is indeed the easiest English learning material .“stay hungry, stay foolish” None of the four words is beyond the outline , classic , Smooth , Anyone can quote .

The most important point , Their usage and tense , All are the simplest narrative , For learning oral expression , Storytelling is of great help .

Commencement Speech Super many , Turn over the Internet , Everywhere, .

Difficulty and Commencement Speech Almost or slightly higher , Namely business speech.

Business speeches are very similar to graduation speeches , All need to talk about some brilliance , Dream , Strive , insist , Pattern these very virtual things .

in order to sell This kind of very empty point , Entrepreneurs need to tell stories , This style of writing is not very difficult .

Business speech has one advantage , Entrepreneurs prefer to talk about the origin of the company , Development , product , Some things about strategy and company operation .

These languages are very simple and practical —— Use the simplest words , Explain complex business concepts , This language skill is very worth learning .

My old employer, Netease , Just a bunch ,http://open.163.com/special/openclass/speech.html

It seems that you can download , Directly into audio

also , Don't watch Obama's political speech on the Internet , What is the greatest 50 Speech , All TM It's hard to die , It's not practical either

How to use these speeches :

1, Find the graduation or business speech of your favorite character
2, Search English text ( Search for yourself , I'm not free , We look forward to all netizens taking the initiative to provide , Sort out the collection one by one )
3, Start intensive reading of the text

What should we pay attention to in intensive reading ? Not a new word , But collocation

What I choose here is the richest man in the country Jack Ma Speech , This is the promotional video of their company when it went public :
Let me briefly demonstrate , How to pass text , To learn what you want to learn —— collocation .

Be careful , Don't just stare at new words , Look at the words you know but can't use , Think about why you won't use .

The text has two paragraphs

Hello,I'm Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.

15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve millions of small businesses.

Today, this remains our mission (Our vision is the same now as it was when we began) to make it easy to do business anywhere. At Alibaba, we fight for the little guy. The small businessmen and women and their customers. Our role is simple: Through our ecosystem, we help merchants and customers find each other and conduct business on their terms and in ways that best serve their unique needs. We help merchants to grow, create jobs and open new markets in ways that were never before possible.

1) Read with your own questions , Be careful :

Prepositional collocation
Verb noun collocation
Whether adjectives are in place , Can you use
A bright expression

2) Put the expressions you find useful , Take notes
I'll list some expressions that I think may be useful to you
1. apartment It used to be in, instead of at and on, So remember in the apartment It is a fixed preposition collocation .
2.build up a company instead of build a company
3.serve millions of small businesses Remember, it is serve+n The matching pattern of
4.to make it easy to do things, Remember this fixed expression
5.At Alibaba, Pay attention to XX The preposition in front of the company should be at
6.fight for somebody Note that here is for
7.we help merchants and customers find each Notice that it is help sb. do sth Structure
8.unique needs Be careful unique, Many people will want to say unique , But I won't find it for a while unique The word

3) Every time you write it down , Read it aloud

4) At ordinary times, I have nothing to look through my notebook

4, Intensive reading of the text is complete , Start watching the video again and again , Imitate the original , Until you blurt out , Exercise the fluency of your accent

So operate dozens of speeches , Your speaking ability and English fluency will greatly increase

Of course , Ma Yun's video is not recommended to imitate , You can choose your favorite foreign celebrities


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