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Common verification rules of form components -2 (continuously updating ~)

2022-07-07 22:33:00 51CTO

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Forms


 ​ Last one ​​ A brief introduction Form The basic concept and basic code framework of form verification ; Today, I will start to summarize the commonly used verification rules . I have been struggling with how to classify and elaborate better , After thinking for a while, I think it's still necessary to see the effect first , Only then can we continue to study deeply ( Anyway, I'm like this , Only effective can drive ).

Reference link

 ​ https://element.eleme.io/#/zh-CN/component/form ​

 ​ https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator​

Usage mode

utilize el-form Of rules attribute , Unified processing of forms

The conventional way of using forms for unified processing is like ​ ​ Official website ​​​ As in the example ,​ Just go through  ​​rules​​​  Property to pass in the validation rules of the contract , And will Form-Item Of  ​​prop​​  Property is set to the field name to be verified ;

Such as : Form rules Property is bound to data Inside rules object ;

Form form-item The name of the event Of prop Attribute corresponds to name The rules ;

< el - form : model = "ruleForm" : rules = "rules" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = " The name of the event " prop = "name" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = " Activity area " prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = " Please select the activity area " >
< el - option label = " Zone one " value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = " Area two " value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > Create... Now < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > Reset < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
rules: {
name: [
{ required: true, message: ' Please enter the activity name ', trigger: 'blur' },
{ min: 3, max: 5, message: ' The length is in 3 To 5 Characters ', trigger: 'blur' }
region: [
{ required: true, message: ' Please select the activity area ', trigger: 'change' }
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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utilize el-form-item Of rules attribute , Handle form items separately

Sometimes the whole form may only need one required item , Or you need to do a simple special treatment for this required item , You can choose to do this at this time :

Such as : Only the activity name is required in the form ; Just do what you need el-form-item The binding rules Attribute is enough ;

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Customize _02

< el - form : model = "ruleForm" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = " The name of the event " prop = "name" : rules = "[{ required: true, message: ' Activity name cannot be empty ',trigger: 'blur'}]" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = " Activity area " prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = " Please select the activity area " >
< el - option label = " Zone one " value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = " Area two " value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > Create... Now < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > Reset < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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Using ternary expressions , Dynamic processing of required or non required form items

Sometimes whether a form item is required depends on another form item , Or some other field value ;

such as : When Shanghai is selected as the activity area , Activity time is required ;

It's very simple to implement , Just use a ternary expression .

( I have little experience in development , It's great to see this treatment !)

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Customize _03

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Customize _04

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Forms _05

< el - form : model = "ruleForm" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = " The name of the event " prop = "name"
: rules = "ruleForm.region == '0' ? [{ required: true, message: ' Activity name cannot be empty ',trigger: 'blur'}] : [{ required: false}]" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = " Activity area " prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = " Please select the activity area " >
< el - option label = " Zone one " value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = " Area two " value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > Create... Now < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > Reset < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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validator binding (rule, value, callback) => {} , Basic usage example

This is an example given on the official website , It shows how to use custom verification rules to complete the second verification of passwords . It should be noted that : Custom check callback Must be called .

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Reset _06

< el - form : model = "ruleForm" status - icon : rules = "rules" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = " password " prop = "pass" >
< el - input type = "password" v - model = "ruleForm.pass" autocomplete = "off" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = " Confirm the password " prop = "checkPass" >
< el - input type = "password" v - model = "ruleForm.checkPass" autocomplete = "off" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = " Age " prop = "age" >
< el - input v - model. number = "ruleForm.age" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > Submit < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > Reset < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
var checkAge = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( ! value) {
return callback( new Error( ' Age cannot be empty '));
setTimeout(() => {
if ( ! Number. isInteger( value)) {
callback( new Error( ' Please enter a numeric value '));
} else {
if ( value < 18) {
callback( new Error( ' Must be old 18 year '));
} else {
}, 1000);
var validatePass = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( value === '') {
callback( new Error( ' Please input a password '));
} else {
if ( this. ruleForm. checkPass !== '') {
this. $refs. ruleForm. validateField( 'checkPass');
var validatePass2 = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( value === '') {
callback( new Error( ' Please input the password again '));
} else if ( value !== this. ruleForm. pass) {
callback( new Error( ' The two passwords are not the same !'));
} else {
return {
ruleForm: {
pass: '',
checkPass: '',
age: ''
rules: {
pass: [
{ validator: validatePass, trigger: 'blur' }
checkPass: [
{ validator: validatePass2, trigger: 'blur' }
age: [
{ validator: checkAge, trigger: 'blur' }
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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validator binding method, Check according to the return value of the interface and prompt the error message

Demand is , Input id Then adjust the interface to determine whether it is repeated , If the prompt is repeated ;

rule: {
id: [{ required: true, message: ' Please enter id', trigger: 'blur' },
{ validator: this. check, trigger: 'blur' }],

check( rule, value, callback){
checkData( this. query). then( res =>{
if( res. data. data > 0) {
this. query. id = ''
callback( new Error( 'id repeat , Please re-enter !'));
} else {
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Pay attention to clearing the verification rules in time resetFields()

Often used in projects el-dialog It uses el-form, The accompanying business is often added and modified ; Attention should be paid to closing dialog when , Or cancel the corresponding business , Clear the verification rules of the form ! Or open it next time dialog, There will still be a pile of red verification messages , It's not a good experience .

Form Common verification rules for components -2( Ongoing update ~)_ Forms _07

