当前位置:网站首页>[kotlin learning] classes, objects and interfaces - classes with non default construction methods or attributes, data classes and class delegates, object keywords
[kotlin learning] classes, objects and interfaces - classes with non default construction methods or attributes, data classes and class delegates, object keywords
2022-07-03 09:17:00 【Android old monkey】
Declare a class with a non default constructor or property
stay java A class in can live one or more constructors ,kotlin It's the same thing , But a little change has been made , It distinguishes the main construction method ( It is usually the main and concise method of initializing classes , And declare... Outside the class body ) And from the / The secondary construction method ( Declare inside the class body ). It is also allowed to add additional initialization logic to the initialization statement block
Initialization class : Main construction method and initialization statement block
stay kotlin In the foundation, we have seen how to declare a class
Generally speaking , All declarations of the class are in curly braces , The statement block enclosed by parentheses is called the main constructor . It has two purposes
1. Indicates the parameters of the construction method
2. Define the properties initialized with these parameters .
The clearest code you can write to do the same thing
Keyword is used to start a primary constructor or a declaration of a secondary constructor
Keyword is used to introduce an initialization statement block , This statement contains the code executed when the class is created , And will be used with the main constructor . Because the main constructor has syntax restrictions , Cannot contain initialization code . You can also declare multiple initialization statement blocks in a class
In this example, you do not need to put the initialization code in the initialization statement block , Because it can be associated with name Attribute declaration . If the main constructor has no annotation or visibility modifier , You can also remove constructor keyword
The code can be used by putting val Keyword is added in front of the parameter to simplify , This can replace the attribute definition in the class
val It means that the corresponding properties will be initialized with the parameters of the constructor
You can declare a default value for constructor parameters like function parameters
To create an instance of a class, simply call the constructor directly , Unwanted new keyword
Be careful ! If all constructor parameters have default values , The compiler generates an additional parameterless constructor to use all default values
If your class has a parent class , The main constructor also initializes the parent class . You can do this by providing parent class constructor parameters in the parent class reference of the base class list
If you don't declare any constructor for a class , A default constructor that does nothing will be generated
If inherited User Class and does not provide any constructor , must Explicitly call the constructor of the parent class , Even if it doesn't have any parameters
That's why you need an empty bracket after the parent class name . Pay attention to the difference between and interface : Interface has no constructor , So you don't need to put parentheses after its name in the parent class list
If you want to ensure that your class is not instantiated by other code , The constructor must be marked as private
Because it has only one private Construction method of , Code outside this class cannot instantiate it
private Alternatives to construction methods
stay java Through the use of private The constructor prohibits instantiating this class to indicate that this class is a container or singleton of static utility members . stay kotlin You can use top-level functions to identify static utilities . To represent a singleton, you can use object declarations .
Construction method : Initialize the parent class in different ways
Most of them are in java All scenarios that require overloaded construction methods in are kotlin Support the syntax of parameter default value and parameter naming .
Tips : Do not declare multiple overloads and provide parameter defaults from constructor methods , The default value should be indicated directly
However, there will still be situations where multiple construction methods are required , Imagine a in Java Declared with two constructors View class ,kotlin Similar statements in are as follows
This class does not declare a main constructor , But it declares two methods from construction , Use... From the construction method
Keyword export . You can declare as many slave constructors as you want
If you want to extend this class , You can declare the same constructor
You can also use this
keyword , Another way to construct your own class from a construction method.
[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-o3lGF8KJ-1654005585501)(https://p9-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/e0fcb97414994a15a2ae331972c35498~tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-zoom-in-crop-mark:1956:0:0:0.image?)] If the class has no main constructor , Then each slave constructor must initialize the base class or delegate to another constructor that has done so
Implement the properties declared in the interface
stay kotlin in , Interfaces can contain Abstract property declarations
This means achieving User The class of the interface needs to provide a get name The way of value . The interface itself does not contain any state , Therefore, only the class that implements this interface will store this value if necessary .
about privateUser Come on , Declare this property directly in the main constructor , This property implements the from User Abstract properties of , So mark it as override. about subscribeingUser Come on ,name Property through a custom getter Realization , This property does not have a supported field to store its value , It has only one getter On each call from email Get a nickname in , about FacebookUser Come on , When initializing, put name Associated with a value , It can be done by id obtain
In addition to abstract declarations , Interfaces can also contain getter and setter Properties of , As long as they do not reference a support field ( Support fields need to store status in the interface , This is not allowed )
At this time, the attribute does not support fields , The result value is calculated at each visit .name Property has a custom getter, It can be inherited , and email Must be rewritten . The properties implemented in the class have full access to the supported fields
adopt getter or setter Access support fields
Combined with the attribute of storing value and the attribute with user-defined accessor to calculate the value every time, we can realize an attribute that can store value and provide additional logic when the value is accessed and modified . Support this situation , You need to be able to access its supporting fields from the accessor of the property
Can be used as usual user.address="new value" To modify the value of an attribute , This calls... At the bottom setter. ad locum setter Has been redefined , So I printed the output log
stay setter A special identifier is used in the body of the function field To access the values of supported fields , stay getter Only values can be read in , stay setter You can read and write
There is a difference between properties that support fields and properties that do not If you explicitly reference or use the default accessor implementation , The compiler will generate support fields for attributes . If you provide a custom accessor, the implementation does not use field( If the attribute is val type , Namely getter, If it's a variable attribute , There are two accessors ), Support fields will not be rendered
Modify the visibility of accessors
There is no need to modify the default implementation of the accessor , But when you need to change its visibility The visibility of accessors is the same as that of attributes by default , But if necessary, it can be through get and set Keyword is modified by placing a visibility modifier in front of it
This class is used to calculate the total length of words added together . The attribute holding the total length is public Of , Because it is what this class provides to users API Part of . But make sure it can only be modified in the class , Otherwise, the external code may modify it and store an incorrect value . So you let the compiler generate a default visibility getter And a private setter
Compiler generated methods : Data classes and class delegates
Generic object methods
1. String representation :toString()
kotlin It also provides a way to get the string representation of class objects , By default, the string representation of an object is like [email protected], It's not very useful , You need to rewrite it
2. Equality of objects :equals()
All about Client The calculation of a class takes place outside of it , This class is only used to store data . Nevertheless, there are some needs for this kind of behavior , For example, you want to treat objects that contain the same data as equal
The check is java in instanceof The simulation , Used to check whether a value is a specified type
== Indicates equality
stay java Can be used in == To compare basic data types with reference types , If it is applied to basic data types, the comparison is the value , If it is applied to a reference type, the comparison is the reference
stay kotlin in The comparison is the default mode of the two objects , In essence, it is by calling equals To compare the two values . If equals Overridden in your class , Can safely use To compare examples . To make a reference comparison , You can use === Operator
3.Hash Containers :hashCode()
hashCode Methods are usually associated with equals Rewritten together
When not rewritten
as a result of Client Class is missing hashCode Method , Therefore, it violates the general hashCode contract : If two objects are equal , They must have the same hash value .hashset The median is compared in an optimized way : First, compare their hash value , Then only when they are equal will they compare the real values . The two different examples in the previous example have different hash value , therefore set Think it doesn't contain a second object , Even if equal return true, So if you don't follow the rules ,hashset Can't work properly on such an object
Fix the problem
At this time, it can work as expected in all situations
Data class : Implementation of automatic generation general method
If you want your tears to be a convenient data container , You have to rewrite toString When waiting for three methods , stay kotlin You don't have to generate these methods in , We can add... Directly to the class data
Now we have one that rewrites all the standards java Class of method
equals Used to compare examples
hashCode Used as, for example HashMap This hash container based key
toStirng Used to generate a string representation of all fields in declaration order for the class
equals and hashCode Method takes into account all properties declared in the main constructor . Generated equals It will detect whether the values of all properties are equal .hashCode Returns a hash value generated from all properties
Data classes and immutability :copy() Method Although the properties of the data class can also be used var, However, it is strongly recommended to use only read-only properties , Make the instance of the data class immutable . If you want to use such an instance as a key , Then this is a necessary requirement . To make it easier to use data from immutable objects , The compiler generates one more method for them : One allows copy Method of an instance of a class , And in copy At the same time, modify the value of some attributes . Creating a copy is usually a good choice for modifying an instance , The copy has a separate life cycle and does not affect where the original instance is referenced in the code .
Manual implementation copy()
Tests and results
Class delegation : Use by
When you extend a class and override some methods , The code becomes dependent on the implementation details of the inherited class . When the system continues to evolve and the implementation of the base class is modified or new methods are incorporated by Tina Jia , Your assumptions about such behavior will fail , The code may end up with incorrect behavior .
kotlin To solve these problems Treat the class as... By default final, This ensures that only those classes designed to be extensible can be inherited , When using such a class , You'll see it's open , You will notice that these modifications should be compatible with derived classes . But we often need to add some behavior to other classes , Even if it's not designed to be extensible . A common implementation mode is decorator mode . The essence of this pattern is to create a new class , Implement the same interface as the original class and save the instance of the original class as a field . Methods that have the same behavior as the original class need not be modified , Just forward it directly to the instance of the original class , But this requires a lot of boilerplate code .
and kotlin When to implement an interface , Both can be used. by Keyword delegates the implementation of the interface to another object
not used by Keyword before
Use by The key word
All method implementations in the class have disappeared , The compiler will generate them , And the implementation is similar to that before use , So there's no need to write code when the compiler can help you do the same thing . When you want to modify the behavior of some methods, you can override them
keyword : Combine declaring a class with creating an instance
object Keywords appear in many situations
1. Object declarations are a way to define singletons
2. Companion objects can hold factory methods and other related to this class , But when called, it does not depend on the method of the class instance , Their members can access... By class name
3. Object expressions are used to replace java Anonymous inner class of
Object declaration : Create a single instance
The singleton pattern : Define a usage provate Construct methods and use static fields to hold the only instances of this class
kotlin It is combined with the single instance declaration of the class through object life
Use an object to declare the payroll of an organization
Object Declaration passed object Keyword import , An object declaration can be very efficient Define a class and a variable of the class in one sentence .
Same as class , An object declaration can also contain attributes 、 Method 、 Declaration of initialization statement block, etc . The only thing that is not allowed is the construction method ( Including master-slave construction method )
Unlike ordinary class instances , Object declarations are created immediately when they are defined , There is no need to call the constructor elsewhere in the code , Therefore, it is meaningless to define a construction method for it
As a variable , Object declarations allow you to use objects plus . Character to call methods and access properties
Object declarations can also be inherited from classes and interfaces , This is usually when the framework you use needs to implement an interface , But it's useful when your implementation doesn't contain any state
Singleton and dependency injection
Using object declarations in large software systems is not always ideal , They are easy to use in a small part of code with little or no dependencies , But not in large components that have a lot of interaction with other parts of the system , Because you have no control over object instantiation , And you cannot specify specific parameters through construction methods . This means that you cannot replace the implementation of the object itself in unit tests or different configurations of the software system , Or other classes that the object depends on , If you need that ability , You need to inject dependencies into a framework such as Guice
You can also declare objects in classes , Such objects also have only one single instance : They do not have different instances in each instance of the container class , Such as : Place a comparator in the class to compare specific objects
stay java Use in kotlin object
kotlin The object declaration is compiled into a class that holds a single instance of it through static fields , The name of this field is always INSTANCE. From you to java Medium visit kotlin Objects can be accessed through static INSTANCE Field :Comparator.INSTANCE.compare(x1,x2);, The type of field is Comparator
Companion : Factory methods and static member sites
kotlin A class cannot have static members , As a substitute ,kotlin Dependent package level functions ( In most cases, it can replace java Static method of ) And object declarations ( Replace... In other cases java Static method of , It also includes static fields ). In most cases, top-level functions are recommended , But the top-level function cannot access the class private member . If you need to write a function that can be called without a class instance but needs to access the inside of the class , It can be written as a member of the object declaration in that class . An example of this function is the factory method
One of the objects defined in the class can use companion Keyword tag , This gives you the ability to access the methods and properties of this object directly through the container class name , There is no need to explicitly indicate the name of the object , The final grammar is like java Call of static method in
The companion object is to call private A good place for construction methods , It can access all... In the class private member , Include private Construction method , It is an ideal choice to realize the factory mode .
Use the factory method instead of the construction method
At this time, it can be called through the class name companion object
Here, the factory method can return subclasses of the class that declares the method , Just like the two subclasses in the example . You can also avoid creating new objects when you don't need them , You can make sure that every email All with a unique User Instance corresponding , And if the email Already exists in the cache , Then when the factory method is called, the existing instance will be returned instead of creating a new . If you need to extend such a class , It may be better to use multiple construction methods , Because associated object members cannot be overridden in subclasses
Companion objects used as ordinary objects
The companion object is an ordinary object in the class of life , It can have a name , Implement an interface or extension function or property
Declare a named companion object
in the majority of cases , Reference the companion object by the name of the class containing the companion object , So don't worry about its name , If necessary, it can also be indicated as shown in the figure above . If you omit the name , The default assignment is Companion
Implementing interfaces in companion objects
You can directly use the name of the class containing it as an object instance that implements the interface . Suppose there are many kinds of objects in your system , Include Person, You want to provide a common way to create all types of objects . Let's say I have a JSONFactory The interface can be from JSON Deserialize object , And all objects in your system are created through this factory , It can be for Person Class provides such an interface implementation
At this point, if you have a function that uses abstract methods to load entities , You can pass it on Person object .
Companion object extension
If you need to define methods that can be called through the class itself , Like companion object methods or java What to do with static methods ? If the class has a companion object , You can do this by defining an extension function on it . If a class C There is a companion , And in C.Companion An extension function is defined on func, Can pass C.func() To call it .
Define an extension function for the companion object
In order to be able to define extensions for your class , You must declare a companion object in it , Even if it's empty
Object expression : Anonymous inner classes that change the way they are written
Keywords can not only be used to declare singleton objects , It can also be used to declare anonymous objects .
Use anonymous objects to implement event listeners
In addition to removing the name of the object , The syntax is the same as the object declaration . An object expression declares a class and creates an instance of that class , But no name is assigned to the object
If you need to assign a name, you can store it in a variable
kotlin Anonymous objects can implement multiple interfaces or no interfaces , And it's not a singleton , Each time an object expression is executed, a new object instance is created . The code in the object expression can access the variables in the function that created it , And not limited to final Variable , You can also modify the value of a variable in an object expression
Accessing local variables from anonymous objects
Object expressions are most useful when you need to override multiple methods in anonymous objects
At the end of the article
If you want to be an architect , Then don't limit yourself to coding , Business , Be able to select 、 Expand , Improve programming thinking . Besides , Good career planning is also important , The habit of learning is very important , But the most important thing is to persevere , Any plan that cannot be adhered to is empty talk .
If you have no direction , Here, I'd like to share with you a set of 《Android Advanced notes of eight modules 》, Help everyone to get rid of the mess 、 scattered 、 Systematize the fragmented knowledge , Let us master systematically and efficiently Android Each knowledge point of development .
Compared with the fragmented content we usually watch , The knowledge points of this note are more systematic , Easier to understand and remember , It is arranged in strict accordance with the knowledge system .
One 、 The necessary skills for an architect to build a foundation
1、 In depth understanding of Java Generic
2、 The notes are simple
3、 Concurrent programming
4、 Data transmission and serialization
5、Java Principle of virtual machine
6、 Efficient IO
Two 、Android Hundred framework source code analysis
1.Retrofit 2.0 The source code parsing
2.Okhttp3 The source code parsing
3.ButterKnife The source code parsing
4.MPAndroidChart The source code parsing
5.Glide The source code parsing
6.Leakcanary The source code parsing
7.Universal-lmage-Loader The source code parsing
8.EventBus 3.0 The source code parsing
9.zxing Source code analysis
10.Picasso The source code parsing
11.LottieAndroid Use detailed explanation and source code analysis
12.Fresco Source code analysis —— Picture loading process
3、 ... and 、Android Performance optimization and practical analysis
- tencent Bugly: A little understanding of string matching algorithm
- Iqiyi : Android APP Crash capture scheme ——xCrash
- Bytes to beat : In depth understanding of Gradle One of the frames :Plugin, Extension, buildSrc
- Baidu APP technology :Android H5 First screen Optimization Practice
- Analysis of Alipay Client Architecture :Android Client start speed optimization 「 Garbage collection 」
- Ctrip : From wisdom to action Android The project looks at the practice of component architecture
- Netease News construction optimization : How to make your build speed “ Like lightning ”?
- …
Four 、 senior kotlin Strengthen actual combat
1、Kotlin Introductory tutorial
2、Kotlin Guide to avoiding the pit in actual combat
3、 Project practice 《Kotlin Jetpack actual combat 》
From a man who worships the great God Demo Start
Kotlin Write Gradle What kind of experience is scripting ?
Kotlin Three levels of programming
Kotlin Higher order function
Kotlin Generic
Kotlin Expand
Kotlin entrust
coroutines “ unknown ” Debugging skills
Graphic coroutine :suspend
5、 ... and 、Android senior UI Advanced decryption of open source framework
1.SmartRefreshLayout Use
2.Android And PullToRefresh Control source code analysis
3.Android-PullToRefresh Basic usage of drop-down refresh Library
4.LoadSir- Efficient and easy-to-use loading feedback page management framework
5.Android Universal LoadingView Loading frame details
6.MPAndroidChart Realization LineChart( Broken line diagram )
7.hellocharts-android Use guide
8.SmartTable Use guide
9. Open source project android-uitableview Introduce
10.ExcelPanel Use guide
11.Android Open source project SlidingMenu Deep analysis
12.MaterialDrawer Use guide
6、 ... and 、NDK Module development
1、NDK Module development
2、JNI modular
3、Native development tool
4、Linux Programming
5、 Bottom image processing
6、 Audio and video development
7、 machine learning
7、 ... and 、Flutter Advanced technology
1、Flutter Overview of cross platform development
2、Windows in Flutter Development environment construction
3、 Write your first Flutter APP
4、Flutter Build and debug the development environment
5、Dart The basic grammar of grammar ( One )
6、Dart The use of the collection of syntax and source code analysis ( Two )
7、Dart Set operator function and source code analysis in Syntax ( 3、 ... and )
8、 ... and 、 Wechat applet development
1、 Small program overview and introduction
2、 Applet UI Development
3、API operation
4、 Shopping mall project actual combat ……
Full set of video materials :
One 、 Interview collection
Two 、 Source code analysis collection
3、 ... and 、 Open source framework collection
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