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Learn nuxt js
2022-07-04 08:11:00 【yibucuo】
understand SSR
Traditional server rendering CSR
Single page application SPA Poor first screen performance seo Not good.
Server rendering SSR(server side render)
npm install vue-server-[email protected]2.6.11 express -D
stay vue Of the scaffolding project vue-template-compiler It's also @2.6.11 The version number of the above installation should be the same as that here
Already exist spa
need seo Whether the page is just a few marketing pages, whether the pre rendering can be considered
It really needs to be done ssr reform , Using server-side crawler technology puppeteer
Finally, choose refactoring New project proposal nuxt.js
npx create-nuxt-app < Project name >
Run the project : npm run dev
nuxt-link image router-link
nuxt image router-view
<nuxt-link no-prefetch to="/detail/123"> details </nuxt-link>//no-prefetch Disable preload behavior
<nuxt-link to="/cat"> Shopping cat </nuxt-link>
<nuxt-link to="/"> home page </nuxt-link>
<nuxt />
pages Customize under page Which to choose layouts
export default {
pages New under folder .vue file , Automatically create routes ,
nuxt The home page of , That is, the route path is / Of Namely pages/index.vue
<Tutorial/> //Tutorial Components stay components Under folder Tutorial.vue file Use directly without importing Tutorial
middleware Use
pages The next file uses It is local use
export default {
middleware: ['auth']
nuxt.config.js In use is Global configuration For each
export default {
router: {
middleware: ['auth']
Dynamic routing
visit localhost:3000/detail/123
$route.params.id}}// Render here 123
async asyncData({
$axios, params, error }) {
// params It's up there params
// asyncData It appears earlier therefore Cannot access this
if (params.id) {
// asyncData Cannot be used in this Get component instance
// But you can get the relevant data through the context
const {
data: goodInfo } = await $axios.$get("/api/detail", {
params });
if (goodInfo) {
return {
goodInfo };
statusCode: 400, message: " Failed to query product details " });
} else {
return {
goodInfo: null };
Route blocking Routing extension
extendRoutes(routes, resolve) {
name: 'custom',
path: '*',
component: resolve(__dirname, 'pages/404.vue')
plug-in unit
export default ({
$axios }, inject) => {
inject('login', user => {
return $axios.$post('/api/login', user)
plugins: [
'@/plugins/api-inject',// Under registration
this.$login(u) You can access api/login The interface
export default function ({
$axios, store }) {
$axios.onRequest(config => {
// Each request modifies the token's operation
if (store.state.user.token) {
config.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + store.state.user.token;
return config;
plugins: [
Cross domain
axios: {
proxy: true
proxy: {
"/api": "http://localhost:8080"
export const state = () => ({
token: ''
export const mutations = {
init(state, token) {
state.token = token;
export const getters = {
isLogin(state) {
return !!state.token;
export const actions = {
commit, getters }, u) {
return this.$axios.$post("/api/login", u).then(({
token }) => {
if (token) {
commit("init", token)
return getters.isLogin;
stay middleware and plugins Under the js The file can be accessed to user
export default function ({
store }) {
koa Half use
var Koa = require('koa');
var app = new Koa();
const bodyparser = require('koa-bodyparser')
const router = require('koa-router')({
prefix:'/api'}) // adopt /api/goods Access interface
app.keys = ["some secret", "another secret"]
const goods =[
id:1,text:'web Full stack architect ',price:1000},
id:2,text:'java Full stack architect ',price:1000},
router.get('/goods', ctx => {
ctx.body = {
ok: 1,
router.get('/detail',ctx =>{
ctx.body = {
data:goods.find(good => good.id == ctx.query.id)
const user = ctx.request.body
if(user.username === 'jerry' && user.password == '123'){
const token = 'a mock token'
ctx.body = {
ctx.body = {
// Using routing middleware
// app.use(router.routes()).use(router.allowedMethods());
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