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第五届 Polkadot Hackathon 创业大赛全程回顾,获胜项目揭秘!
2022-07-05 10:25:00 【InfoQ】
- 项目介绍:项目简介 + 行业定位:为什么要做这个项目 + 行业对标项目 + 优势 + 行业前景
- 团队介绍:团队成员相关优势经历 + 团队架构
- 项目核心产品演示:核心亮点
- 未来规划:一年期的 Milestone 规划 + 未来三个月内要实现哪些功能
- 未来商业价值:从使用的行业场景,以及当前项目所处的赛道和解决的需求出发,纵向评估未来的商业价值
- 商业价值 (40%): 能解决问题,创新性,能放在你所知的行业场景中使用,以及当前项目发展的进度;立意新颖,具备突破性,打破常规思维。
- 现场表现 (30%): 产品展示/录播,很好反映做出的功能点及流程,演说清晰,项目背景及项目规划交待清楚明确 。
一等奖: Dante Network
- Interview: how does the list duplicate according to the attributes of the object?
- [paper reading] kgat: knowledge graph attention network for recommendation
- Secteur non technique, comment participer à devops?
- GO项目实战 — Gorm格式化时间字段
- Comparative learning in the period of "arms race"
- Activity enter exit animation
- flex4 和 flex3 combox 下拉框长度的解决办法
- Taro进阶
- Implementation of wechat applet bottom loading and pull-down refresh
- 2022年化工自动化控制仪表考试试题及在线模拟考试
How did automated specification inspection software develop?
> Could not create task ‘:app:MyTest. main()‘. > SourceSet with name ‘main‘ not found. Problem repair
The most complete is an I2C summary
A large number of virtual anchors in station B were collectively forced to refund: revenue evaporated, but they still owe station B; Jobs was posthumously awarded the U.S. presidential medal of freedo
What is the most suitable book for programmers to engage in open source?
SAP ui5 objectpagelayout control usage sharing
[paper reading] ckan: collaborative knowledge aware autonomous network for adviser systems
Who is the "conscience" domestic brand?
C语言实现QQ聊天室小项目 [完整源码]
[论文阅读] CKAN: Collaborative Knowledge-aware Atentive Network for Recommender Systems
Universal double button or single button pop-up
Node の MongoDB Driver
Completion report of communication software development and Application
SQL Server 监控统计阻塞脚本信息
5g NR system architecture
What is the most suitable book for programmers to engage in open source?
SAP UI5 ObjectPageLayout 控件使用方法分享
Idea create a new sprintboot project
A large number of virtual anchors in station B were collectively forced to refund: revenue evaporated, but they still owe station B; Jobs was posthumously awarded the U.S. presidential medal of freedo
Pseudo class elements -- before and after
How can non-technical departments participate in Devops?
5G NR系统架构