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Scala basic tutorial -- 17 -- Collection
2022-07-04 18:53:00 【Empty.】
Scala Basic course –17– aggregate
Chapter goal
- Understand the related concepts of sets
- master Traversable Use of sets
- Master random student sequence cases
1. aggregate
1.1 summary
Anyone who knows programming knows Program = Algorithm + data structure
this sentence , It was developed by the famous Swiss computer scientist Nicholas · wo
Bring up the , And so is he 1984 Turing Award winner . Algorithm refers to a series of effective calculations , Common steps . Algorithm and data structure are two complementary aspects in program design , Therefore, data structure is also a very important aspect of programming . Many programming languages provide corresponding programming libraries of data structures ,
And call it a collection library (Collection Library). Scala There is also a collection library , Its advantages are as follows :
Easy to use
Use the 20 To 50 There are about two ways , Flexible combination , Can solve most set problems .
A simple word ( for example : foreach), One or more loop operations can be realized .
Most errors can be found at compile time .
When implementing methods of collection type , Have been tuned , Users can choose the appropriate set according to their needs .
Scala The collection of has a very rigorous inheritance system , Collections of similar types have the same set of methods , And their own unique methods .
1.2 classification
Scala Support at the same time Immutable sets and variable sets
, Because immutable sets can be accessed safely and concurrently , So it is also the default collection class library . stay Scala in , For almost all collection classes , Both are available in variable and immutable versions , As follows :
Immutable set : refer to
Once the initialization of the elements in the collection is completed, they cannot be changed , Any change to the set will generate a new set .
All in
Under this bag , When using There is no need to guide the package manually .Variable set : refer to
The set itself can change dynamically , And variable sets provide a way to change the elements in the set
All in
Under this bag , Use yes You need to guide the package manually .
Here's the picture :
Tips :
Variable sets are richer than immutable sets .
for example : stay Seq Collection , Added Buffer aggregate , We often use : ArrayBuffer and ListBuffer.
When we come into contact with a new inheritance system , The proposal USES
Top level of learning , Use the bottom layer
The way .
The top level defines what is common to the entire inheritance system .
And the bottom layer is the concrete embodiment , Realization .
2. Traversable
2.1 summary
Traversable It's a trait (trait), It is the parent of other sets , Its sub characteristics immutable.Traversable and mutable.Traversable They are the parents of immutable sets and variable sets , Most common methods in collections are defined in this trait . Therefore, understanding its function is very important for learning other collection classes .
2.2 Format
Format 1 : Create empty Traversable object .
// Mode one : adopt empty Method realization . val t1 = Traversable.empty[Int] // Mode two : Through parentheses val t2 = Traversable[Int]() // Mode three : adopt Nil Realization . val t3 = Nil
Format two : Create an... With parameters Traversable object .
// Mode one : adopt toTraversable() Method realization val t1 = List(1, 2, 3).toTraversable // Mode two : adopt Traversable Of the accompanying objects of apply() Method realization . val t1 = Traversable(1, 2, 3)
2.3 Example 1 : establish Traversable object
- Create empty , Used to store Int Of type data Traversable object .
- establish Traversable A collection of objects , Store numbers 1, 2, 3, And print the results to the console .
Reference code
// Case study : Demonstrate creating Traversable object .
object ClassDemo01 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Create empty , Used to store Int Of type data Traversable object .
//1.1 Create objects .
val t1: Traversable[Int] = Traversable.empty[Int]
val t2: Traversable[Int] = Traversable[Int]()
val t3: Traversable[Int] = Nil
//1.2 Compare them for equality .
println(t1 == t2) //== Compare the data in the set .
println(t1 == t3)
println(t2 == t3)
println(t1 eq t2) //eq The comparison is the address value of the set .
println(t1 eq t3)
println(t2 eq t3)
println("-" * 15)
//2. establish Traversable A collection of objects , Store numbers 1, 2, 3, And print the results to the console .
//2.1 adopt toTraversable() Method realization .
val t4: Traversable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3).toTraversable
val t5: Traversable[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3).toTraversable
//2. adopt Traversable Of the accompanying objects of apply() Method realization .
val t6:Traversable[Int] = Traversable(11, 22, 33, 44, 55)
//3. Print the results ( because Traversable It's the quality , So the bottom layer is implemented through its specific subclasses ).
println(s"t4: ${
println(s"t5: ${
println(s"t6: ${
2.4 Case 2 : Transposition Traversable aggregate
Students who have known linear algebra know , Matrix has a transpose operation , stay Scala in , Can pass transpose() Method
To achieve similar operations .
Here's the picture :
Be careful :
When transposing , The program will automatically detect whether the number of elements in each set is consistent , If the same , Then the transpose succeeds . If it's not consistent , False report .
- Define a Traversable aggregate t1, It has three elements , Every element is Traversable aggregate , And store the following data respectively :
- The first element stores (1, 4, 7), The second element stores (2, 5, 8), The third element stores (3, 6, 9).
- adopt transpose Method , The collection t1 Do transpose .
- Print the results .
Reference code
// Case study : Demonstrate transpose set .
object ClassDemo02 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Define a Traversable aggregate t1, It has three elements , Every element is Traversable aggregate , And store the following data respectively :
//2. The first element stores (1, 4, 7), The second element stores (2, 5, 8), The third element stores (3, 6, 9).
val t1 = Traversable(Traversable(1, 4, 7), Traversable(2, 5, 8), Traversable(3, 6, 9))
//3. adopt transpose Method , The collection t1 Do transpose .
val t2 = t1.transpose
//4. Print the results .
2.5 Case three : Splice set
In actual development , Data is obtained from multiple channels , So we often need to splice some data , stay Scala in , We can go through ++
To splice data , But this method will create a large number of temporary collections ( namely : Every time ++ once , A new temporary set will be created ), In this case , We can go through concat() Method
To achieve . This method will calculate the size of the required set in advance , Then generate a set , Reduce useless temporary collections in the middle , So it's more effective .
- There are three known Traversable aggregate , Store separately (11, 22, 33), (44, 55), (66, 77, 88, 99) Elements .
- adopt concat() Method to splice the above three sets .
- Print the spliced results to the console .
Reference code
// Case study : demonstration concat() Method , Splice set .
object ClassDemo03 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. There are three known Traversable aggregate , Store separately (11, 22, 33), (44, 55), (66, 77, 88, 99) Elements .
val t1 = Traversable(11, 22, 33)
val t2 = Traversable(44, 55)
val t3 = Traversable(66, 77, 88, 99)
//2. adopt concat() Method to splice the above three sets .
val t4 = Traversable.concat(t1, t2, t3)
//3. Print the spliced results to the console .
println(s" The result after splicing is : ${
2.6 Case four : Screening elements by partial function
stay Scala in , We can also go through collect() Method
Realization Partial function associative set
To use , To filter the specified data from the set .
def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Traversable[B]
explain :
After partial function processing , The data type of the return value .pf: PartialFunction[A, B]
Express collect() Method needs to pass in a partial function object .Traversable[B]
Represents a collection of returned concrete data .
- There is a known Traversable aggregate , The storage element is : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
- adopt collect Method to filter out all even numbers in the set .
Reference code
// Case study : Filter out all even numbers in the set through partial function .
object ClassDemo04 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. There is a known Traversable aggregate , The storage element is : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
val t1 = (1 to 10).toTraversable
//2. adopt collect Method to filter out all even numbers in the set .
val t2 = t1.collect( {
case x if x % 2 == 0 => x
//3. Print the results .
2.7 Case 5 : Calculate the factorial of set elements
Suppose a Traversable[Int] The collection contains (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Five numbers , If we calculate the factorial of each element , And put it in a new Traversable[Int] Collection , We can do it by returning , But this implementation has drawbacks , Every calculation starts from scratch , for example : obtain 5 The factorial , It's through 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
Calculated , Did not use the previous calculation 4 The result of the factorial of . here , We can go through scan() Method
To optimize this requirement , It not only puts the intermediate calculation results into a new set , And the intermediate result will be passed to the next function call .
def scan[B](z: B)(op: (B, B) => B)
explain :
Represents the data type of the return value .(z: B)
Represents the initialization value .(op: (B, B) => B)
Represents a specific operation function .- scan() Method is equivalent to scanLeft() Method , There is another method opposite to it scanRight().
- Definition Traversable aggregate t1, Storage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 These five numbers .
- Suppose the initial value is 1, adopt scan() Method , Get separately t1 The factorial value of each element in the set .
- Print the results .
Reference code
// Case study : adopt scan() Method , Get the factorial value of the element in the collection .
object ClassDemo05 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Definition Traversable aggregate t1, Storage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 These five numbers .
val t1 = Traversable(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
//2. Suppose the initial value is 1, adopt scan() Method , Get separately t1 The factorial value of each element in the set .
val t2 = t1.scan(1)(_ * _)
//3. Print the results .
2.8 Case 6 : Get the specified element of the collection
Collections are used to store data , Since it can store , Then we can certainly get the data we want from the set , It can be achieved by the following methods :
head: Get the first element of the collection , If the element does not exist , Throw out
NoSuchElementException abnormal
.last: Get the last element of the collection , If the element does not exist , Throw out
NoSuchElementException abnormal
.headOption: Get the first element of the collection , The return value type is Option.
lastOption: Get the last element of the collection , The return value type is Option.
find: Find the first element in the set that meets the specified condition .
slice: Intercept some elements in the set .
def slice(from:Int, until: Int): Traversable[A]
Be careful :
Interception from from( Starting index ) Start , to until Indexes ( End index ) The ending element , contain from Indexes , But it doesn't include until Indexes .
- Define a Traversable aggregate , contain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 These six elements .
- Pass respectively head, headOption, last, lastOption Get the first and last element in the collection , And print .
- adopt find Method to get the first even number in the collection , And print .
- adopt slice() Method to get 3, 4, 5 These three elements , And put them in a new Traversable Collection , Then print the results .
Reference code
// Case study : obtain Traversable Object specific elements
object ClassDemo06 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Define a Traversable aggregate , contain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 These six elements .
val t1 = (1 to 6).toTraversable
//2. Pass respectively head, headOption, last, lastOption Get the first and last element in the collection , And print .
//3. adopt find Method to get the first even number in the collection , And print .
println(t1.find(_ % 2 == 0))
//4. adopt slice() Method to get 3, 4, 5 These three elements , Then print the results .
val t2 = t1.slice(2, 5)
2.9 Case seven : Determine whether the element is legal
If we meet Judge whether all elements in the set meet the specified conditions , Or any element meets the specified conditions
This kind of demand , You can consider using it forall() Methods and exists() Method
To implement the .
forall(): Returns... If all elements in the collection meet the specified conditions true, Otherwise return to false.
def forall(p: (A) => Boolean): Boolean
exist(): As long as any element in the collection meets the specified conditions, it returns true, Otherwise return to false.
def exists(p: (A) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 6 These six numbers .
- adopt forall() Method realization , Judge t1 Whether the elements in are all even .
- adopt exists() Method realization , Judge t1 Is there an even number in .
Reference code
// Case study : Determine whether the element is legal
object ClassDemo07 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 6 These six numbers .
val t1 = (1 to 6).toTraversable
//2. adopt forall() Method realization , Judge t1 Whether the elements in are all even .
println(t1.forall(_ % 2 == 0)) // All elements must meet the conditions .
//3. adopt exists() Method realization , Judge t1 Is there an even number in .
println(t1.exists(_ % 2 == 0)) // As long as one element meets the condition .
2.10 Case eight : Aggregate functions
If we want to Count the number of elements in the set that meet the conditions , Or calculate the set elements and , The product of , For maximum , Minimum value, etc
, You can use the following methods :
count: Count the number of elements in the set that meet the conditions .
def count(p: (A) => Boolean): Int
sum: Get all the elements in the collection and .
product: Get the product of all elements in the set .
max: Get the maximum value of all elements in the collection .
min: Get the minimum value of all elements in the collection .
- Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 6 These six numbers .
- adopt count() Methods statistics t1 The number of all odd numbers in the set , And print the results .
- adopt sum() Method to get t1 All elements in the set and , And print the results .
- adopt product() Method to get t1 The product of all elements in the set , And print the results .
- adopt max() Method to get t1 The maximum value of all elements in the set , And print the results .
- adopt min() Method to get t1 The minimum value of all elements in the set , And print the results .
Reference code
// Case study : Demonstrate aggregation operations .
object ClassDemo08 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 6 These six numbers .
val t1 = (1 to 6).toTraversable
//2. adopt count() Methods statistics t1 The number of all odd numbers in the set , And print the results .
println(t1.count(_ % 2 == 0))
println(t1.filter(_ % 2 == 0).size) // It is not recommended to use , Because it will produce a new Traversable object .
//3. adopt sum() Method to get t1 All elements in the set and , And print the results .
//4. adopt product() Method to get t1 The product of all elements in the set , And print the results .
//5. adopt max() Method to get t1 The maximum value of all elements in the set , And print the results .
//6. adopt min() Method to get t1 The minimum value of all elements in the set , And print the results .
2.11 Case nine : Set type conversion
occasionally , We need to Traversable Set into other sets to operate , It's time to use toXxx() Method
了 .
Be careful : Aforementioned Xxx Represents the name of the target set , for example : toList, toSet, toArray, toSeq wait …
- Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 5 These five numbers .
- take t1 Sets are converted into arrays (Array), list (List), Set (Set) These three forms , And print the results .
Reference code
// Case study : Set type conversion .
object ClassDemo09 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. Definition Traversable aggregate t1, contain 1 To 5 These five numbers .
val t1 = (1 to 5).toTraversable
//2. take t1 Sets are converted into arrays (Array), list (List), Set (Set) These three forms , And print the results .
val arr = t1.toArray
val list = t1.toList
val set = t1.toSet
//3. Print the results .
2.12 Case 10 : Fill element
If we need to quickly add the same elements to the set , for example : Generate 5 All of them are "abc" Of Traversable object , It needs to be used fill() and iterate() The method
, If you want to generate queue elements with specified intervals , You can go through range() Method
To implement the , As follows :
- fill() Method : Quickly generate a specified number of elements .
- iterate() Method : According to the specified conditions , Generate the specified number of elements .
- range() Method : Generate all data of a specified interval in a certain interval .
adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 5 Elements , Values are " Spreading wisdom Podcast ".
adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 3 A random number .
adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , The format is as follows :
List(List( Spreading wisdom Podcast , Spreading wisdom Podcast ), List( Spreading wisdom Podcast , Spreading wisdom Podcast ), List( Spreading wisdom Podcast , Spreading wisdom Podcast ), List( Spreading wisdom Podcast , Spreading wisdom Podcast ), List( Spreading wisdom Podcast , Spreading wisdom Podcast ))
adopt iterate() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 5 Elements , Respectively :1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000.
adopt range() Method , Get from number 1 Start , Cut off number 21 Between , The interval is 5 All data for .
Reference code
import scala.util.Random
// Case study : Demonstrate fill elements .
object ClassDemo10 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//1. adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 5 Elements , Values are " Spreading wisdom Podcast ".
println(Traversable.fill(5)(" Spreading wisdom Podcast "))
//2. adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 3 A random number .
//3. adopt fill() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , There are 5 individual Traversable aggregate , Every Traversable The set has two elements .
//5 Express 5 individual Traversable, 2 Represent each Traversable There are 2 Elements .
println(Traversable.fill(5, 2)(" Spreading wisdom Podcast "))
//4. adopt iterate() Method , Generate a Traversable aggregate , This collection contains 5 Elements , Respectively :1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000.
//1 Represents the initialization value , 5 Indicates the number of elements to be finally obtained
println(Traversable.iterate(1, 5)(_ * 10))
//5. adopt range() Method , Get from number 1 Start , Cut off number 21 Between , The interval is 5 All data for .
println(Traversable.range(1, 21, 5)) // from 1 Start , By the end of 20, interval 5 All data for
println(Traversable.range(1, 5)) // from 1 Start , By the end of 5, interval 1 All data for ( If you don't specify , The default interval is 1)
3. Case study : Random student sequence
3.1 demand
- Define a Traversable aggregate , contain 5 A student ( The attribute is : full name , Age ) Information about , And the student's name and age information are randomly generated .
- Suppose the name information is (“ Zhang San ”, “ Li Si ”, “ Wang Wu ”, “ Zhao Liu ”, “ Panax notoginseng ”), The value range of age is : [20, 30), Front closed and back open writing .
- In descending order according to the age information of students , Print the results to the console .
3.2 Purpose
Investigate Sample class , random number , aggregate
Related content .
3.3 step
- establish Student Sample class , The attribute is : full name , Age , Used to record student information .
- Definition list , Record the student's name information , The value is : “ Zhang San ”, “ Li Si ”, “ Wang Wu ”, “ Zhao Liu ”, “ Panax notoginseng ”.
- Create random number object r, It is used to obtain some random values .
- establish Traversable aggregate , contain 5 A random student information .
- take Traversable Set to List list .
- Through the list of sortWith() Method , In descending order of students' age .
- Print the results .
3.4 Reference code
import scala.util.Random
// Case study : Random student sequence
object ClassDemo11 {
//1. establish Student Sample class , The attribute is : full name , Age , Used to record student information .
case class Student(name:String, age:Int)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//2. Definition list , Record the student's name information , The value is : " Zhang San ", " Li Si ", " Wang Wu ", " Zhao Liu ", " Panax notoginseng ".
val names: List[String] = List(" Zhang San ", " Li Si ", " Wang Wu ", " Zhao Liu ", " Panax notoginseng ")
//3. Create random number object r, It is used to obtain some random values .
val r: Random = new Random()
//4. establish Traversable aggregate , contain 5 A random student information .
val t1: Traversable[Student] = Traversable.fill(5)(Student(names(r.nextInt(names.size)), 20 + r.nextInt(10)))
//5. take Traversable Set to List list .
val t2: List[Student] = t1.toList
//6. Through the list of sortWith() Method , In descending order of students' age .
// The following two sorting methods are ok .
//val t3 = t2.sortBy(_.age).reverse
val t3 = t2.sortWith(_.age > _.age)
//7. Print the results .
", " Li Si ", " Wang Wu ", " Zhao Liu ", " Panax notoginseng ".
val names: List[String] = List(" Zhang San ", " Li Si ", " Wang Wu ", " Zhao Liu ", " Panax notoginseng ")
//3. Create random number object r, It is used to obtain some random values .
val r: Random = new Random()
//4. establish Traversable aggregate , contain 5 A random student information .
val t1: Traversable[Student] = Traversable.fill(5)(Student(names(r.nextInt(names.size)), 20 + r.nextInt(10)))
//5. take Traversable Set to List list .
val t2: List[Student] = t1.toList
//6. Through the list of sortWith() Method , In descending order of students' age .
// The following two sorting methods are ok .
//val t3 = t2.sortBy(_.age).reverse
val t3 = t2.sortWith(_.age > _.age)
//7. Print the results .
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