当前位置:网站首页>Metaverse ape ape community was invited to attend the 2022 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay metauniverse and Web3.0 theme summit to share the evolution of ape community civilization from technology

Metaverse ape ape community was invited to attend the 2022 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay metauniverse and Web3.0 theme summit to share the evolution of ape community civilization from technology

2022-07-05 22:20:00 Ask finance and Economics

2022 year 7 month 1 Japan ,Metaverse Ape Be invited to attend 2022· Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area yuancosmos and web3.0 Theme Summit . This summit focuses on “ Web3.0 For the future pattern of the network world ring ” This theme , Discuss with political and business scholars at home and abroad Web3.0 The future of Internet technology practice in China may . As the top level in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay , Most focused Web 3.0 Industry Summit on topics , Whether it's the level of guests or the core issues , Every year Web3 The summit represents Web 3.0 The latest developments and the most authoritative views , from 2018 Year of Gavin Wood Of Substrate15 Minutes to this year's “ to open up ”、“ Open source ”、“ interconnection ”, You can only learn from the annual summit Web 3.0 What kind of development has it experienced .

Dozens of political and business scholars with important influence at home and abroad 、 Representatives of developers and relevant institutions attended this web3.0 Theme Summit Summit , Heavyweight guests will deliver keynote speeches in the main forum around the theme of the summit . Besides , near 10 Industry representatives held high-end dialogues during the round table discussion session of the summit , Express professional opinions and exchange views on key issues such as the development prospect of the future online world , The discussion will focus on Web3.0 Global collaboration 、 Application and development of decentralized network 、 New international cooperation paradigm and possibility in the epidemic era , And the construction and application of network infrastructure in the future and its philosophy .

among , Currency security BSC Chain famous developers Jerry Metanliy Attended the summit , On global cooperation Web 3.0 A keynote speech was delivered on standardization .Jerry It is believed that the Internet industry is one of the most active areas of technological progress in China and the United States , Emerging technologies and the digital transformation of social life have also laid a solid social foundation for the future development of the Internet .「Web 3.0 It is a product of globalization , All countries need to work together , Connect with each other , Common progress . Facing new technologies and application scenarios , We should work together to develop more possibilities , Deepen the cooperative relationship between both parties and multiple parties in practical cooperation .」

Metaverse Ape South Asian representative of the apes project Steven Mr. Wang shared the idea and vision of the ape world :“Metaverse Ape Ape ecological universe NFT Aggregate ecological platform , Covering the meta universe chain tour 、NFT、DeFi、 SocialFi、GameFi And other fields . All these ecological applications , Around the meta universe 、NFT、 game 、 virtual world 、 Future technology , Build around Metaverse Ape The ecological universe of the apes . Metaverse Ape The idea is to define Web 3.0 The meta universe opens up new paradigms , Create a decentralized Internet universe ecosystem , Based on blockchain and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) Equal distribution technology , Create a more democratic 、 Open and decentralized meta universe ecological application platform . Metaverse Ape Our vision is based on various consensus and mutually beneficial mechanisms , Through decentralization and DAO form , For the world Web 3.0 user 、 Investor 、 developer 、 The project side provides deep aggregation and linking , Create coexistence 、 Mutually beneficial and win-win Web 3.0 Yuan universe game Ecology .”

meanwhile ,Metaverse Ape South Asian representative of the apes project Steven Mr. explained the development strategy of ecological civilization in the ape world :Metaverse Ape Pay attention to the extension from the technical level to the upper application .Web3.0 The essential end point of , It is to serve society and individuals , That is, the attempt to extend the business model from the technical realization , Try to let each user master their own data 、 Identity and destiny .”

Through the exchange of this summit , In addition to the attention spread to developers or geek circles , People are also paying more attention to some business and application levels . And from Metaverse Ape In the ape project , We can see these changes more concretely , At the same time, it can also allow more people to explore new opportunities .

Last , Metaverse Ape South Asian representative of the apes project Steven Mr. Li shared the conclusion of the summit with the host :「Web 3.0 The field is a blue ocean , There are countless enthusiasm in this industry 、 Countless opportunities , We believe that with the development of the future , The industry will also be full of higher quality content . We are willing to help Web 3.0 Developers to realize their ideas 、 Win a larger market . How to make more people realize Web 3.0 It's a bigger world , Experience Web 3.0 The application of May , Grow and develop together with this industry , Is our mission .」


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