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Visitor tweets about how you can layout the metauniverse

2022-07-06 06:53:00 Drunken sin pill

1. Open a shop in the yuan universe

Nike 、Gucci、Prada、 ADI … Every time there is a new hot spot in the scientific and technological circles , Fashion brands always follow the fastest .

For example, Nike opened a “ Meta universe ” Large flagship store Nike Land.

In this latest Nike virtual world , In addition to shopping in the store , Dress yourself up with various Nike customized products , You can also play various sports games , You can even use interactive sports materials to design your own mini games . However, someone commented on two words after experiencing “ Is this ?!”.

In virtual space , What users experience is jumping Nike bed 、 Climb Nike wall, etc , Kindergarten level IQ experience .

2. Registered metauniverse trademark

This wave of operation , Car companies are typical representatives . Weilai automobile has registered “ Wei Laiyuan universe ”、“ Wei universe ” trademark .

Ideal car 、 Xiaopeng automobile has been registered separately “ Ideal metauniverse ”、“ Xiaopengyuan universe ”、 as well as “ Cheyuan universe ” Etc. trademark . SAIC Group has applied for registration of nearly 100 articles, including “ Cheyuan universe ” Typeface trademark , Involving advertising sales 、 Social services 、 Communication service 、 Website services, etc .

3. M & a yuanuniverse enterprise

Take Nike for example , After taking the first step of metacosmic layout , Then came Nike's second step : Nike has acquired a brand of virtual sneakers and collectibles RTFKT.

RTFKT The company was founded in 2020 year , It mainly produces digital products such as sports shoes , And ensure the authenticity of products by using blockchain technology . According to Nike , Acquisition RTFKT Will help the company “ Provide the next generation collection integrating culture and games .”

Nike CEO believes that , This will help accelerate Nike's digital transformation :“ Our plan is to invest RTFKT brand , Serve and develop their innovation and Creative Communities , And expand Nike's digital footprint and capabilities .”



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