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[Yu Yue education] Dunhuang Literature and art reference materials of Zhejiang Normal University

2022-07-06 06:37:00 yuyueshool

- Dunhuang Literature and Art - Chapter materials, examination materials - Zhejiang Normal University 【】
The first chapter is a short answer
Chapter 1 test questions
1、【 Single topic selection 】 The Mogao Grottoes are ( ) year , Selected by UNESCO 《 World Heritage List 》.
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】 The first person to build a cave in Mogao Grottoes was ?
A、 Le Zun
B、 Faliang
C、 Yuanrong
D、 Yu Yi
Reference material 【 】
3、【 Single topic selection 】“ Dunhuang ” The word was first used in ancient Chinese classics 《 》.
A、《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》
B、《 The book of odes 》
C、《 ministers 》
D、《 Historical records 》
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4、【 Single topic selection 】“ The Silk Road ” Who first proposed the concept of ?
A、 Luo Zhenyu
B、 Lichhoven
C、 Sand
D、 Bosch and
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5、【 Single topic selection 】 The first foreigner to arrive at the Sutra cave is ?
A、 Otagu Guangrui
B、 Bosch and
C、 Stein
D、 Odenberg
Reference material 【 】
6、【 Single topic selection 】 In which dynasty did the excavation of Mogao Grottoes begin ?
A、 The eastern han dynasty
B、 Former qin
C、 Beiliang
D、 xixia
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7、【 Multiple choice 】 Dunhuang grotto art mainly integrates the following three art forms ?
A、 Grotto Architecture
B、 sculpture
C、 Mural
D、 painting on silk
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8、【 Multiple choice 】 In which countries are the Dunhuang remains preserved at present ?
A、 The British
B、 The French
C、 Russia
D、 China
E、 Japan
Reference material 【 】
The second chapter is a short answer
Chapter 2 test questions
1、【 Single topic selection 】 The earliest dated printed matter found in the Sutra cave 《 Diamond sutra 》 Currently collected in :
A、 Gansu Provincial Library
B、 The National Library of England
C、 French National Library
D、 National Library of China
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】 The earliest manuscript in Dunhuang documents was written in :
A、 Eastern Jin Dynasty
B、 The Northern Wei Dynasty
C、 The eastern han dynasty
D、 The Southern Song Dynasty
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3、【 Single topic selection 】 The largest number of Dunhuang documents is :
A、 Confucian classics
B、 Buddhist classics
C、 Private contracts
D、 Official documents
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4、【 Single topic selection 】 When was the latest Dunhuang document with a clear time record written ?
A、 Northern song dynasty
B、 The tang dynasty
C、 The five generation
D、 The Southern Song Dynasty
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5、【 Single topic selection 】 The first person to judge the academic value of Scripture cave documents is ?
A、 Wang Yuanli
B、 Ye Changchi
C、 Luo Zhenyu
D、 Tingdong
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6、【 Single topic selection 】 The country with a small number of Dunhuang documents is
A、 China
B、 The British
C、 The French
D、 Russia
E、 Japan
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7、【 Multiple choice 】 Non Chinese documents in the Sutra cave , Which national ancient characters have been used ?
A、 Sute
B、 Uighur language
C、 Tubo ( Ancient Tibetan )
D、 Khotan
E、 Sanskrit
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8、【 Multiple choice 】 Religious classics found in the Sutra cave , In addition to Buddhist classics , What else ?
A、 Taoism
B、 Nestorianism
C、 Manichaeism
D、 Zoroastrianism
E、 hinduism
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9、【 Multiple choice 】 Study Dunhuang documents , What are the main difficulties ?
A、 There are many common words in Dunhuang manuscripts , Illegible
B、 There are many colloquial words in Dunhuang documents , Not easy to understand
C、 Dunhuang scrolls are mostly Buddhist documents , Not easy to understand
D、 Dunhuang manuscripts have many writing characteristics different from later engraved editions , It's not easy to grasp
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Chapter III test questions
1、【 Single topic selection 】 Which dynasty is the earliest paper found so far ?
A、 The eastern han dynasty
B、 The western han dynasty
C、 The Western Jin Dynasty
D、 three countries
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】 Calligraphy documents in Dunhuang manuscripts , The most common content is ?
A、 Taigong tutor
B、 The Thousand Character Classic
C、 In a hurry
D、 Three Character Classic
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3、【 Single topic selection 】 The most common binding method in Dunhuang documents is ?
A、 Folded
B、 Windbreaker
C、 Reel mounted
D、 Dragon scale outfit
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4、【 Single topic selection 】 In ancient times, paper was dyed to prevent insects from eating , The raw materials used for dyeing are ?
A、 Phellodendron Amur
B、 realgar
C、 Orpiment
D、 rhubarb
Reference material 【 】
5、【 Single topic selection 】 From which dynasty , The official use of paper instead of bamboo slips as writing materials ?
A、 Eastern Jin Dynasty
B、 The Western Jin Dynasty
C、 Former qin
D、 Beiliang
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6、【 Single topic selection 】 archaic “ Swordsman ” The function of the knife used is ?
A、 cut paper
B、 Pencil
C、 Lettering
D、 Correct typos
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7、【 Single topic selection 】 Tang Taizong calligraphy rubbings found in Dunhuang documents are :
A、《 Episcopal order 》
B、《 Jinci inscription 》
C、《 Hot spring inscription 》
D、《 Seventeen posts 》
Reference material 【 】
8、【 Single topic selection 】 The following works belonging to running script are
A、 Li Shimin 《 Hot spring inscription 》
B、 c 《 Duobao tower stone 》
C、 Liu Gongquan 《 Vajra Prajna paramita Sutra 》
D、 Ouyang Xun 《 Huadu Temple stele 》
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9、【 Multiple choice 】 What are the binding methods in Dunhuang documents ?
A、 Reel mounted
B、 Dragon scale outfit
C、 Fan clip
D、 thread-bound
E、 Album cover
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10、【 Judgment questions 】 After the emergence of block printing in the Tang Dynasty , It soon replaced handwriting , Become the main way of book dissemination .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
11、【 Judgment questions 】 After the paper appears , Bamboo slips did not immediately withdraw from the stage of history , It's Jane 、 Paper and used for a long time .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
Chapter four is a short answer
Chapter 4 test questions
1、【 Single topic selection 】 The rap genre in Dunhuang literature does not include the following genre ?
A、 Speak Scripture
B、 Vulgar Fu
C、 Bianwen
D、 Sanqu
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】 Known as Chinese opera “ Xizu ” In which of the following variations does the prototype story of appear ?
A、 Wu Zixu changed his writing
B、 Wang Zhaojun changed his writing
C、 Subdue the devil and change the text
D、 Mulian Bianwen
Reference material 【 】
3、【 Single topic selection 】 The earliest preserved 、 The age of well preserved scriptures is ?
A、 Sui Dynasty
B、 The tang dynasty
C、 The five generation
D、 The song dynasty
Reference material 【 】
4、【 Single topic selection 】 According to Dunhuang novels 《 Records of Emperor Taizong entering the underworld 》 The record , After the transformation of Xuanwu Gate , How Li Shimin treats his father Li Yuan ?
A、 Exile
B、 Captivity
C、 The killing of
D、 To demobilize
Reference material 【 】
5、【 Single topic selection 】 A collection of songs and words found in Dunhuang Sutra cave , be known as 《______》, Topics include frontier fortress words 、 Boudoir words .
A、 All Dunhuang poems
B、 Cloud ballad collection miscellaneous songs
C、 Complete Poetry of the Tang
D、 Flower set
Reference material 【 】
6、【 Completion 】 A large number of vernacular poets have been found in Dunhuang documents _____ My poems , With popular humor 、 Shallow language is the main feature .
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7、【 Completion 】 A long lost narrative poem of Wei Zhuang, a poet of the late Tang Dynasty, was found in Dunhuang documents 《》, It is the first masterpiece in extant Tang poetry .
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Chapter V test questions
1、【 Single topic selection 】 The following belong to “ Buddhist stories ” The mural of is ?
A、 Nine color Deer
B、 Martial arts competition for marriage
C、 Moonlight King Shi tou
D、 Prince Saku saves the tiger
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】 After Sakyamuni became a Buddha , Tell the world about reincarnation 、 What kind of mural is the causal relationship formed by everything, such as karma ?
A、 Bunsen story painting
B、 Buddhist story painting
C、 Karma Story painting
D、 Buddhist historical paintings
Reference material 【 】
3、【 Single topic selection 】 About when did the image of Guanyin change from male to female ?
A、 The eastern han dynasty
B、 Wei Jin
C、 Tang and song dynasty
D、 Ming and Qing Dynasties
Reference material 【 】
4、【 Single topic selection 】 Yulin Grottoes No 3 Grottoes 《 Sages become 》 A corner of , The very popular story drawn by later generations is ?
A、 Guanyin delivers children
B、 Tang's monk scriptures
C、 Prince Nezha's Triumph Against Dragon King
D、 Monkeys Grasp for the Moon
Reference material 【 】
5、【 Multiple choice 】 Murals showing Sakyamuni's personal deeds mainly include ____ and ____ Two types of .
A、 Bunsen story painting
B、 Buddhist story painting
C、 Karma Story painting
D、 Landscape painting
Reference material 【 】
6、【 Judgment questions 】 Zhang Qian said goodbye to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and went to the western regions to ask the name of the Jin man , This plot was drawn in Mogao Grottoes 323 Grottoes , It shows that Buddhism was introduced into China in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
7、【 Judgment questions 】 Dunhuang murals integrate the content and painting characteristics of eastern and Western cultures , On the basis of Chinese traditional culture, it absorbs a lot of foreign culture , And create a unique spiritual connotation .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
8、【 Judgment questions 】“ Sutra paintings ” Translate the text of the Sutra “ change ” In the form of pictures , Easy to understand 、 Show the content of Buddhist scriptures in a concise and realistic way , And attract believers .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
Chapter 6 test questions
1、【 Judgment questions 】 The daily clothes worn by officials in the Tang Dynasty are called regular clothes .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Judgment questions 】 At the wedding today , People call the groom “ bridegroom ”, This is a legacy of the ancient marriage custom .
A、 correct
B、 error
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3、【 Judgment questions 】 Huadian makeup was invented by Shangguan Waner of the Tang Dynasty .
A、 correct
B、 error
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4、【 Judgment questions 】 The emergence of mother of flowers is closely related to Buddhism .
A、 correct
B、 error
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5、【 Judgment questions 】 The face washing prescription recorded in Dunhuang documents “ Five pig pancreas , A liter of beans , Soap pods are three straight ……” Is the rudiment of modern soap .
A、 correct
B、 error
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6、【 Judgment questions 】 The ancient bread is equivalent to the modern steamed bread .
A、 correct
B、 error
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7、【 Judgment questions 】 Dunhuang monks in the late Tang and Five Dynasties strictly observed the commandments , Don't drink .
A、 correct
B、 error
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8、【 Judgment questions 】 After the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the popular dress for women was the intercolor skirt ( Striped skirt ).
A、 correct
B、 error
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Dunhuang Literature and art final exam
1、【 Single topic selection 】 The Mogao Grottoes are ( ) year , Selected by UNESCO 《 World Heritage List 》.
Reference material 【 】
2、【 Single topic selection 】“ Dunhuang ” The word was first used in ancient Chinese classics 《 》.
A、《 Historical records 》
B、《 The book of odes 》
C、《 ministers 》
D、《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》
Reference material 【 】
3、【 Single topic selection 】 The first foreign explorer to reach the Sutra cave was ?
A、 Otagu Guangrui
B、 Stein
C、 Bosch and
D、 Odenberg
Reference material 【 】
4、【 Single topic selection 】 In which dynasty did the excavation of Mogao Grottoes begin ?
A、 Beiliang
B、 xixia
C、 Former qin
D、 The eastern han dynasty
Reference material 【 】
5、【 Single topic selection 】 The earliest dated printed matter found in the Sutra cave 《 Diamond sutra 》, Currently collected in
A、 The National Library of England
B、 National Library of China
C、 French National Library
D、 Gansu Provincial Library
Reference material 【 】
6、【 Single topic selection 】 In Dunhuang documents , What kind of literature is the largest number ?
A、 Official documents
B、 Confucian classics
C、 Buddhist classics
D、 Private contracts
Reference material 【 】
7、【 Single topic selection 】 Calligraphy documents found in Dunhuang , Most of them are works of children practicing writing . among , The most frequently copied is 《 》.
A、 Three Character Classic
B、 A hundred surnames
C、 The Thousand Character Classic
D、 The book of odes
Reference material 【 】
8、【 Single topic selection 】 When was the latest Dunhuang document with a clear time record written ?
A、 The five generation
B、 Sui Dynasty
C、 Tang Dynasty
D、 Northern song dynasty
Reference material 【 】
9、【 Single topic selection 】 Tang Taizong calligraphy rubbings found in Dunhuang documents are _____.
A、《 Episcopal order 》
B、《 Seventeen posts 》
C、《 Duobao tower stone 》
D、《 Hot spring inscription 》
Reference material 【 】
10、【 Single topic selection 】 Known as Chinese opera “ Xizu ” In which of the following variations does the prototype story of appear ?
A、 Wu Zixu changed his writing
B、 Subdue the devil and change the text
C、 Mulian Bianwen
D、 Wang Zhaojun changed his writing
Reference material 【 】
11、【 Single topic selection 】 According to Dunhuang novels 《 Records of Emperor Taizong entering the underworld 》 The record , After the transformation of Xuanwu Gate , How Li Shimin treats his father Li Yuan ?
A、 The killing of
B、 To demobilize
C、 Exile
D、 Captivity
Reference material 【 】
12、【 Single topic selection 】 In Dunhuang murals , After Sakyamuni became a Buddha , Tell the world about reincarnation 、 What kind of mural is the causal relationship formed by everything, such as karma ?
A、 Bunsen story painting
B、 Karma Story painting
C、 Buddhist historical paintings
D、 Buddhist story painting
Reference material 【 】
13、【 Single topic selection 】 About when did the image of Guanyin change from male to female ?
A、 Tang and song dynasty
B、 Wei Jin
C、 Ming and Qing Dynasties
D、 The eastern han dynasty
Reference material 【 】
14、【 Single topic selection 】 The most common binding method in Dunhuang documents is ?
A、 Reel mounted
B、 Folded
C、 Dragon scale outfit
D、 Windbreaker
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15、【 Single topic selection 】 In order to adapt to Chinese traditional culture , When Buddhism was introduced into China , The main adjustment made is ?
A、 Formulate Buddhist commandments
B、 Re create Buddhist scriptures
C、 Build temples , Make statues
D、 Harmony Buddha ( Birth thought )、 Confucianism ( Loyalty and filial piety ethics ) The relationship between
Reference material 【 】
16、【 Multiple choice 】 Dunhuang grotto art mainly integrates the following three art forms ?
A、 sculpture
B、 Grotto Architecture
C、 Mural
D、 painting on silk
Reference material 【 】
17、【 Multiple choice 】 In addition to Buddhist classics in the Sutra cave , What religious classics have also been found ?
A、 Zoroastrianism
B、 hinduism
C、 Taoism
D、 Manichaeism
Reference material 【 】
18、【 Multiple choice 】 Non Chinese documents in the Sutra cave , Which national ancient characters have been used ?
A、 Sanskrit
B、 Sute
C、 Uighur language
D、 Khotan
Reference material 【 】
19、【 Multiple choice 】 What are the binding methods in Dunhuang documents ?
A、 Reel mounted
B、 Dragon scale outfit
C、 thread-bound
D、 Album cover
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20、【 Multiple choice 】 The three reasons why Mulian stories are popular with people are ?
A、 The story of Mulian has been very popular since the Han Dynasty
B、 From Buddhist scriptures to Bianwen and murals , To attract the public
C、 Mulian's story is tortuous and moving , The language is easy to understand
D、 Integrate Buddhist reincarnation thought and Confucian filial piety thought
Reference material 【 】
21、【 Multiple choice 】 In the Tang Dynasty , Who ever came to Dunhuang ?
A、 Envoys of Central Plains or western regions
B、 a monk
C、 The merchant
D、 The emperor of Tang Dynasty
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22、【 Multiple choice 】 In the Tongmeng school in Dunhuang in the Tang Dynasty , What courses does the teacher teach ?
A、 Literacy courses , Such as 《 The Thousand Character Classic 》
B、 Literacy courses , Such as 《 Three Character Classic 》
C、 Interesting courses , Such as 《 Journey to the west 》
D、 Confucian courses , Such as 《 The analects of Confucius 》
Reference material 【 】
23、【 Multiple choice 】 The makeup of women in the Tang Dynasty includes :
A、 women's hair ornament
B、 Thrush
C、 Oblique red
D、 powder
Reference material 【 】
24、【 Judgment questions 】 Mogao Grottoes 323 The cave painted a mural of Zhang Qian saying goodbye to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and going to the western regions to ask for the name of the Jin man , It shows that Buddhism was introduced into China in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
25、【 Judgment questions 】“ Sutra paintings ” Translate the text of the Sutra “ change ” In the form of pictures , Easy to understand 、 Show the content of Buddhist scriptures in a concise and realistic way , And attract believers .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
26、【 Judgment questions 】 At the wedding today , People call the groom “ bridegroom ”, This is an ancient marriage “ Shesheng ” The legacy of Customs .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
27、【 Judgment questions 】 Dunhuang monks in the late Tang and Five Dynasties were lax in keeping discipline , You can drink .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
28、【 Judgment questions 】 Influenced by Buddhism , Flower mother of Pearl appears in women's makeup .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
29、【 Judgment questions 】“ Huarong exchange will pay a city ”, It refers to Chang'an, the capital of Tang Dynasty .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】
30、【 Judgment questions 】 Weizhuang 《 Qin Fuyin 》 It is the longest poem in Tang poetry .
A、 correct
B、 error
Reference material 【 】

