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Summary of the post of "Web Test Engineer"

2022-07-06 06:19:00 The elegance of testing

Recently, there is a certain recruitment demand for enterprise outsourcing projects , Talk about the experience of the interview and share the interview process of the junior test engineer

The interview time :07.04 14:00

1. Interviewer introduction

Basic personal information

1. Education : Unified enrollment of full-time undergraduate

2. Years of service :( Assignment acceptable )

3. current state : Resignation status ( At present, people are at Tianmen )

Leaving reason

I have been in Shanghai before , from 20 year 12 Go to internship every month , In the year to 7 I have been in Shanghai all the month , Consider being closer to home

Employment experience

The school studied abroad and was assigned to a test internship post in Shanghai , I have been working until this year 7 month

Test area

Function test is the main part (web Test contact more 、 The mobile end test involves less ) The interface test 、 Performance is not involved

Main responsibilities

Function test role in the project , In groups (8 Group full test ) Complete the tasks assigned by the leaders , The process involves internal review of requirements 、 Use case review ( Business Review )、 Perform the test 、 Submit the defect 、 regression testing 、 Complete acceptance 、 Close job 、 Report the results

2. Comprehensive analysis of

Test case design capabilities : good

The ability of thinking divergence is ok , Use case design covers a wide range .

Defect analysis capability : commonly

It's more about finding problems 、 Feedback questions , Rarely analyze problems 、 Location problem .

communication skills : Stronger

Good communication skills , The regulations are relatively clear 、 smooth

autonomy ( Project process construction and improvement ): commonly

Later in the test, it will be in the actual test scenario , For points not covered by test cases , Make supplementary suggestions to products

Learning ability : commonly

I usually study less after work and work , Until now, I have rarely reviewed the knowledge points related to testing , Summarize interview experience occasionally

ps: I don't understand it personally , The interviewer also really said that he didn't study much at ordinary times . Remember that some things cannot be too straightforward , It will reduce the score

summary :

Soft skills : communication skills 、 Thinking ability is not bad

Hard skills : General test skills , Failed to reflect personal technical highlights ( The school has been working as an executor step by step until now , Lack of experience in independently responsible for projects )

Comprehensive quality : Strong adaptability 、 The pressure resistance is ok 、 sincere

3. WEB An interview question for the test engineer

  1. Make a brief introduction to yourself ?

  2. Briefly introduce your project / The role played in it / Content of work summary

  3. Then please talk about the overall process with a certain version , And how you carry out the testing work ?

  4. Talk about your company's project history and testing process , In these processes, did you say what you think is wrong , Give some suggestions , Simple talk about ?

  5. If you want to go online within the specified time , You don't have enough testing time here. What can you do ?

  6. Sit、uat、 Production code release process , And the online process

  7. Test case design method ? Do you know the 28 principles of software testing ?

  8. Now? wps Give your company a list ? It involves a file upload module, which is your responsibility , Design test cases ?

  9. Now? wps Give your company a list ? It involves a file sharing module that you are responsible for , Design test cases ?

  10. Subscription number article shares this function , Design test cases ?

  11. How to judge whether a problem is bug? How to distinguish whether it is a front-end or a back-end or other configuration class bug?

  12. Have you ever used a bag capturing tool ? Tell me about your use process , Know how it works ?

  13. HTTP request GET and POST Difference in request mode ?

  14. The status code returned by the interface request 200、301、401、403、404、500、503 What does each represent ?

  15. PC-WEB How does the browser client simulate the disconnection test ?

16.PC-WEB How do you usually do compatibility testing ?

17. Have you ever done interface test ?UI And interface automation ?

18.linux How are you playing , Briefly talk about your common commands ?

19. database sql、mongoDB、 Used it ? Briefly talk about your common commands ?

20. How about the foundation of programming ?

4. Personal feelings

Objectively speaking, after the interview , I think of my past from the interviewer , The edges and corners have been smoothed by the workplace , There seems to be a feeling of rottenness .

But I appreciate the character of the interviewer , Ask about the interface 、 automation 、 During the performance test , If you haven't done it, you can say it decisively . It is still very clear to design use cases for business tests that you are familiar with , From function to compatibility 、 Security 、 Ease of use 、 Exploratory testing can be one or two .

Ask about learning , I usually devote myself to learning , Also directly said that did not learn , I see the truth !

But overall , The interviewer stayed in the enterprise for a long time 2 year , I still hope that I can be more responsible for the testing of a certain business , from 0 To 1 To plan 、 Design 、 Execute and complete the task , Not as an executor . Improve your ability to control the progress of the project 、 Defect analysis capability 、 Summary and reporting ability . Before you have the opportunity, get in touch with things on the server side, such as interface testing .

The above is the interviewer information that I have to sort out from all aspects in every interview , According to the interview results of other interviewers, comprehensively judge whether they enter two sides , Simple sharing .

Frogs never know how to struggle and jump in warm water !

Last : It can be in the official account : Sad spicy bar ! Get one by yourself 216 Page software testing engineer interview guide document information 【 Free of charge 】. And the corresponding video learning tutorial is free to share !, It includes basic knowledge 、Linux necessary 、Shell、 The principles of the Internet 、Mysql database 、 Special topic of bag capturing tools 、 Interface testing tool 、 Test advanced -Python Programming 、Web automated testing 、APP automated testing 、 Interface automation testing 、 Testing advanced continuous integration 、 Test architecture development test framework 、 Performance testing 、 Safety test, etc. .

I recommend one 【Python Automated test communication group :746506216】, We can discuss communication software testing together , Learn software testing together 、 Interview and other aspects of software testing , Help you advance quickly Python automated testing / Test Development , On the road to high pay .

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