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Advantages of using net core / why
2022-07-07 07:02:00 【Marzlam】
1. At the strategic level
1. Open source
2. Cross platform
A good technology , Without a good ecological environment and the maintenance of a group of developers who love this technology , Then it will fall , Because Microsoft wants to have a place in the ecological environment , First, open source And it is the kind of open source agreement that is most beneficial to developers MIT and Apache 2 Open source licenses Use and change at will . The second is cross platform , It cannot be limited to windows, Create conditions for users of other platforms and have the ability to let developers choose .
2. Enterprise level
1. performance
2. efficiency
Enterprises value two major elements of Technology , In terms of performance netcore It's very good , In terms of efficiency
Portability , Simple deployment is also a reflection of efficiency
3. Development level
1. restructure
2. Lightweight
3. Standardization
net core about net Development Learning and using Friendliness helps save costs .
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