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On the usage of a magic function
2022-07-01 20:05:00 【Aidan 347】
Title Description
Given a length of n Sequence a_i, Definition a[i] For the first time i The value of two elements . Now we need to find the most valuable in the sequence “ The paragraph ”. A paragraph is defined as having a length of [S,T] A continuous sequence between . The most valuable paragraph refers to the paragraph with the highest average value ,
Average of paragraphs = Total paragraph value / Paragraph length .
I / O format
Input format :
The first line is an integer n, Represents sequence length .
The second line is two integers S and T, Indicates the range of paragraph length , stay [S,T] Between .
Third line to third line n+2 That's ok , An integer in each line represents the value index of each element .
Output format :
A real number , Retain 3 Decimal place , Represents the average value of the best paragraph .
I/o sample
sample input #1:
2 2
sample output #1:
【 Data range 】
about 30% Data are available. n<=1000.
about 100% Data are available. n<=100000,1<=S<=T<=n,-10000<= Value index <=10000.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1e5+10;
int n,s,t;
int a[N];
double res;
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d%d", &s, &t);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d", &a[i]);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) a[i]+=a[i-1];
for(int i=s;i<=t&&(double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC <= 0.95;i++)
for(int j=1;j+i-1<=n;j++)
int r = j+i-1;
double sum = a[r] - a[j-1];
res = max(res, (double)(sum*1.0/i));
return 0;
The following code can ensure the cycle 0.95s after Automatically exit the loop ...
(double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC <= 0.95
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