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Sentinel source code analysis part II - sentinel dashboard console startup and configuration
2022-07-03 19:11:00 【Age people】
List of articles
| working principle
- The console address needs to be configured when the application starts , Make the application interact with the console
- The application is responsible for registering with the console
- The console is responsible for configuring rule information
- Applications pull through listening and other methods rule To local , Wait for the flow to reach and limit the flow according to the configuration
|| push How mode works
Console configuration rules
Application listening rules
||| Source code analysis
A Console
- The console module is a lightweight springboot modular
- User pass FlowControllerV2 Configure rules and push zk Wait for the configuration center
Console configuration
- Modify by type DynamicRuleProvider and DynamicRulePublisher by zk,nacos etc.
@RequestMapping(value = "/v2/flow")
public class FlowControllerV2 {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlowControllerV2.class);
private InMemoryRuleRepositoryAdapter<FlowRuleEntity> repository;
private DynamicRuleProvider<List<FlowRuleEntity>> ruleProvider;
private DynamicRulePublisher<List<FlowRuleEntity>> rulePublisher;
Console push
- Persistent in memory
- push zk
@AuthAction(value = AuthService.PrivilegeType.WRITE_RULE)
public Result<FlowRuleEntity> apiAddFlowRule(@RequestBody FlowRuleEntity entity) {
Result<FlowRuleEntity> checkResult = checkEntityInternal(entity);
if (checkResult != null) {
return checkResult;
Date date = new Date();
try {
Persistent in memory
entity = repository.save(entity);
push zk
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Failed to add flow rule", throwable);
return Result.ofThrowable(-1, throwable);
return Result.ofSuccess(entity);
- Get all the rules and push zk
private void publishRules(/*@NonNull*/ String app) throws Exception {
List<FlowRuleEntity> rules = repository.findAllByApp(app);
// FlowRuleApiPublisher
// FlowRuleApolloPublisher
// FlowRuleNacosPublisher
// FlowRuleZookeeperPublisher
rulePublisher.publish(app, rules);
B Client program
Client transformation
- Sentinel in the light of ZooKeeper The corresponding adaptation is made , The bottom layer can adopt ZooKeeper As a rule configuration data source . Just add the following dependencies when using :
- Then create ZookeeperDataSource And register it to the corresponding RuleManager You can go up.
// remoteAddress representative ZooKeeper Address of the server
// path Corresponding ZK Data path in
ReadableDataSource<String, List<FlowRule>> flowRuleDataSource = new ZookeeperDataSource<>(remoteAddress, path, source -> JSON.parseObject(source, new TypeReference<List<FlowRule>>() {
Client monitoring and updating
- adopt zklistener Listening rule change
- Full coverage update rules
public class ZookeeperDataSource<T> extends AbstractDataSource<String, T> {
...... Delete a lot of code
private void initZookeeperListener(final String serverAddr, final List<AuthInfo> authInfos) {
...... Delete a lot of code
this.listener = new NodeCacheListener() {
public void nodeChanged() {
zk change
try {
newValue That's the configuration rule Information Such as current limiting Fuse etc.
T newValue = loadConfig();
RecordLog.info(String.format("[ZookeeperDataSource] New property value received for (%s, %s): %s",
serverAddr, path, newValue));
Update when updating ruleManager Relevant rule information
Property Correspondence also exists with ruleManager in
} catch (Exception ex) {
RecordLog.warn("[ZookeeperDataSource] loadConfig exception", ex);
Update implementation
getProperty().updateValue(newValue); Update implementation
- Property Sign up to FlowRuleManager
- modify currentProperty Rule information is zk Of the monitor property
public class FlowRuleManager {
Current limiting rule information
private static SentinelProperty<List<FlowRule>> currentProperty = new DynamicSentinelProperty<List<FlowRule>>();
public static void register2Property(SentinelProperty<List<FlowRule>> property) {
AssertUtil.notNull(property, "property cannot be null");
synchronized (LISTENER) {
modify currentProperty Rule information is zk Of the monitor property
currentProperty = property;
- The generation environment generally adopts the registry to ensure the persistence of rules , Will not be lost due to downtime
- This article outlines push The realization of pattern ,sentinel also pull, Memory direct push mode
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