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Optaplanner learning notes (I) case cloud balance
2022-07-01 19:36:00 【Deep sea wandering goose】
Problem description :
Suppose your company has some cloud computers , You need to run some programs on these computers , Each process needs to be assigned to run on a computer . The following constraints must be met :
Each computer must be able to handle the minimum hardware requirements for the sum of its processes .
CPU power : A computer's CPU Power must be at least what the process assigned to the computer needs CPU Sum of power .
Memory capacity : A computer's RAM The memory must be at least what the process allocated to the computer needs RAM The sum of memory .
Network capacity : The network bandwidth of a computer must be at least the sum of the network bandwidth required by the processes assigned to that computer .
The following soft constraints should be optimized :
- Each computer assigned one or more processes will incur maintenance costs ( The cost of each computer is fixed ).
- cost : Minimize total maintenance costs .
This problem is a form of packing problem . Here is a simple example , We use a simple algorithm , Allocate four processes to two constrained (CPU and RAM) The computer .
The simple algorithm used here is the greedy algorithm ( Also known as greedy algorithm , When solving a problem , Always make what seems to be the best choice at the moment . in other words , Don't take into account the overall optimum , The algorithm obtains the local optimal solution in a sense ).
It allocates larger processes first , Then allocate the smaller processes to the remaining space . As we can see , It's not optimal , Because it doesn't leave enough space to allocate the Yellow process D.
OptaPlanner By using additional 、 Smarter algorithms find better solutions . It can also be expanded : In the data ( More progress , More computers ) And constraints ( More hardware requirements , Other constraints ) aspect .
Business modeling
When we're modeling , We need to distinguish which ones are Planning entities Planning entity , Which of their attributes are Planning variables Planning attributes .
The input data object representing the problem is defined in the model of this example , In this simple example , These objects are Computer、Progress. A single object in this model must represent the complete data set of the problem , It contains input data and solutions . In this case , This object holds a Computer And a list of Progress A list of . Every Progress Assigned to a computer Computer;Computer Between Progress Distribution is the solution .
1、 draw UML chart .
2、 Planning model data , Don't have duplicate data .
3、 Write each instance in the model :
- Computer: Represents a computer with hardware and maintenance costs . In this case ,Computer The property of is :cpuPower, memory, networkBandwidth, cost.
- Progress: Represents a process in need . Need by OptaPlanner Assigned to a computer .Progress The attributes of are :requiredCpuPower, requiredMemory, and requiredNetworkBandwidth.
- CloudBalance: Representing one Problem. Each computer and process that contains a data set .
4、 Find out which fields will change during the solution .
- Planning entity:OptaPlanner Classes that can be changed in the process of solving . In this case , It is Progress class , because OptaPlanner Can be Progress Assigned to Computer.
- Planning variable: What changes in the process of solving PlanningEntity Attributes of a class . In this case , It is Progress Properties on classes computer.
- Problem fact: Solving data supported classes .Computer It's about providing data , No information is changed during the solution .
- Planning solution: The class representing the solution to the problem . This class must represent the complete dataset and contain all planning entities . In this case , Namely CloudBalance This class .
Object specific implementation
public class CloudComputer ... {
private int cpuPower;
private int memory;
private int networkBandwidth;
private int cost;
... // getters
Progress Class is very important , It is the class that is modified in the process of solving .
We need to tell OptaPlanner, It can modify properties computer. Use @PlanningEntity To annotate this class , And use @PlanningVariable annotation getter getComputer() Method .
OptaPlanner It's through setter Method is modified , So there needs to be setter Method .
public class CloudProcess ... {
private int requiredCpuPower;
private int requiredMemory;
private int requiredNetworkBandwidth;
private CloudComputer computer;
... // getters
@PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {
public CloudComputer getComputer() {
return computer;
public void setComputer(CloudComputer computer) {
computer = computer;
OptaPlanner You need to know which values it can choose to assign to the property computer. These values are derived from CloudBalance.getComputerList() Get from method , This method returns a list of all computers in the current dataset .
CloudProcess.getComputer() Upper @PlanningVariable Of valueRangeProviderRefs Parameters need to be related to CloudBalance.getComputerList() Upper @ValueRangeProvider Of id One-to-one correspondence .
CloudBalance Class has one. @PlanningSolution annotation , This class is the entry of data in the process of solving and the exit of the final result . It has a Computer List and Progress List data , among Progress Class computer It's the output of the whole final result , Because the result of our solution is every Progress Which one was assigned to Computer.
public class CloudBalance ... {
private List<CloudComputer> computerList;
private List<CloudProcess> processList;
private HardSoftScore score;
@ValueRangeProvider(id = "computerRange")
public List<CloudComputer> getComputerList() {
return computerList;
public List<CloudProcess> getProcessList() {
return processList;
public HardSoftScore getScore() {
return score;
public void setScore(HardSoftScore score) {
this.score = score;
processList Property holds a list of processes .OptaPlanner It can change the process , Assign them to different computers . therefore , The process is a ProblemEntity Planning entity ,processList It's a collection of planning entities . Need to be in getProcessList() Method @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty annotation .
computerList Property holds a list of computers .OptaPlanner You can't change these computers . therefore , The computer is a ProblemFact The problem is the fact that . Especially for the use of Drools The score calculation of , attribute computerList Need to use @ProblemFactCollectionProperty To annotate , such OptaPlanner You can retrieve the list of computers (ProblemFact), And make it right Drools The engine is available .
CloudBalance Class also has a @PlanningScore Properties of annotations score, It is the score of the solution in the current state .OptaPlanner When calculating a solution instance Score It will be updated automatically when it's finished . therefore , This property requires a setter.
Constraint score definition
So far, we've built the model , because OptaPlanner It's judging each solution by its score , So next we need to write the corresponding score calculation , And will “ Problem description ” Hard inside / Soft constraints are written into corresponding code .
Let's start with a picture :
AB Thread assigned to XY On the machine , Three different results, the final score results show .
From the description of the problem , We can conclude that there are hard constraints and soft constraints in this problem , Hard constraints usually represent constraints that cannot be broken , Soft constraints are conditions where expectations are not worth breaking .
Constraint configuration class
We have to come out from the problem ,3 A hard constraint and 1 A rule of soft constraints .
public class CloudBalancingConstraintProvider implements ConstraintProvider {
public Constraint[] defineConstraints(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return new Constraint[] {
// ************************************************************************
// Hard constraints - Hard constraints
// ************************************************************************
Constraint requiredCpuPowerTotal(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.from(CloudProcess.class)
.groupBy(CloudProcess::getComputer, sum(CloudProcess::getRequiredCpuPower))
.filter((computer, requiredCpuPower) -> requiredCpuPower > computer.getCpuPower())
(computer, requiredCpuPower) -> requiredCpuPower - computer.getCpuPower());
Constraint requiredMemoryTotal(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.from(CloudProcess.class)
.groupBy(CloudProcess::getComputer, sum(CloudProcess::getRequiredMemory))
.filter((computer, requiredMemory) -> requiredMemory > computer.getMemory())
(computer, requiredMemory) -> requiredMemory - computer.getMemory());
Constraint requiredNetworkBandwidthTotal(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.from(CloudProcess.class)
.groupBy(CloudProcess::getComputer, sum(CloudProcess::getRequiredNetworkBandwidth))
.filter((computer, requiredNetworkBandwidth) -> requiredNetworkBandwidth > computer.getNetworkBandwidth())
(computer, requiredNetworkBandwidth) -> requiredNetworkBandwidth - computer.getNetworkBandwidth());
// ************************************************************************
// Soft constraints - Soft constraint
// ************************************************************************
Constraint computerCost(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.from(CloudComputer.class)
.ifExists(CloudProcess.class, equal(Function.identity(), CloudProcess::getComputer))
requiredCpuPowerTotal The current rule represents , If at present progress The goal of process allocation Computer Computer , its cpuPower Less than the present Computer On all the progress Required by the process cpuPower The sum of the , Then punishment will be carried out , Levels are hard constraints HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD, What's the score cpuPower The part beyond .
requiredMemoryTotal The current rule represents , If at present progress The goal of process allocation Computer Computer , its memory Less than the present Computer On all the progress Required by the process memory The sum of the , Then punishment will be carried out , Levels are hard constraints HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD, What's the score memory The part beyond .
requiredNetworkBandwidthTotal The current rule represents , If at present progress The goal of process allocation Computer Computer , its networkBandwidth Less than the present Computer On all the progress Required by the process networkBandwidth The sum of the , Then punishment will be carried out , Levels are hard constraints HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD, What's the score networkBandwidth The part beyond .
computerCost The rule represents the current cost , In terms of punitive points , The score is each Computer Of cost.
function CloudBalance Program
Now let's write a HelloWorld class CloudBalancingHelloWorld.java.
public class CloudBalancingHelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a solver
SolverFactory<CloudBalance> solverFactory = SolverFactory.create(new SolverConfig()
Solver<CloudBalance> solver = solverFactory.buildSolver();
// Load a file with 400 Two computers and 1200 Data for each process
CloudBalance unsolvedCloudBalance = new CloudBalancingGenerator().createCloudBalance(400, 1200);
// Submit the solution
CloudBalance solvedCloudBalance = solver.solve(unsolvedCloudBalance);
// Output results
System.out.println("\nSolved cloudBalance with 400 computers and 1200 processes:\n"
+ toDisplayString(solvedCloudBalance));
public static String toDisplayString(CloudBalance cloudBalance) {
StringBuilder displayString = new StringBuilder();
for (CloudProcess process : cloudBalance.getProcessList()) {
CloudComputer computer = process.getComputer();
displayString.append(" ").append(process.getLabel()).append(" -> ")
.append(computer == null ? null : computer.getLabel()).append("\n");
return displayString.toString();
withTerminationSpentLimit(Duration.ofMinutes(2))) What's written here is 2 minute , You can change the size and end time of the problem according to your needs .
So far, we have completed a cloud resource optimization program , Let's start with examples , Be familiar with it. OptaPlanner The way to solve it , In the following chapters, we will focus on some important concepts .
I'm learning optaplanner In the process , Main reference PeterOne Teacher's blog ,https://juejin.cn/user/3835556294573207
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