In the past, we did operation and maintenance , The vast majority of contacts are hardware , Server, such as 、 Router 、 Memory hard disk 、 Switch , Even with crystal head ; And now the era of Cloud Computing , Although I don't go to the machine room to cut threads , But the cloud pure keyboard operation and maintenance server must be able to , face 100+ Different shapes and colors 、 A large number of servers , Even by pasting and copying , Execute command control 、 Script injection , It's not an easy job . More Than This , Even the seemingly simple action of entering the account and password into the host for a session , There are also security risks of password disclosure caused by improper operation , There is also the trouble of frequently waking up local tools . therefore , treasure , Operation and maintenance 100+ What to do if the server has a headache ? Here we tell you , No headache , Just use the right tools !
Operation and maintenance 100+ The server uses
Business cloud housekeeper cloud computing management platform
, It realizes the centralized management of multiple cloud computing resources of multiple cloud manufacturers , From the cloudy tube 、 Cloud resource lifecycle management 、 O & M security compliance audit (
Automatic operation and maintenance
、 Host monitoring and alarm 、 Tenant isolated work order management 、 Cost analysis and other dimensions provide unified operation and maintenance control , For enterprises , Just one console , You can integrate and operate multiple public clouds 、 Multiple private clouds 、
And various heterogeneous resources , So as to carry out flexible resource management and operation and maintenance .
Xingyun housekeeper cloud management platform , The artifact of the operation and maintenance engineer ! With the following capabilities , One person easy operation and maintenance 100+ The server , No headache !
1、 Support mainstream public cloud manufacturers in the industry , Support tube windows&linux The physical machine 、 virtual machine 、 Network devices 、 The storage device 、 database 、 middleware 、 Application and other resources , as well as OpenStack、VMware And private cloud facilities / colony ;
2、 Provide work order process based
apply 、 establish 、 deliver 、 Operation and maintenance 、 Destruction lifecycle management ;
3、 From system security 、 Network security 、 Performance load 、 Trend prediction 4 Three dimensions realize the monitoring and physical examination of the host ;
4、 built-in
modular , Assume the responsibility of user management IT Operation and maintenance center of assets 、 Consultation platform and “ Prior authorization 、 In the process of Supervision 、 Post audit ” The black box, etc , Fully protect the enterprise IT Safe operation and maintenance of assets 、 Compliance audit ;
5、 Analyze and read public cloud bills , Analyze various costs and expenses of virtual machine from various dimensions , Through the data mining of application load , Tell you how to increase or decrease cloud resources ;
6、 Automatic operation and maintenance , Provide scripts / Order batch execution 、 Preset Script Library 、 Automatic document distribution / collect 、 Automation features such as task scheduling ;
7、 Support SaaS Form and privatization deployment form .

Success stories
For someone who provides asset management services , Provide support for business development IT The system must operate stably , For error . In the face of complex IT Based on the environment , So and so chose Xingyun housekeeper , For its IT The system operates stably and escorts .
Pain points 1: Supporting business IT equipment 、 The system is distributed in three networks with network isolation , visit 、 During operation and maintenance, visitors need to manually switch the network to obtain network connectivity , This is IT The operation and maintenance of resources brings great difficulties .
Solution 1: Build a unified IT Resource management operation and maintenance platform , Equipment with unified access to three networks , On a console for all kinds of hosts 、 Network devices 、 Unified and centralized management of storage devices , Realize the security management and maintenance of tri network equipment on the same platform .
Pain points 2: For the financial industry ,IT The stable support of the system is particularly important . In daily operation and maintenance , Especially when dealing with emergency faults , Failure recovery schemes often do not have the opportunity to rehearse , Misoperation is inevitable . and IT Development 、 There are many operation and maintenance personnel , In addition, there are outsourcing service personnel , It brings great challenges to safe operation and maintenance .
Solution 2: Sort out daily operation and maintenance work , Formulate targeted operation and maintenance schemes according to different operation and maintenance scenarios , And configure the automatic execution mechanism , Rehearse the plan in advance . For misoperation , Analysis instruction hazard level , Instructions for different hazard levels , Formulate corresponding review and approval mechanism , Ensure the reliability and safety of operation and maintenance .
Pain points 3: In the daily operation and maintenance work , When using SSH conversation 、 Carry out orders 、 Script and other functions , Inevitably, sensitive data such as passwords will be recorded in the log of the operating system or the instruction record set of the client , Records of these sensitive data , It brings the hidden danger of data leakage .
Solution 3: Identify sensitive information keywords in advance , Shield and protect sensitive information in logs , At the same time, the operation and maintenance is carried out with a unified entrance , Uniformly manage the access rights of log files , In the unified operation and maintenance system , Desensitize the operation log , Avoid disclosure of sensitive information .