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Web architecture design process

2022-07-07 05:40:00 Qin Tian


One 、 Architecture evolution

Two 、 Design principles

3、 ... and 、 Essential tools

One 、 Architecture evolution

1、 The initial set up

Framework based , Running on the Tomcat In the container . file 、 database 、 The application is on a server .

2、 Service separation

As the number of users increases , A single server cannot meet the load of the system , The application server and data server can be deployed separately , If possible, you can also deploy the file server separately .

3、 Reverse proxy

In order to improve the service processing capacity , We are Tomcat Add a proxy server in front of the container , such as Nginx、apache also . The user's request is sent to the reverse proxy , Then the reverse proxy forwards the request to the back-end server . Strictly speaking ,Nginx Belong to web The server , Generally deal with static html、css、js request , and Tomcat Belong to web Containers , Designed to handle JSP request , Of course Tomcat Also support html Of , It just didn't work Nginx All right .

4、 Dynamic and static separation

Based on the above Nginx Reverse proxy , We can also achieve   Dynamic and static separation , Static requests such as html、css、js Wait for the request to be given to Nginx Handle , Dynamic requests are distributed to the backend Tomcat Handle .Nginx Upgrade to 1.9.5+ Can be opened HTTP/2.0 Time , Accelerate website access . Of course , If the company doesn't need money , CDN It's also a good choice . 

5、 Service split

In this era when distributed microservices have become popular , In fact, we don't need to step on too many pits , It's easy to split . There are relatively mature technologies on the market , For example, Alibaba open source Dubbo( The official made it clear that the maintenance has begun ),Spring The family's SpringCloud, Of course, how to implement it , Both technology and business should be well controlled .

Microservices and lightweight communications :

  • Synchronous communication and asynchronous communication
  • The remote invocation RPC
  • REST
  • Message queue

6、 Continuous integration deployment

After service split , With it comes continuous integration deployment , You may use the following tools :Docker、Jenkins、Git、Maven. The basic topology is as follows :


The evolution of the entire continuous integration platform architecture is shown in the figure below :


7、 Service cluster

Linux Clusters are mainly divided into three categories ( High availability cluster , Load balancing cluster , Scientific computing cluster ). Actually , The load balancing cluster is the most common one we come into contact with in production .

(1) Load balancing implementation

  • DNS Load balancing , General domain name registrants dns Server does not support
  • Four layer load balancing (F5、LVS), Working in TCP Under the agreement
  • Seven layer load balancing (Nginx、haproxy), Working in Http Under the agreement

(2) Distributed session

Everybody knows , Services are generally divided into stateful and stateless , And distributed sessoion For stateful Services .

8、 Read / write separation

MySql Master slave configuration , Read write separation and introduction of middleware , Open source MyCat, Ali's DRDS All good choices . If high availability is required , But there is no corresponding technical guarantee , It is recommended to use Alibaba cloud's RDS perhaps Redis Correlation database , Save time, effort and money .

9、 Cache optimization

The introduction of caching is nothing more than to reduce the pressure of back-end database services , Prevent it " Strike ". Common cache services are ,Ehcache、OsCache、MemCache、Redis, Of course, these are the mainstream cache technology implementation that can stand the test , especially Redis It has been widely used in distributed cluster services , And proved its superior performance .

10、 Message queue

1、 Asynchronous notification : For example, SMS verification , E-mail verifies these non real-time feedback logical operations .


2、 Flow cutting : It should be a common scenario in message queues , Generally, it is widely used in seckill or group robbery activities .

3、 Log processing : Logs are essential in the system , But how to deal with the logs issued by Gao and is really a technical job , Carelessness may overwhelm the whole service . We often use open source logs in our work ELK, Why add one in the middle Kafka perhaps redis That's the reason ( The difference between an influx of people and a queue ).

4、 Message communication : Point to point communication ( Individual to individual ) Or publish subscribe mode ( The chat room ).

11、 The log service

Mentioned in the message queue ELK Open source log component is a good choice for small and medium-sized start-ups .

12、 Security optimization

All these above , If there is no guarantee of safety, it may return to zero .

  • Ali cloud, VPN Virtual private network and security group configuration
  • If you build your own computer room , Configure the firewall security policy by yourself
  • Related service access , such as Mysql、Redis、Solr If there are no special needs, try to use intranet access and set authentication
  • Try to use a proxy server , Don't open too many ports
  • https coordination HTTP/2.0 It's also a good choice

Two 、 Design principles

1、 High availability

  • Load balancing ( Load balancing algorithm )
  • Reverse proxy
  • Service isolation
  • Service restriction
  • service degradation ( Automatic graceful degradation )
  • Failover
  • Time out to try again ( Agent timeout 、 Container timeout 、 Front end timeout 、 Middleware timeout 、 Database timeout 、NoSql Overtime )
  • Rollback mechanism ( Online rollback 、 Database version rollback 、 Transaction rollback )

2、 High concurrency

  • Client cache ( Reduce network bandwidth 、 Reduce server stress 、 Reduce network latency )
  • HTTP cache
  • Multi level cache
  • Distributed cache
  • Connection pool
  • Asynchronous concurrency

3、 Distributed transactions

  • Two stage submission ( Strong consistency )
  • Three stage commit ( Strong consistency )
  • Message middleware ( Final consistency ), Recommend Ali's RocketMQ

4、 queue

  • Task queue
  • Message queue
  • Request queue

5、 Database technology

  • Master slave copy ( extensible 、 Available backups )
  • Read / write separation ( Improve query speed 、 Reduce IO bottleneck 、 High expansion )
  • Vertical expansion of monomer ( Separation of business 、 High expansion 、 High performance )
  • Horizontal expansion of monomer ( High expansion 、 High performance )
  • Data heterogeneity

6、 Network security

  • SQL Inject
  • XSS attack
  • CSRF attack
  • Denial of service (DoS,Denial of Service) attack

7、 Load balancing

  • The Internet ( Global load balancing ,DNS polling 、CDN Network distribution )
  • Hardware ( Local load balancing , Load Balancer 、 Address translation gateway , Efficient but expensive )
  • Software ( Local load balancing ,Linux Virtual Server、Nginx、HAProxy)


3、 ... and 、 Essential tools

1、 operating system

Linux( necessary )、 Microsoft

2、 Load balancing

DNS、F5、LVS、Nginx、OpenResty、HAproxy、 Load balancing SLB( Alibaba cloud )

3、 Distributed framework

Dubbo、Motan、Spring Cloud

4、 database middleware

DRDS ( Alibaba cloud )、Mycat、360Atlas

5、 Message queue


6、 Registry Center


7、 cache


8、 Integrated deployment


9、 Storage


11、 database


12、 The Internet

private network VPC、 Elastic public network IP、CDN

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WEB Architecture Design Overview - A hundred miles of Twilight - Blog Garden


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