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Codeforces Global Round 19
2022-07-05 22:43:00 【eyuhaobanga】
Sign in problem , Judge whether the input sequence has been arranged
AC Code :
/* Tips: 1.int? long long? 2.don't submit wrong answer 3.figure out logic first, then start writing please 4.know about the range 5.check if you have to input t or not 6.modulo of negative numbers is not a%b, it is a%b + abs(b) */ #pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lowbit(x) ((x) & -(x)) #define endl '\n' #define IOS1 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(nullptr);cout.tie(nullptr); #define IOS2 ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<long long> vll; typedef vector<char> vc; typedef long long ll; template<class T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } template<class T> T lcm(T a, T b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } template<class T> T power(T a, int b) { T res = 1; for (; b; b >>= 1, a = a * a) { if (b & 1) { res = res * a; } } return res; } template <typename T> inline void read(T& x) { x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = getchar(); while (!isdigit(ch)) { if (ch == '-') f = -1; ch = getchar(); } while (isdigit(ch)) { x = x * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar(); } x *= f; } const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int mod = 1000000007; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double eps = 1e-6; inline int sgn(double x) { return x < -eps ? -1 : x > eps; } void solve() { int n; cin >> n; vector<int> a(n + 5); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; } if(is_sorted(a.begin(), a.begin() + n)){ cout << "NO" << endl; } else{ cout << "YES" << endl; } return; } int main() { IOS1; //IOS2; int __t = 1; cin >> __t; for (int _t = 1; _t <= __t; _t++) { solve(); } return 0; } /* */
Problem - B - Codeforces
It is known that the length used is 1 Instead of a line segment with a length of k(k>1) Its contribution will not change . Consider two situations ,1. There is 0,2. There is no 0, Because if there is no 0,mex Always equal to 0, At this time, each length is 1 The contribution of the line segment is 1,k The first contribution is k, If there is 0, that 1+mex<=1+k, But the length is 1 The line segment of contributes at least 1+k, So you can use all the length 1 Instead of the line segment of and will not reduce the contribution , Therefore, to calculate the total value, we need to calculate the length and 0 The contribution of , From mathematical knowledge, we know that the sum of all field lengths is n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6, The first i In position 0 Contribution: i*(n-i+1) (DP Good idea , Time complexity O(n))
AC Code :
/* Tips: 1.int? long long? 2.don't submit wrong answer 3.figure out logic first, then start writing please 4.know about the range 5.check if you have to input t or not 6.modulo of negative numbers is not a%b, it is a%b + abs(b) */ #pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lowbit(x) ((x) & -(x)) #define endl '\n' #define IOS1 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(nullptr);cout.tie(nullptr); #define IOS2 ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<long long> vll; typedef vector<char> vc; typedef long long ll; template<class T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } template<class T> T lcm(T a, T b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } template<class T> T power(T a, int b) { T res = 1; for (; b; b >>= 1, a = a * a) { if (b & 1) { res = res * a; } } return res; } template <typename T> inline void read(T& x) { x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = getchar(); while (!isdigit(ch)) { if (ch == '-') f = -1; ch = getchar(); } while (isdigit(ch)) { x = x * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar(); } x *= f; } const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int mod = 1000000007; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double eps = 1e-6; inline int sgn(double x) { return x < -eps ? -1 : x > eps; } void solve() { int n; cin >> n; vector<int> a(n + 5); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; } int ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { ans += i * (n - i + 1) * (1 + (a[i] == 0)); } cout << ans << endl; return; } int main() { IOS1; //IOS2; int __t = 1; cin >> __t; for (int _t = 1; _t <= __t; _t++) { solve(); } return 0; } /* */
The meaning of the title is generally from 2 To n-1 Traverse every heap , Take two at a time , Then assign to any two , The minimum number of 2 To n-1 All the stones are allocated to 1 and n In the pile , When 2 To n-1 It's all about 1 I can't take any of them at the time of , Output -1, When n=3 And a2 When it is an odd number, no matter how you make it, the last thing left 1 You can't get all of them , Others should have a non 1 Under the circumstances , It can be proved that even numbers can be constructed continuously without appearing 1 The situation of .
AC Code :
/* Tips: 1.int? long long? 2.don't submit wrong answer 3.figure out logic first, then start writing please 4.know about the range 5.check if you have to input t or not 6.modulo of negative numbers is not a%b, it is a%b + abs(b) */ #pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lowbit(x) ((x) & -(x)) #define endl '\n' #define IOS1 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(nullptr);cout.tie(nullptr); #define IOS2 ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<long long> vll; typedef vector<char> vc; typedef long long ll; template<class T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } template<class T> T lcm(T a, T b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } template<class T> T power(T a, int b) { T res = 1; for (; b; b >>= 1, a = a * a) { if (b & 1) { res = res * a; } } return res; } template <typename T> inline void read(T& x) { x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = getchar(); while (!isdigit(ch)) { if (ch == '-') f = -1; ch = getchar(); } while (isdigit(ch)) { x = x * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar(); } x *= f; } const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int mod = 1000000007; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double eps = 1e-6; inline int sgn(double x) { return x < -eps ? -1 : x > eps; } void solve() { int n; cin >> n; vector<int> a(n + 5); int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; } if (n == 3 && a[2] & 1) { cout << "-1" << endl; return; } bool ok = false; for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] != 1) { ok = true; } } if (!ok) { cout << "-1" << endl; return; } long long ans = 0; for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) { ans += (a[i] + 1) / 2; } cout << ans << endl; return; } int main() { IOS1; //IOS2; int __t = 1; cin >> __t; for (int _t = 1; _t <= __t; _t++) { solve(); } return 0; } /* */
Official simplification , So the topic becomes let suma The square of +sumb The sum of the squares of is the smallest , According to the mean inequality , Must be suma and sumb The smaller the absolute value of the difference , The smaller their sum ,01 knapsack ,i Said go ai,j Before presentation i individual ai And ,dp[i][j] Before presentation i One of the suma and sumb Difference
AC Code :
/* Tips: 1.int? long long? 2.don't submit wrong answer 3.figure out logic first, then start writing please 4.know about the range 5.check if you have to input t or not 6.modulo of negative numbers is not a%b, it is a%b + abs(b) */ #pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lowbit(x) ((x) & -(x)) #define endl '\n' #define IOS1 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(nullptr);cout.tie(nullptr); #define IOS2 ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<long long> vll; typedef vector<char> vc; typedef long long ll; template<class T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } template<class T> T lcm(T a, T b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } template<class T> T power(T a, int b) { T res = 1; for (; b; b >>= 1, a = a * a) { if (b & 1) { res = res * a; } } return res; } template <typename T> inline void read(T& x) { x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = getchar(); while (!isdigit(ch)) { if (ch == '-') f = -1; ch = getchar(); } while (isdigit(ch)) { x = x * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar(); } x *= f; } const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int mod = 1000000007; const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double eps = 1e-6; inline int sgn(double x) { return x < -eps ? -1 : x > eps; } void solve() { int n; cin >> n; vector<int> a(n + 5); vector<int> b(n + 5); long long sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> a[i]; sum += a[i]; } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> b[i]; sum += b[i]; } vector<vector<int>> dp(110, vector<int> (10010, INF)); dp[0][0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10010; j++) { if (j >= a[i + 1] && abs(dp[i + 1][j]) > abs(dp[i][j - a[i + 1]] + a[i + 1] - b[i + 1])) { dp[i + 1][j] = dp[i][j - a[i + 1]] + a[i + 1] - b[i + 1]; } if (j >= b[i + 1] && abs(dp[i + 1][j]) > abs(dp[i][j - b[i + 1]] + b[i + 1] - a[i + 1])) { dp[i + 1][j] = dp[i][j - b[i + 1]] + b[i + 1] - a[i + 1]; } } } int ans = INF, pos = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 10010; j++) { if (abs(dp[n][j]) < ans) { ans = abs(dp[n][j]); pos = j; } } long long res = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { res += (a[i] * a[i] + b[i] * b[i]) * (n - 2); } res += pos * pos + (sum - pos) * (sum - pos); cout << res << endl; return; } int main() { IOS1; //IOS2; int __t = 1; cin >> __t; for (int _t = 1; _t <= __t; _t++) { solve(); } return 0; } /* */
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