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Business introduction of Zhengda international futures company

2022-07-05 22:27:00 uuuvnx

International Futures refers to futures trading established outside Chinese Mainland , The United States 、 The British 、 In the United States 、 The British 、 Hong Kong 、 Products in Singapore and other exchanges are commonly traded futures contracts . Generally speaking , Due to the huge volume of international futures trading , Price control 、 The situation of banker's manipulation rarely occurs , Compared with domestic futures , Its price trend is more equitable 、 Open 、 fair , Long trading time , And the trend is relatively continuous . It is not easy to open high and low by a large margin , Easy to control risks . Overall speaking , The trading environment of international futures is better than that of domestic futures .

Common ones include beautiful gold 、 American crude oil 、 Hang Seng Index 、 NASDAQ index, etc .

at present , There are two main ways to conduct international futures trading in China :

① Open an account in a company with an international futures company business license , Hong Kong has a developed financial industry , There are hundreds of international futures companies licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission , A small number of domestic futures companies have also set up subsidiaries in Hong Kong , Can open international futures business for customers , But customers need to apply for passports or Hong Kong and Macao passes , And need a foreign currency card ( Hong Kong dollar or US dollar card ) To apply for opening an account , Hong Kong futures companies can only receive Hong Kong dollars or US dollars . In addition to the troublesome process , The deposit will be relatively high after opening an account ( The lever is small ), But the advantage is that the handling fee is low .

② In view of the first requirement, it is troublesome to open more direct accounts , So now the mainstream practice in China is to open a personal trading account through the master account , The main account is the allocation company . The main account is connected to the international futures company , Open a trading account ( That is, the master account ), Distribute sub accounts to customers through international futures warehouse distribution software , Customers can trade overseas futures varieties through the sub accounts allocated by the master account , All transaction instructions are sent through the client on the warehouse division software , Then the master account will send... To the futures company according to the order . Zhengda Zhaozhu's master account is reserved for Europe and the United States 4 dollar , The HSI 26-12 detailed xxuvnx

At present, there are quite a few domestic companies doing capital allocation , So how to identify whether the order order order submitted by the customer goes directly to the exchange ? Still haven't submitted it at all , Become a gambling platform ? There are two ways to identify :

① After placing an order, you can ask the platform for the order voucher of the exchange to which the variety belongs / Settlement document , Check the variety 、 Price 、 Time 、 Direction, etc .

② Now the general market software provides ten levels of listing details in the opening area , Then we can choose a time period when the transaction is light , It is easy for investors to feed back their orders to the market opening area during this period . For specific operation , It is to observe the change of the opening area before and after placing an order . for instance , Crude oil 2207 Buy five in the contract opening area as 83.60, Altogether 3 Apply to buy . Then we place an order through a sub account 1 hand , The price for 83.60, If it is a direct connect Exchange ,83.60 The quantity at this price should immediately become 4 hand , If it is a gambling platform , There is no change ; Cancel the purchase immediately after placing the order , that 83.60 The single quantity at this price should be determined by 4 Turn into 3. Because it's a test , So when testing, try to buy fifth gear or sell fifth gear , Beware of a deal when the order is fast . in addition , Because every investor has the right to cancel the order after placing an order , Therefore, the number of gears may change , So you might as well test more times .

Expand information :

Gu ailing, who won the third gold medal of the Winter Olympics , It's totally on fire !

This is a very aura 00 Post Chinese girl .2003 Born in the United States , Sino American mixed race ( Mom is from Beijing ) Gu ailing 3 I stepped on the snowboard at the age of 、9 Won the first championship in my life at the age of , Later, he won more than in all kinds of skiing competitions in the world 50 Gold MEDALS .15 At the age of , Gu ailing officially joined the Chinese national team , Less than 7 Won for China in three months 7 Gold medal in skiing , Become the hottest sports idol in China . And she , only 18 year .

Get out of the ski resort , She is also a school bully : Successfully admitted to Stanford University , Gu ailing also spans the sports and fashion circles , Speaking authentic Beijing dialect , She sits on JD 、 China Mobile 、 Estee Lauder 、 Vitality forest and Louis Vuitton 、 Tiffany and other luxury brands, including super 20 Endorsement cooperation , Fans call her “ Snow Princess ”, It is considered to be the ceiling of current Chinese athletes .

《 figure 》 Wrote the details of Gu Ailing's life :

In China, , Gu ailing found , The little friends around me began to attend Olympic math cram classes very early , In order to be with my friends , Gu ailing also went to learn Mathematical Olympiad , This laid an excellent foundation for her math performance —— In American middle schools , Gu Ailing's math test score has always been the first , Even broke the school's math exam record .

Then every summer vacation , Mom will take her back to Beijing , Go to Huangzhuang, Haidian to take an extracurricular tutorial class , Study mathematics . Gu ailing said , Mother told her ,「 Come to China for ten days , Can stay in the United States for a year .」

Prepare for the American college entrance examination SAT when , Gu ailing also chose to return home to make up lessons . She strongly felt the advantages of China in examinations ,「 Search online for guide books , Finally, almost all of them are Chinese versions .」

2019 year , Gu ailing completed the two-year course of high school in one year , Graduated from high school one year in advance . So she has more time to prepare for the Winter Olympics . She is also the first student in her middle school to graduate early .

2020 year 9 month , Full marks 1600 Points of SAT The test , Gu ailing passed the exam 1580 The high score , And received the admission notice from Stanford University .


